A gravatar can be gotten by going to Gravatar.com and creating an account there. Then, whenever you type in, say, "Gymfan15" in a blog comment field, Gravatar will automatically insert your icon there. I don't know exactly how it works; all I can say is that it does.
*tests out Additional Smiles*
What browser are y'all using? Because I'm on Firefox, and clicking the smiles in the pop-up inserts them directly in the post, just like clicking on the ones to the immediate right of me. Weird that it doesn't do that for you.
^ I use Internet Explorer.
NW sister to Movie Aristotle & daughter of the King
Yes, IE7, I think it is.
"It is God who gives happiness; for he is the true wealth of men's souls." — Augustine
I use Firefox, too, and the smilies work fine for me. Sounds like an IE problem.
AvSig by Beautiful_ltdwn
Team Hoodie!
Eschew sesquipedalianism.
NarniaWeb brother of Sonny
Once a SquareOnion, always a SquareOnion.
*is now on IE and goes to test again*
Yep, had to copy-paste. That settles it then...it's all evil IE's fault. Get thee to Firefox, or stop complaining.
Wow, the site looks kinda different over here in IE. Right off the bat, I notice that the brown border in between threads in the forum index is a lot bolder than the one in Firefox...there, it's one px wide, here, it's at least three or four. Weird.
ETA: Here's a screencap of what I mean:
But FF doesn't let me use beta chat in my email (Yahoo) for some strange reason! I have to use it! I guess I will just be copying and pasting smilies if I really need to use them from the pop-up.
I like NarniaWeb's IE look better anyways
"It is God who gives happiness; for he is the true wealth of men's souls." — Augustine
Just realized something pretty cool. If you have a link to a specific post on the old forum, by replacing the "www.narniaweb.com" part with the IP of the old forum now (, the link will still work.
Yeah, everyone else had probably already figured that out.
AvSig by Beautiful_ltdwn
Team Hoodie!
Eschew sesquipedalianism.
NarniaWeb brother of Sonny
Once a SquareOnion, always a SquareOnion.
ummm...I'm not new, I had an account under the old narniaweb but then it said it didn't remember me. Not really a bad thing just a irratant. But it's good to be back! (I notice that narniafans redid theirs)
I've pulled your information from the old site and added it here. You should now have 620 posts. An admin will have to change your join date to March 31, 2008.
Thanks Love! You make me smile when I think about cookies!
I've seen VDT 3 times!
Well, I'm a lot more used to the forums now!
A few random questions:
Why was the front page redesigned so much? (and why did Tirian decide to go back to the brown-and-cream logo?)
Is there anyway to have some sort of notice by the Word On the Street/Front page saying they're new news? I miss that feature (especially since the Word on the street isn't the front page).
I miss the Happy Birthday with confetti for the actors too....
But overall, very nice! I'm getting comfortable!
Looking further up and further in
avvie by me
The front page was redesigned because Tirian is using a whole new software to update the site and keep it running, and the new design compliments that software. I'm not sure why he went back to the old logo, but I like it.
You can see WotS at the bottom of the main page, and if you look on the right-hand side of the forum, you'll see a list of recent stories; it's News and WotS combined.
Everything looks great so far, still making some adjustments though (ack, all the profiles and avy's are on the right now. My eyeballs keep jumping all over the place ). Seriously though, thank you so much for keeping the color scheme easy on the eyes.
Sig by Dernhelm_of_Rohan
NWsis to eves_daughter & ForeverFan
Question-is there any reason why imageshack doesn't work? Maybe it's the browser I'm using, but I've been trying to post some graphics for the past 2 hours, and I haven't been able to post them once. I tried doing the links, but that didn't work, I tried tiny pic, but that didn't work, either. And, plus that, I tried uploading them in the attatchemtns on here, and it didn't allow more than 3, so I'm really confused. Help would be appreciated muchly!
RL Sibling: CSLewisNarnia
Can you show me the links you're trying to post, Aslanisthebest? Imageshack and Tinypic offer a variety of links for you to use, but only a few will work on here. If you can post an example, I can try and help you sort it out.
Also, if you look in the Fan Art section, there's a tutorial there on how to upload images, and it's pretty detailed.
Hope this helps!
Please bear with me while I test some smilies
Wow, my Google Chrome browser works better than Explorer does. I guess I'll just use this to post on Narniaweb. I bet that will solve my glitchy post losing problem too. Now, if someone could explain why my topic subscriptions aren't sending me email notifications, I'll be a happy camper .
"Absence of Evidence is not Evidence of Absence" -- Carl Sagan
The new similies are way better then the old ones the dog one is so cute.