Anyone here heard Disciple's new song? Dear X, YouDont Own Me. It's the fourth of their songs that I really like!
"Broken" by Lifehouse is an amazing song. I probably don't want to know how many times I've listened to that song.
I used to be addicted to "Hanging by a Moment," but I haven't listened to it in ages. I'm not a huge fan of Lifehouse in general, but some of their individual songs are on my list of favorites. But they're not a band that I can just put on shuffle and listen to.
Signature by enigmaffliction
No, there is in fact something screwy with the iPhone. yesterday it was at 51 plays, and today at 103. I only heard it twice today, so it should be at 53. Oh well.. I guess that doesn't really matter, but it WILL bother me
Yeah, 'Everything' is definitely Lifehouse's best work. What version is the best of the skits you've seen?
Currently watching:
Doctor Who - Season 11
I've seen the "Everything" skit several times, and I have no preference. Two of them I know had seen the one on youtube, because they did it almost exactly the same- tried to be true to the original skit with small changes.
Above all, it's the song that's brilliant! And that second part of the skit, just when it hits the climax, just WOW!
I haven't been in this thread in forever so I won't try to catch up, but, I'll just post a few things.
Lights released her acoustic EP recently. I just listened on her myspace, and I think it's really beautiful. Her voice works so well for the style--I think I might even like it better than her electropop stuff.
My roommate at the harp camp I was at was a big Anberlin fan. So we got along pretty well. She got me into Jimmy Eat World as well, who I'm really enjoying now.
Aaron Gillespie is officially done recording now. I can't wait to find out when the record is going to be released!
Oh yeah! Also! Florence and The Machine is pretty sweet. Cosmic Love has been my jam lately as several of my harp friends like it for its, well, use of the harp. It's a neat song.
Anyone here heard of Jonsi? I just heard one of his songs yesterday... Something about "Animals" or something. I forget if anyone has mentioned him before... He's Iclandic or Norwegian or something.
Avatar by Wunderkind_Lucy!
Anyone here heard of Jonsi? I just heard one of his songs yesterday... Something about "Animals" or something. I forget if anyone has mentioned him before... He's Iclandic or Norwegian or something.
Ahhhh, yes! Jonsi put out what is still my top album of 2010. I assume you heard "Animal Arithmetic." It's a very good song. Definitely check out "Go," "Boy Lilikoi," and "Around Us."
I never realized that summer is music time! So many fabulous albums are coming out. I've been enjoying The Silver Seas a lot. I also got Lydia's final album. It has some language and it's really more of the same for Lydia. I probably could have done without it. House of Heroes is almost out and their new music video for "God Save the Foolish Kings" is awesome: West Side Story--House of Heroes style. Tim Skipper is a remarkably attention-grabbing frontman.
Anberlin has also moved their album forward two weeks and will now be available September 7. Album art was released today. It's pretty cool. "Impossible" also came out today and I got that.
Other music I've been enjoying has been Ivoryline's album "Vessels." They've grown a lot since the last album. One of the songs veatures Jason Vena, formerly of Acceptance. I also like Brightwood's acoustic album. I think I prefer it to the regular sound. The Graduate is also an interesting band. I think I might like them at a different time--if that makes sense. They're kind of like a Cartel-influenced Anberlin or Acceptance with Mae-ish leanings.
Okay, there are 2 NEW Switchfoot songs that Jon played at an aftershow! EEEKKKK! There's one called Come Home, & another called All Of God's Children. I haven't been able to listen to them thoroughly yet, so I'll come back later & give my thoughts. In the meantime, y'all can start the discussing them!
avatar by Flambeau!
Switchfoot is going to be at Soulfest next week and I am going and I can't wait! I might hear those new songs ^^ at the show! I might even get to meet them, we shall see.....
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are
So when is the new SW album being released? It seems such a short time ago since Hello Hurricane came out. But, hey, I'm not complaining.
*is becoming infatuated with Sanctus Real*
Can anyone recommend me some of their songs?
My favorites as of now are "Forgiven," "Say Goodbye," "I'm Not Alright", "Redeemer," and "Lead Me."
Signature by enigmaffliction
^ "Don't Give Up" is really good .
awesome SF songs *is psyched for the new album*
Kat: I watched the music video for that song and I really like the song but the lead singer dances even weirder than Lacey Moseley . So I wouldn't buy the video but I would buy the song. Do you know any other good songs by them? I loved the harp too
^ ^ I like "The Fight Song" by SanctusReal as well... And "Deeds"...
Avatar by Wunderkind_Lucy!
Sanctus Real, I only have 8 myself:
1. Everything About You*
2. Whatever You're Doing (Something Heavenly)
3. We Need Each Other
4. Eternal
5. The Face of Love
GtG mentioned already:
6. Don't Give Up
you have already:
7. Forgiven
8. I'm Not Alright
*I prefer the original over the accoustic
EDIT: Switchfoot is releasing a new Cd? I heard from you all there were new songs, but I figured it was for a FUTURE project, not so close. HH just released last year! Oh well, when is it releasing? Better for us!
Sanctus Real? they are awesome!
I recommend the whole album of "Fight The Tide"
and the whole album "The Face Of Love"
and the new hit single "Forgiven" is awesome!
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are