My name is nothing really special. I used to do a ton of blogging, so I went by an Elvish name. It used to be just Melian, but a friend nicknamed me Maia (pro. Maya), so when I joined here, I added that to the end.
Draco Dormien Nunquam Titillandus
Minion to Lady A and Booky ⎮ NW sister to Ela, Mountie, and Rose.
Braintriplet to Narnia_Fan12 and narnianerd
Team Hoodie! ⎮ Secret Order of the Swoosh
avatar by Lady Courage
That's very cool, because Melian was a Maia.
The glory of God is man fully alive--St. Iraneus
Salvation is a fire in the midnight of the soul-Switchfoot
My sister (star_daughter17) helped me get a username so i decided to do something similar so i changed the star to dryad.........and ........TA-DAH!!
I know kinda boring.
I love this Fantasia_kitty!!!!!!!!! Good idea!!!!
~Dryad Daughter
sig by Caspian XI
Avatar by:therinca Sig by:Caspian XI
"And I will fear no evil for my GOD is with me."
My username is the title of a book by Jamie Carie, which I thoroughly enjoy. But I also picked "SnowAngel" because: one, I love winter (there's something very magical about a cold, snowy day ); two, it's unique; and three, I just think it sounds cool.
*is enjoying all the explanations behind usernames*
I went with "Aslanisthebest" a few days after Prince Caspian came out, mostly because I wished that Aslan's importance had been emphasized more in the film, so I typed out Aslanisthebest to express my deep sentiments.
RL Sibling: CSLewisNarnia
I got my username of course Sandy- my name, enters- when I joined NW and Narnia- my favorite place! I just played with those words and got sandyentersNarnia all together!
"Two sides of the same coin"
Since I had always been a big fan of Lucy. I decided to her name for my user name.
I was walking in the Dead Marshes with MountainFireflower and we were trying to come up with some conversation, since we were on a really long hike together. (The Eagle we were riding suddenly had an emergency. His grandmother had died.) So we were on our way to the Southwest Airlines runway on the far side of the Marshes when MountainFireFlower introduced herself and asked me to introduce myself. Of course, I answered with my name, Esmerelda Broadbelt.
In all reality, I was talking with the good friend mentioned above, and we were pretending that we were doing the stuff mentioned above, and so I went to the Hobbit Name Generator ( and pulled up my awesome name. Feel free to think I'm weird.
My Shop:
My Blog:
Well I got mine from a video game
. About 5 years ago, Medal of Honor was THE BIGGEST game for me and my cousins, we literally played it every night for almost a year.. it became like an underground culture, lol. Anyway, the dominating player was known as the General and that's a long story cut short
My 8th grade teacher use to call me sillygoose as a nickname in school and I guess it stuck. I thought narniaweb was going to be a one time thing so I decided to just chose a random name. I wanted to change it a couple times when I realized I was going to go on narniaweb a lot, but then after awhile the name kinda grew on me.
RubyGamgee, that reminds me of what my friends and I did. I dubbed my best friend "Pippin" and she dubbed me "Merry". Our other friends agreed on the name since we are kind of the group troublemakers. My other friend is Galadriel, because she wanted to be an elf and not a "common" hobbit as she put it. Haha but it's in all good fun.
Team Edward and Team Jacob are overrated. I'm Team Avatar!
Find me on Tumblr!
Avvie by Rising_Star
My username?
M.M. = my initials.
1991 = my birth year.
So, mm + 1991 = mm1991
I had been using 'mm1991' for other sites and links and such since 2005. At the time, I just wanted my friends to easily find me on the internet. I didn't want anything too complicated or creative. So when I joined, it just seemed obvious to use what I had already been using for years.
I know, it is so utterly boring! *sigh*
I absolutely LOVE reading all of your stories though!
"Today you are you, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is youer than you!"
- Dr. Seuss
I got my name from a list of spelling words.
Seriously. Two years ago (almost exactly by the way, if you look at my join date), my sister had a list of spelling words all starting with "mis-", misfortune, misspell, misadventure, mistaken, etc. And my sister and I thought to ourselves, "Hey! That's, like, a person's name, potentially." Well, I had been wanting to join NWeb for a while, but I also wanted a deep and profound username ( ) so I hadn't joined yet, but continued to lurk (as folks who were in the Books Thread when I made my debut can tell you). I thought it'd be fantastic to sound punny and intelligent (or something like that), so I chose MissAdventure, cause that was more appealing than say, MissFortune (what a depressing title). And then, I realized I had cursed people with a looong(ish) name to type out, so I begged for a nickname, and I believe it was DTR who nicknamed me Maddy: MissAdventure(dy). And there you have it.
When I look at my name now, I'm not so sure I like it. I think it's a bit cheesy and kinda dumb, but I continue to use it around the internet because I'm extremely attached to my nickname. *huggles it*
She hoped to be wise and reasonable in time; but alas!
She must confess to herself that she was not wise yet.
Call me Maddy! | my livejournal
Proud Attolian Recruiter
So. A story as to how I came up with my user name? Well, to be honest, I didn't. It kind of just fit. Marsh-Wiggles have to be one of my favorit creatures in Narnia.
I admit to having a bit of a dry humor. Tends to annoy my wife, and others about when they are laughing to the point of tears at a joke, and I can just sit and smile. Not that I don't "get it" I just rarely break down laughing. (I did spent a good few minutes catching my breath after reading a Calvin and Hobbes comic strip once).
I also tend to be a bit more on the analytical side of things, and will admittedly see the possible negatives in a situation. Not that I expect failure, I just want to be ready should something happen.
That's about it. Kind of dissapointing I know.
^^ I got my username right after I realized that my first ever username didn't fit me well or many people told me that it doesn't have any connections with my name. They thought it as my name but not really. So, I decided to change it, and I come up with this name after searching some past royalties who lived once in our world. And I saw the name "Amalie" then I thought it is a wonderful name. Then I put it as Amarlie, which is somehow has some connections from my siblings' names and mine, as well as my pops and mom..So, I changed it as Amarlie and even until now, I sticked to it even when I ever used it on the previous forum last year...
I wanted a cool screen name from Lord of the Rings. Combing through an Orc language, I found the word ceppault. I can't pronounce it well. Discovered only later it translates roughly to "boy who fetches chamber pot." It fell into disuse as Orcs don't use such things for some reason. Go figure.
No. Not really.
Ahaha, I totally thought you were being serious at first.
When I joined NW, I was working on a story where the protagonist has to leave her home country for her own safety and choose an alias. Aminal names were extrememly common in said country(Fawn, Colt, etc.), and she's ends up choosing "Lark" as her alias. *shurgs* Very unimaginative.
Plus the fact that Larks are known for being songbirds and I enjoy singing also made it seem like a good choice.