The little animals bringing food for Tirian while he's tied up.
Tirian thinking back over the history of Narnia
Tirian's "vision" of England
The story about Peter and Edmund going to dig up the rings.
I have to say I agree!
Wow, I wonder how Lewis felt as he penned those final words ... I wonder, as spontaneously happened to Handel when he completed "The Hallelujah Chorus", if tears were in CSL's eyes. They surely are in mine. I dearly want this read at my funeral/memorial service, someday ... hopefully years from now.
johobbit, I never thought about it that way, but you know what, that is a really good idea (to have it read at your funeral service)! That is very likely my favorite passage from the entire series. It's so beautiful and true it just gives me chills.
My favorite quotes from LB:
But immediately, from behind Tash, strong and calm as the summer sea, a voice said:
"Begone, Monster, and take your lawful prey to your own place: in the name of Aslan and Aslan's great Father, the Emperor-over-Sea."
The hideous creature vanished, with the Tarkaan still under its arm. And Tirian turned to see who had spoken. And what he saw then set his heart beating as it had never beaten in any fight.
Seven Kings and Queens stood before him, all with crowns on their heads and all in glittering clothes, but the Kings wore fine mail as well and had their swords drawn in their hands.
"Yes," said Queen Lucy. "In our world too, a Stable once had something inside it that was bigger than our whole world."
It was the first time she had spoken, and from the thrill in her voice, Tirian now knew why. She was drinking everything in even more deeply than the others. She had been too happy to speak. He wanted to hear her speak again, so he said:
"Of your courtesy, Madam, tell on. Tell me your whole adventure."
He went to the door and they all followed him. He raised his head and roared, "Now it is time!" then louder, "Time!"; then so loud that is could have shaken the stars, "TIME". The Door flew open.
"Peter, High King of Narnia," said Aslan. "Shut the Door."
Peter, shivering with cold, leant out into the darkness and pulled the Door to. It scraped over ice as he pulled it. Then, rather clumsily (for even in that moment his hands had gone numb and blue) he took out a golden key and locked it.
They had seen strange things enough through that doorway. But it was stranger than any of them to look round and find themselves in warm daylight, the blue sky above them, flowers at their feet, and laughter in Aslan's eyes.
He turned swiftly around, crouched lower, lashed himself with his tail and shot away like a golden arrow.
"Come further in! Come further up!" he shouted over his shoulder.
"The Eagle is right," said the Lord Digory. "Listen, Peter. When Aslan said you could never go back to Narnia, he meant the Narnia you were thinking of. But that was not the real Narnia. That had a beginning and an end. It was only a shadow or a copy of the real narnia which has alway been here and always will be here: just as our own world, England and all, is only a shadow or copy of something in Aslan's real world. You need not mourn over Narnia, Lucy. All of the old Narnia that mattered, all the dear creatures, have been drawn into the real Narnia through the Door. And of course it is different; as different as a real thing is from a shadow or as waking life is from a dream."
And, of course, I can't forget the passage johobbit quoted, but, seeing as I've taken up enough space already, I'm not going to quote it (even if it is my favorite).
Member of the Dragon Lovers Club. PM FrecklefaceJill to join.
@ 'gazer. And, like I said to you elsewhere, fk, if this was a regular member's doing, we'd probably close it down and point them to TAN.
Favoritism! Suck up! It's not fair!
Great idea, though, because there is a whole other group of people who frequent the Spare Oom and many never venture in the upper sections of the forum.
I do agree with this. (I'm really not upset. The first part was meant in fun.)
LWW is my favorite without a doubt. It always has been. It is a great FIRST book in the series. I think part of the reason I like it so much was that I read it first. (Publication order all the way!) I love the connection between Aslan's death and resurrection and Jesus'. The book also has my favorite character - Lucy in it.
I'm going to have to say my favourite, though it's very hard since I love them all, is Prince Caspian. For one thing, it's been rather neglected in this poll.
But, honestly, it's always been 'special' to me for some reason. It's got a different pace to it than any of the other CoN books, I think. I know it's been railed against and complained about and listed as the worst or most boring of the Chronicles at times, but I don't really see why it should be.
I feel really bad for PC because it is neglected. It is third on my list but I'm always glad when someone says it is his/her favorite. When I found out that it was low on many other people’s list, I began to like it more and find ways to see how it was a good book. What can I say? I’m a sucker for the underdog. I also became fonder of it as I saw how the movie changed it. Nothing like disagreeing with changes to make the original more precious.
All of the quotes in this thread, made me think of the poor neglected Top Ten Favorite Quotes Thread. Hint, hint
Happy St. Patrick's Day!
NW sister to Movie Aristotle & daughter of the King
I think LB would be my favorite if it didn't make me bawl everytime I read it. Some parts are just too sad. Not that I wish they were any less sad, or that Lewis had written it differently, but it's just too depressing (besides the end) to be a favorite, or read all the time. IMO.
My favorite book was losing until I voted? That's sad The Magician's Nephew is definitely my favorite, and I think the main reason is because it's the first one I ever read (or had read to me, rather) so it's the most dear. Plus I just love the whole idea of the rings... that always fascinated me when I was little!
Definitely The Voyage of the Dawn much adventure and action! The changes that they seem to go through to find amazing!!
"We have nothing if not belief"
Horse and His Boy is my vote
I love Bree and his interactions with Shasta, Aravis and Hwyn
always be humble and kind
VotDT has the most votes on this thread!!!!! yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are
GtG- Sorry, but even though your way is the way it actually happened to the characters... LWW is the first book. It was the first published, and known to the world. And the most famous. Hate to break it to you, but I agree with lysander.
If I was allowed, I would have quoted your whole post, Valia. As it is, I had trouble cutting it down to what you see here:
But, honestly, it's always been 'special' to me for some reason. It's got a different pace to it than any of the other CoN books, I think. I know it's been railed against and complained about and listed as the worst or most boring of the Chronicles at times, but I don't really see why it should be. Just because it's not full of action doesn't, or at least shouldn't, make it any less interesting.
It's definitely not boring or uninteresting, by any means. And it might not have action in it, in most people's sense of the word. Sure, it's a more drawn out pace, but it's supposed to be like that. This one isn't so much about the battles (although there certainly would have been plenty going on at the time), but more about the battles within oneself.
-Lucy facing her fear of following Aslan alone. And the fact that she was making excuses, because of that fear.
-Edmund, constantly being reminded of what happened last time. Maybe not outright, but we can tell it was in the forefront of his mind. And in turn, it made him stand up for his sister. Even going so far as to say he'd follow her, if no one else would. (but he was gonna be grumpy about it, of course. which makes me laugh!)
-Trumpkin's doubts in the kids, as well as in Aslan himself.
-Reep's pride.
And there might even be more.
It might seem boring to some, because the action in this book is more the kind one feels on the inside. The kind that isn't really seen by others, unless they are looking for it within you. Besides, I don't know how people can call it boring... Caspian had to flee his home, because his uncle wanted him dead. The Pevensies were pulled away from a train station, to a place that turned out to be their old kingdom... which is now in ruins. How would you feel if you were them?!
All that mess, is to say I agree with you.
As hard as it is for me to narrow it down...
I usually cop-out, and say "All Seven", and in a way that's true. It really depends on which I'm reading at the time, what's going in my own life, what insights I got from talking about them with all of you. (and I've said all that before) I could give many reasons why each book of the seven is my favourite. About parts that touched me, leaving me a better person. (and a wiser one) I could also give many reasons on what I didn't like about each book.
But yes, I'd have to say Prince Caspian.
I don't know if I have all the words, to explain exactly why. And for all I know, it could be a different one in a year or two. But asking me today, at this moment, I'd have to go with this answer. So, even though part of me wants to vote "Whichever one I'm reading at the time"... I have to go with PC.
*for those curious, I think it really goes more like this:
And they are all barely apart, so if I ever say "all seven", I'm not lying to you. Also, keep in mind that this order has changed a teensy bit over the years, but has generally stayed the same. If you are really curious about what I think of each, and why they are in this order... pm me.
brilliant! And I can't wait to see what you throw at us next!
A few things I didn't mention in my previous post:
1: FK, this is an awesome idea!
2: I personally prefer the chronological order, however I have never actually read them in either order, so it really doesn't matter. I can't remember exactly, but I know LWW was first then I believe HHB, and the others were all scrambled depending on when I got them out of the library. Reading books out of order hasn't really been to much of a problem for me, but if I'd have to recommend an order to someone, I'd definitly recommend the chronological one.
3: 2nd is VDT, 3rd is LWW, 4th is LB, 5th is SC, 6th is MN, and 7th is PC. As I mentioned earlier HHB is first.
"The mountains are calling and I must go, and I will work on while I can, studying incessantly." -John Muir
"Be cunning, and full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed." -Richard Adams, Watership Down
GtG- Sorry, but even though your way is the way it actually happened to the characters... LWW is the first book. It was the first published, and known to the world. And the most famous. Hate to break it to you, but I agree with lysander.
lysander's not always right
. JK
I don't care what order they are in.....I read them for the first time out of order......
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are
The Voyage of the Dawn Treader has always been my favorite. Adventures at sea always grab my attention, and I love how they go from island to island with mini adventures on each one. When they reach the edge of the world is very cool too.
^^ exactly! it's (to me) the most adventurous Narnia book! and I say the more adventure the better!
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are
Really? I have to pick one?? I love them all, for different reasons.. except HHB, which I've just never gotten into because of how detached from the others it seemed. I have a feeling I'll like it more if I read it again now, because it's been forever.
I picked SC, because I've fallen in love with it recently - I used to think it was really creepy.. plus it shouldn't be doing so badly in the poll.
I won't even attempt to rank them - they all stand equal, except maybe HHB.
Avie by flambeau.
"I'm there through your heartache, I'm there in the storm.. I don’t care where you've fallen, where you have been, I'll never forsake you, my love never ends, it never ends."
-Times, Tenth Avenue North
I voted for LB. I don't know why it's my favourite, since it breaks my heart every time I read it, but it's just so beautifully sad and... wow. I don't even know what to say about it. It's probably the happiest sad ending I've ever read (if you know what I mean. )
My favourite line:
And all this was under a sky that would now be starless forever.
Makes me bawl every time. (Also, I have a bad habit of reading LB late at night when I'm tired and everything is ten times sadder than it normally would be.)
MN is a very very close second. (Some days it's in first place.) I love Digory and I love the cleverness of the dialogue and the whole story, really. My best friend says the bulldog always makes her think of me. I tend to say "I object to that remark very strongly" a lot.
Now that I think about it, I've never actually read them in publication order... now I have to try it.