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NarniaWeb Newbie

Some of you may remember me as IbelieveinAslan! I went a while without getting on NarniaWeb, and now that I'm back on I changed my username to Believer. I'm sure I'll be visiting more and more often with the Dawn Treader sailing ever nearer! :D

Name: Believer
King or Queen of Narnia (guy or girl): Queen
Occupation: Student
How you learned about NarniaWeb: A friend told me about it. I used to go to for updates, but then my friend told me that NarniaWeb was better, so I checked it out. A few months later I joined the forums.
How old were you when you first read the Chronicles: About 12 or 13
How many times have you read the Chronicles: Many times
Favorite of the Chronicles: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader!
Hobbies and/or interesting things about you: I love to write, act, play basketball, and play the piano. I love being involved in my youth group, and I try to get involved in politics as much as I can. I'm very conservative :)
Nice you meet ya'll! (I'm also from Texas!)

Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is Liberty.
2 Corinthians 3:17

Avatar by starkat, Sig by Follower of Aslan

Posted : September 24, 2009 11:30 am
NarniaWeb Junkie

How did you learn about Narniaweb: NaiadWaker (she's my cousin)

That's cool. No one in my family and none of my friends like Narnia, it's just ol' me.

Posted : September 25, 2009 12:42 pm
Lady Em
NarniaWeb Newbie

1. Name: Lady Em
2. King or Queen of Narnia: Queen
3. Family: Single
4. Occupation: Writer
5. How you learned about NarniaWeb: I was trying to find out about The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe when the movie first came out
6. How old were you when you first read the Chronicles: I don't know for sure. I grew up with them! I heard the Focus on the Family CDs when I was five, and I've been a Narnia fan ever since!
7. How many times have you read the Chronicles: Am I supposed to keep track? :p
8. Favorite of the Chronicles: The Horse and His Boy or Voyage of the Dawn Treader.
9. Hobbies and/or interesting things about you: I'm a home-schooled senior in high school. I read and write to the point of driving my family nuts. I'm the oldest of four kids. I play the piano and the penny whistle. There's a lot more to me than that, but those are some basics.

Posted : September 25, 2009 1:56 pm
daughter of the King
Princess Dot Moderator

I have no clue, winterlife.

Narniaweb sister to Pattertwig's Pal

Posted : September 27, 2009 8:55 am
NarniaWeb Guru

;)) Ok.

Hoot Owl of NarniaWeb!
Relient K club member
avie and siggie by me
NWtwin:Sleepwalking NWsibs:8

Posted : September 27, 2009 11:35 am
NarniaWeb Newbie

1. Name: Eilonwy19
2. King or Queen of Narnia (guy or girl): Queen
3. Family (single/married/kids): single
4. Occupation: college student
5. How you learned about NarniaWeb: I think it was after LWW came out to theaters and I was just looking up info about the cast.
6. How old were you when you first read the Chronicles: when I read them by myself, probably about 8 but my dad read all of them to me when I was really little and then I got the Radio Theatre productions and listened to them constantly.
7. How many times have you read the Chronicles: I have no idea.
8. Favorite of the Chronicles: The Magicians Nephew closely followed by Silver Chair.
9. Hobbies and/or interesting things about you: Hobbies, Narnia!! lol
I also love archery, reading and above all God.

Posted : September 28, 2009 3:02 pm
NarniaWeb Regular

1. Name: nip050
2. King or Queen of Narnia (guy or girl): Queen
3. Family (single/married/kids): single
4. Occupation:
5. How you learned about NarniaWeb: I don't know
6. How old were you when you first read the Chronicles: 10
7. How many times have you read the Chronicles: so many times
8. Favorite of the Chronicles: Silver Chair
9. Hobbies and/or interesting things about you: I LOVE to read and have So many bookshelves in my little bitty room, The jobs I am looking at when I grow up are Arcitect, marine biologist, vulcanologist, zoologist and archaeologist. I used to have over 40 hamsters, I have 2 now. I draw and as a 14 year old i have 3 offers to me for me to illustrate their books. I am learning to play guitar, I am in acting classes in Chatt. I love celtic music.
I love cereal. 9th grade. I write stuff that sound like good books to me.
i wear glasses, skateboard, ripstik,& soccer.I have 1 cat of my own, my family has 10 counting mine. I collect old jewelery boxes. I went to Ireland in July, and London.

Posted : September 29, 2009 4:32 am
NarniaWeb Regular

Technically I'm back but it has been years...

1. Name: Wunderkind4HIM, Brooke
2. King or Queen of Narnia (guy or girl): Queen
3. Family (single/married/kids): Single
4. Occupation: Nanny
5. How you learned about NarniaWeb: Golly gee...I think I just stumbled across it
6. How old were you when you first read the Chronicles: 8-10 I think
7. How many times have you read the Chronicles: haha as many time as possible in 9-11 years
8. Favorite of the Chronicles: okay so I'll follow the crowd and say LWW, but also The Horse and His Boy
9. Hobbies and/or interesting things about you: I LOVE to read! I enjoy good movies, deep theological conversations, and being a big sis. God is my life!! My family is second and then friends!

"If I find in myself a desire which no experience in this world can satisfy, the most probable explanation is that I was made for another world." ~C. S. Lewis

Posted : September 29, 2009 9:24 am
Thursday's Wayfaring Child Hospitality Committee

1. NW Name: Adeona (Means royal)
2. King or Queen of Narnia: Queen
3. Family: Single. NW + RL sis of the two Dancing Princesses.
4. Occupations: Student, Goatherdess, Receptionist
5. How you learned about NarniaWeb: I Googled for Narnia stuff after watching PC and came upon NW. Loved it for its wonderfully large amount of information!
6. How old were you when you first read the Chronicles: My mom read them to me + my sibs starting when I was about seven, I think.
7. How many times have you read the Chronicles: Five times.
8. Favorite of the Chronicles: Voyage of the Dawn Treader!!!!!!!!
9. Hobbies and/or interesting things about you: I am a Christian. I live in AK, USA, and love it. Also a fan of LOTR, but not a member of any sites. I am desperate for any and all VDT news!

"In the end, there is something to which we say: 'This I must do.'"
- Gordon T. Smith
avi by Flambeau

Posted : October 1, 2009 7:28 pm
NarniaWeb Guru

Another Alaskan! Welcome! (more to come in PM) :)

Hoot Owl of NarniaWeb!
Relient K club member
avie and siggie by me
NWtwin:Sleepwalking NWsibs:8

Posted : October 2, 2009 1:14 pm
NarniaWeb Regular

Queen of Narnia
how you learned about narniaweb:naiadwaker
how old were you when you first read narnia:3 grade
how many times have you read narnia:1 time
fav. of cronicles: all of them
hobbies:God rules!
Hi narnia web is awsome

Cahoot Awareness

Posted : October 2, 2009 1:24 pm
NarniaWeb Junkie

Heeey, heeey! Welcome (again, since I already talked to you about it.)

Posted : October 2, 2009 3:57 pm
Queen Swanwhite
NarniaWeb Regular

I'm baaack... ;)

1. Name: Queen Swanwhite, aka. Aleka...
2. King or Queen of Narnia (guy or girl): Queen
3. Family (single/married/kids): Married for 1 year and 15 days! :D
4. Occupation: Wife, Barista (at Starbucks >_>), and psychology student!
5. How you learned about NarniaWeb: I forget. It was four years ago. :p
6. How old were you when you first read the Chronicles: Six, I think...
7. How many times have you read the Chronicles: More than I remember.
8. Favorite of the Chronicles: The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe
9. Hobbies and/or interesting things about you: I love costuming and writing and acting and psychology... I two IMDB credits to my name, and have worked with Felicia Day of "The Guild," "Dr. Horrible's Sing-A-Long-Blog," and "Buffy the Vampire Slayer." I have also worked with Wil Wheaton (yes, Wesley Crusher). I am currently working on the first draft of a web series, and hoping to have the scripts for the first season finished by the end of the year. I am a geek, working on becoming a gamer, and I think the perfect temperature is between 75-85°F. I am married to a Mexican (and love every bit of it), but I currently fail at Spanish. I keep saying I'll get around to learning, but I have a PhD in Procrastinating. B-) On top of all that, I'm an Eastern Orthodox Christian, and love it. :) (I also use too many smileys...)

...understanding is a three-edged sword...

NW Sis of Susan Pevensie!

Posted : October 3, 2009 8:04 pm
Hathaway Standalone
NarniaWeb Regular

1. NW Name: SusanStorm (not after Susan Pevensie--I must be clear about that, LOL--after the Marvel superhero of the Fantastic Four).
2. King or Queen of Narnia: Queen
3. Family: Single lady and proud of it, sister to TheSilverArrow
4. Occupations: Student, dancer, writer in spare time
5. How you learned about NarniaWeb: My lovely sister found it and shared it with me.
6. How old were you when you first read the Chronicles: Ten. LWW first and the rest came later--some out of order.
7. How many times have you read the Chronicles: Aiii--many many times. No idea. Some more than others. Top number--probably eight at most?
8. Favorite of the Chronicles: The Last Battle, but when I'm not in a moody mood, The Voyage of the Dawn Treader.
9. Hobbies and/or interesting things about you: I'm a diehard Christian who's committed to being in love with Christ. I love C.S. Lewis' works. Modern dance and writing are my creative expressions. I love online forums. I'm an American and visited New Zealand a couple years ago on a LOTR tour. I'm a Switchfoot fanatic and (have been called) a Jon Foreman fangirl. :D I love Edmund Pevensie and Skandar Keynes. [/shuts up] :D

This is your start/This is your heart/This is the place you were born
This is your sun/These are your lungs/This is the place you were born
And I am always, always, always/Yours

Posted : October 3, 2009 10:01 pm
lady margareth
NarniaWeb Newbie

1. Name: lady margareth
2. King or Queen of Narnia (guy or girl): Queen
3. Family (single/married/kids): single
4. Occupation: i'm still a student
5. How you learned about NarniaWeb: i found it in google when i searched some information about prince caspian in 2008
6. How old were you when you first read the Chronicles: 15 years old (just last year)
7. How many times have you read the Chronicles: more than 5 times
8. Favorite of the Chronicles: The Horse and His Boy (for some reasons, I like calormene in this book!)
9. Hobbies and/or interesting things about you: I love reading books, comics, or even newspaper, and also I like hearing music. i'm still kind of beginner in narnia so i'm sorry if there is a mistake about the topic, but what I always hear : you have to learn before you know it. thank you!

Posted : October 4, 2009 11:06 pm
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