I don't know why I went so long without ever joining the forum. I love talking about the Chronicles and I've been a faithful visitor to Narniaweb ever since I found it.
You're definitely not alone in that—I think I lurked for about five years or so before finally joining. Glad you decided to become part of the forum!
It's odd about HHB because when I was a child and read the Chronicles, it was my least favourite (even though I still really enjoyed it), but now that I'm 'all growed up', it has become ever so much more meaningful.
Funny, I felt the same way about The Last Battle. When I was a kid I wouldn't read it. I guess it was too dark for me at the time. Now it also tops my list of favourites. It used to be my pipe dream to be the director for The Last Battle someday (for awhile in my teens I pursued filmmaking) because it, more than any of the others, inspired cinematic visuals and moments in my head.
I am also very lucky to own my bookshop. I always wanted to work at one, but I never dreamed I'd own one. I applied to work at our local bookshop and the owner told me that he couldn't afford another employee. About a year later he told me he would hire me. I worked for two weeks and he said he was moving and asked if I wanted to buy it from him. Two months later I owned the place. Somedays I feel like way too much of a kid to be running a business, but overall I know I have been very blessed and I try to remember how lucky I am.
"When I became a man I put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the desire to be very grown up.” -C.S. Lewis
It would be amazing if a true and faithful Narnian fan could helm the films ... like you!
And so very cool about your own bookshop tale. Continuing best with that!
Signature by Narnian_Badger, thanks! (2013)
7,237 posts from Forum 1.0
Well, I'd best bite the bullet and do this.
1. Name : Aileth
2. King or Queen of Narnia : Queen
3. Family (single/married/kids): Single
4. Current occupation: Primary school library assistant/shepherdess/chief cook, bottle-washer, and general factotum about the house
5. How you learned about NarniaWeb: Internet search, after watching the three movies for the first time in May 2013
6. How old were you when you first read the Chronicles: Too young to remember. Lucy was the name I liked the best for a long time. I wonder how that happened?
7. How many times have you read the Chronicles: Repeatedly. Sometimes I just read my favourite parts of each book, sometimes the whole thing.
8. Favorite of the Chronicles: That's a hard one. For a long time it would have been HHB, but now I think Prince Caspian.
9. Hobbies and/or interesting things about you: Reading, writing, sewing, proofreading, book collecting, playing several instruments, including the fool. Oops, I wasn't supposed to mention that one - it just slipped out. Really, I do try not to (play it, I mean).
On that note, I teach a few piano students - for the fun of it, of course.
This will be my seventh season of midwifery on our (small) sheep farm. Lambs any day now.
Now my days are swifter than a post: they flee away ... my days are swifter than a weaver's shuttle
Hi Aileth, how exceedingly cool about you delivering lambs! I can't imagine how precious that would be! Have you read any of James Herriot's books? Do you have any aspirations to be a vet?
I taught piano students years ago, and found it very rewarding (especially with those who actually worked at learning ). Good to have you on the forum!
Signature by Narnian_Badger, thanks! (2013)
7,237 posts from Forum 1.0
Thanks for the welcome, johobbit.
Cool is definitely the word, at least at this time of year. Once the ewes start lambing it's pretty busy. Like many animals, they prefer to have their young at night. I check last thing before bed, and then leave the window open so I can hear any activity. Most of them are pretty quiet, really, though there are exceptions.
Last year I remember waking up at 3:00 am, hearing one of them yelling. Sure enough, she was having difficulty. I didn't want to waste time going back to the house, but I knew I needed help. Fortunately, my brother had heard the commotion, and came out (I thought the whole neighbourhood would be out, too).
I did consider becoming a vet, but in the end I found that I liked working with human kids better. So now I do my vet stuff at night, and try to stay awake at work the next day.
Oh, those students who don't practice
Now my days are swifter than a post: they flee away ... my days are swifter than a weaver's shuttle
As a veterinary student, that sounds incredible, aileth! I always love it when an animal comes into our teaching hospital for a dystocia (presuming that it's not something emphesematous or life threatening.) The other day there was a goat dystocia, and as I walked by, I saw two fourth year students holding kids like little babies. It looked like they were burping them .
Welcome to NarniaWeb; it's great to have you here.
Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb
It is fascinating reading even a bit about your lambing experiences, aileth! I bet you have story after story. Yep, human kids are amazing as well! All the best to you in both these ventures.
Oh, those students who don't practice
Yeah, no kidding.
Signature by Narnian_Badger, thanks! (2013)
7,237 posts from Forum 1.0
First lambs yesterday. In -10 C. With snow on the ground. Aaaahh! We currently have a lamb in front of the stove. She's too weak to stay out with her twin, so we take her every two hours to eat. Maybe by tomorrow she'll be able to be outside again.
(Dr) Kirke, that's rather neat. I'm afraid that I don't know half the names for the conditions I see, so I'm impressed.
I often wish that I could just hand the sick ones over to someone more capable. The nearest large animal vet is about an hour away, and even he looks blank when you mention sheep. So, it's us or nothing. We have a couple of good books and the internet; we ask the Lord for wisdom and hope for the best.
I have all the James Herriot books, and really enjoyed reading them. I think that's how I knew what to do when I first had to deliver a lamb. You're right, johobbit, there are lots of stories. Perhaps I'll write them down someday; I just have to get through my other writing projects first. Ha! Maybe I'd better not wait that long.
Now my days are swifter than a post: they flee away ... my days are swifter than a weaver's shuttle
That's a cold 'un on which to be working outside. But 'tis good to hear two lambs arrived safely , and that one is warming by the stove. How precious. I hope she comes along well. And you guys are basically your own vet, that is really something. You must be learning so much! I am impressed.
I will never forget Herriot saying in one (or more) of his books that even after seeing hundreds of births he never tires of the thrill and joy of being a part of the delivery of a calf or lamb or colt/foal as they come out all slimy and ungainly, and then as the mother instinctively noses them close and they begin to suckle after awhile. Beautiful!
Perhaps I'll write them down someday; I just have to get through my other writing projects first. Ha! Maybe I'd better not wait that long.
But, really, that would be very cool!
Signature by Narnian_Badger, thanks! (2013)
7,237 posts from Forum 1.0
Hello again Dears!
Name: Well it really depends...my REAL name is Monique. But who uses those these days? Other than parents. I answer most to Regina but here Darcy will do. Technically my full name is Darcy Regina Jones, but you better have an exceptionally good reason to call me that.
King or Queen: If Regina, Evil Queen. If Darcy, Princess.
Family: My parents and pets. Single Lady! (._./)
Current Occupation: Princess of Archenland, college prisoner and slave of house keeping.
How you learned about NarniaWeb: Many years ago, in a land of myth and a time of magic, also known as 2009 ish...I randomly stumbled upon NarniaWeb while googling Narnia stuff. I made an account shortly after and then this wicked thing called "education" came along behind me, nabbed me and locked me in a tower never to be seen for a few hundred years. Then I had WiFi installed in that tower. But shhhh don't let The Master find out! By this time I don't even remember what my username muchless password was so I had to make a new one. All I remember is I used a Reepicheep picture! Or was it the Fox???? Oh Dear. MountainFireFox was a friend!!! Mountie she is called I do believe.
How old were you when you first read the Chronicles: I was the fantastic age of eight. I had watched the BBC productions several times and begged my parents for the book and promptly finished the whole thing in a couple weeks. Just in time for LWW!
How many times have you read the Chronicles: I lost count after nine for SC, eight for HHB, and seven for the rest. It got too difficult to keep track!
Favorite of the Chronicles: SC for sure. HHB is a close second. I really related to Jill and absolutely am in love with horses!
Hobbies/Interesting things: INSTAGRAM!!!! okay I seem a bit too eager about that. I love Role Play and use my RP account so much more often than my personal. It's sad really...I am in many many many many fandoms but Narnia is my original fandom. I am beyond obsessed with Doctor Who and it is highly probable I will randomly quote/talk about it. You have been warned. My other significantly used fandom is Once Upon A Time...then there's Middle Earth, the Avengers (Marvel in general), Teen Wolf, Sherlock, Merlin (I'm new to it only on season 4 no spoilers! *points sonic blaster*), Robin Hood,...in fact if it's BBC I probably watch it. I love Frozen! I was born in the wrong country. I may be forgetting something. Princess Darcy of Archenland is my original character for role play originally for Narnia and Middle Earth but she ends up in other fandoms too...it gets complicated. I'm a college student, studying for nursing so I really don't have much of a life beyond that...and American football season. Go Packers!!!! Oh wait NFL season is over. *walks away awkwardly* closing random thought: I want medieval fashion to come back! Hooded cloaks, elegant flowly dresses, swords, archery, yes please! Says the girl who wears skinny jeans and converse in all black. Dream job would be costume designer for movies/shows set in fantasy lands. That's all I can think of for now. I love this site with both my hearts!
"I am and always will be the optimist. The hoper of far-flung hopes and the dreamer of improbable dreams." ~the Doctor
A bit belated, but welcome to NarniaWeb, aileth! I'm a little bit envious of you and your job as a shepherdess—lambs are just about the cutest things on the face of the earth!
Also—welcome to the forum, Darcy of Archenland! I like your name; sounds like you came up with a pretty cool character for roleplaying! If you like Narnia and other fandoms, then it's a great thing you returned to the forums, because there are loads of people on here who love LotR, and Doctor Who, and Marvel, and Sherlock, and—oh, you get the idea. Here are some threads that you might like checking out:
Special Feature Thread for Doctor Who
The Road Goes Ever On and On: Everything Tolkien
Fabulous Fashion
Costuming and Cosplay: Projects, Ideas, Daydreams, and Cons
Have fun rediscovering the forum, and glad that you joined us!
Thank you Rose-Tree!!!! I have returned to the land of my people! *cheers* I shall most definitely look into those forums! *eyes Doctor Who one hungrily* Boy have I missed it here!!!
"I am and always will be the optimist. The hoper of far-flung hopes and the dreamer of improbable dreams." ~the Doctor
Hello. It's been a while.
Almost four years, actually, since I last posted (2010), and longer since I've been very active. I graduated from Belhaven University in 2011 with a major in history and a minor in creative writing, and in 2013 I received my M.A. in American history from George Mason University in Virginia. I'm now married to a wonderful girl, living in Mississippi, visiting classes, actively reading theology and philosophy, researching, writing fiction, and will hopefully be doing some adjunct teaching for Belhaven this month. I plan to apply for doctoral programs in history next year.
I recognize some usernames, but it sure has been a long time. I'm just dropping in to say hello, and to add that I'm grateful for all the friendship you NarniaWeb folks gave me during a rather lonely period of my life. Hope all is well with the lot of you. I don't know if I'll be around much on the forum, but I wish you the best.
Rex ("Phosphorus")
Hiya Phosphorus, it's great of you to drop by to say 'hi.' I do remember you. Glad to hear life has been going well for you since you were last here. Hopefully you'll be able to stop by more often, but if you can't, we understand.