IloveFauns wrote
wild rose thats america here we get in a lot of trouble if you don't wear uniform.Everyone does at my school. execpt the new people who haven't got it yet.
Oops sorry I forgot to specify what country I was talking about sorry about that. In truth I was talking about Russian public schools.
always be humble and kind
How do you know about Russian schools, wild rose? Have you been studying European school systems, or did you visit Russia?
She may of lived in russia or is living in russia. I also should say sorry because i alwasy asume on the net people are talking about America endless said otherwise.
I am Russian
always be humble and kind
Co-founder - NW for HP & The Missing Club
Wow there are a lot of homeschoolers on here! Are most of you American? Because I don't know anyone in Britain (where I live) who has ever been homeschooled.
Hannah xx
Lucy Pevensie <3
How do you know about Russian schools, wild rose? Have you been studying European school systems, or did you visit Russia?
I am Russian
And I am so stupid.
I assumed (that's a dangerous thing to do, folks) that you were American. I am very sorry.
But that's awesome! I am entirely sold on Russia right now because I've been reading War and Peace. (I'm going to go finish the last pages of the epilogue after I finish posting!) What is the general Russian opinion of Tolstoy? And, tip-toeing around the politcal connotations this question might have, how does today's Russia compare to Russia in 1812?
Gladius wrote
I am entirely sold on Russia right now because I've been reading War and Peace. (I'm going to go finish the last pages of the epilogue after I finish posting!) What is the general Russian opinion of Tolstoy? And, tip-toeing around the politcal connotations this question might have, how does today's Russia compare to Russia in 1812?
This is a little off the topic so I'll give you a more detailed answer in a PM but just to say Tolstoy is one of our national writers and extremely famous. Everybody like everybody knows who he is
I_LiVe_iN_NarNia:P wrote
Wow there are a lot of homeschoolers on here! Are most of you American? Because I don't know anyone in Britain (where I live) who has ever been homeschooled.
Like I said I am from Russia so I don't know about America but I can say that for a long time I was sure that my family was the only one that was homeschooled, all my friends were in public schools, however recently I started meeting people and I'd say 'I'm homeschooled' and they would say 'cool so are we' so I concluded that my family wasn't the only one
. In Russia I can't homeschooling is the norm but it is becoming more and more popular.
always be humble and kind
Yes, many homeschoolers here are from the US, although not all. Some people homeschool in Britain but it's pretty rare. Homeschooling is also pretty rare in Australia.
Currently watching:
Doctor Who - Season 11
wild rose: I am American and lots of us are homeschooled or are at least familier with homeschooling! I, for one, am homeschooled! does anyone homeschool in Russia?
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are
Well like I said homeschooling isn't the norm here but yes people do homeschool there children. (take me and my family for an example ) It is slowly getting to be more popular than it was say five or ten years ago and some of my friends who were in public school have now switched to homeschooling.
There are of course lots of different types of homeschooling. One of the most popular ways is that you actually belong to a certain school but just do all your studies at home, then once a week, month, quarter, or semester (depends on the school system) you come to pass exams or something like that. This is the way most of my friends are homeschooled. Another thing that is becoming rather popular is school over the internet. I am not to sure how that works though
always be humble and kind
I think that homeschooling is getting more widly known and more used world wide! I am is the best form of education!
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are
I like homeschooling, but the truth that it doesnt work too nice when you are an only child, which is precisely my case. I'm homeschooled though, but because I live rather far from the city. I admit is kind of fun to study wearing pijama or eating a snack.
"Through vigilance and strength we create peace."
I just want to be hidden in the shadows... this silence; this cold.
Hello, I was home schooled from 7th grade to 12th grade. My parents used Abeka Academy curriculum which is a video homeschooling technique and last May I got to graduate with the other home schooler's! I think homeschooling is great!
PM me if you would like be part of a Lion Party in the state of New York!
^^^ I use the same curriculum, Queen Susan! I've heard that they have a graduation ceremony for homeschoolers but I live to far away to join it. I have my own ceremony here at home. Plus, I think I'm doing it differently than you did. I'm assuming by what you said about graduating with them that you did it so that you get a diploma from their school? We're using the curriculum but I'm sending my stuff in to a different school (North Atlantic Regional in Maine) and getting a diploma from them instead.