In the final Christmas thread of 2012, traditions are the subject. When I think of the word tradition, I almost always think of Fiddler on Roof the part were Tevye is sing about tradition. Maybe it’s because my Dad likes to sing the song.
So, here are a few questions to get the thread started:
1. Do you do anything for advent?
2. Do you open Christmas presents on Christmas Eve and/or Christmas?
3. Do you have any traditional gifts?
4. What's your favorite Christmas tradition?
5. Do you celebrate Epiphany (Jan. 6)?
I tried to think of more questions, but I haven't come up with any more than these five. So, if anyone else has a question, be sure to post it.
1. Do you do anything for advent? Usually no
2. Do you open Christmas presents on Christmas Eve and/or Christmas? Yes
3. Do you have any traditional gifts? Usually we all get candy in our stockings... I typically get Pez and Peppermint patties... I also give ma a magazine or Sudoku booklet almost every year
4. What's your favorite Christmas tradition? When Gram hosts the Christmas party she used to have me read the nativity story out of the bible (this was partially embarrassing as I stink at reading aloud) Last year she asked my little cousin to do it I suspect since she's old enough and I'm not exactly a kid anymore (I didn't argue this for the reason stated above ). Also this isn't really a tradition... my older cousin likes to play "tough guy" and get the kids riled up in what is essentially a play fight every time we get together... he ends up getting himself beat up by 5 yr olds
And of course there's the annual Christmas Play at our church that the Sunday School classes put together
5. Do you celebrate Epiphany (Jan. 6)? Nope.
"The mountains are calling and I must go, and I will work on while I can, studying incessantly." -John Muir
"Be cunning, and full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed." -Richard Adams, Watership Down
1. Do you do anything for advent? nope, actually, I'm not sure what advent is
2. Do you open Christmas presents on Christmas Eve and/or Christmas? we always open them on Christmas Eve, I don't think we ever once opened them on Christmas day
3. Do you have any traditional gifts? no, we don't
4. What's your favorite Christmas tradition? Christmas candlelight service, we do it every year; it's become a real tradition not just for us, but for many of our friends and they really look forward to it
5. Do you celebrate Epiphany (Jan. 6)? Well....January 6th is Russian Christmas Eve (For those who don't know, Christmas in Russia is celebrated January 7th. Epiphany is celebrated January 19th.) We don't really celebrate it, although my dad and brother want to participate in the dipping this year (Supposedly, on Epiphany, water becomes holy on this day and holes are cut through the ice in rivers and lakes and participants dip three times in them, sort of symbolizing the washing away of sins.) I don't know if I want to though, it's usually -20C (-4F) at that time of year, not really the sort of weather I'd go dipping three times into ice cold water
always be humble and kind
1. Do you do anything for advent? Yes... always have an advent wreath, and calender .
2. Do you open Christmas presents on Christmas Eve and/or Christmas? Yes! One present on Christmas eve, and then anything else that might be in our stocking or under the tree on Christmas day .
3. Do you have any traditional gifts? Well the one gift on Christmas eve is always an article of clothing .
4. What's your favorite Christmas tradition? Used to be going over to vist the grandparents, which has not been possible these last few years . So lately, I'd say going to church on Christmas eve, opening presents on Christmas morning, and forever hoping it will snow
5. Do you celebrate Epiphany (Jan. 6)? Yes.
Sig by the Wonderful wolfloversk
1. Do you do anything for advent? Nope.
2. Do you open Christmas presents on Christmas Eve and/or Christmas? Christmas morning! None on Christmas Eve, that's cheating.
3. Do you have any traditional gifts? I'll normally a calendar every year, if that counts.
4. What's your favorite Christmas tradition? Argh, I can't decide... I like all traditions, and there are too many to name, so this was a fail answer.
5. Do you celebrate Epiphany (Jan. 6)? We don't have a celebration day, like we do with Christmas, or Easter, but we do acknowledge the day, and not just let it slip by, if you know what I mean.
NW siblings: TheDwarfMan, TheGentleWarrior
NW Cousin: Weirdo
Avvie by: RubyGamgee - Signature by: Tarkheena
1. Do you do anything for advent? Yes! We have an Advent wreath that we light on Sundays and in the evenings sometimes. We always have a book that we read through during Advent last year. This year we had the same book as last year, so Mom is hoping to get a new book for next year.
2. Do you open Christmas presents on Christmas Eve and/or Christmas? We get one present on Christmas Eve and the rest of them and stockings on Christmas day. The Christmas Eve present is usually pajamas or something to wear to the Christmas Eve service.
3. Do you have any traditional gifts? Clothes. Stocking stuffers always include chocolate bar, socks, necklace/earrings for the girls, a toothbrush and toothpaste. And this year each of the older kids is getting a CD.
4. What's your favorite Christmas tradition? Mmmm, I think either the Christmas Eve service or the one present on Christmas Eve, it's kind of makes Christmas last longer since it starts sooner that way.
5. Do you celebrate Epiphany (Jan. 6)? Yes! We celebrate Epiphany with a special dessert, small presents (usually one for the boys and one for the girls, this year it’s one for the older kids, one for the little girls, and one for the little boys.), and family time! The kids either get the day off from school if Dad has off or have a half day.
1. Do you do anything for advent?
Not anymore. We used to have an Advent Wreath but it has gone missing through some of our moves. I miss it and maybe I can get one after Christmas is over for next year.
2. Do you open Christmas presents on Christmas Eve and/or Christmas?
We've always opened up presents on Christmas Day. We have to wait until everyone is awake, pass out all the gifts, and everyone takes turns opening them.
3. Do you have any traditional gifts?
Somehow, everyone ends up getting socks. Also, anytime someone brings over a guest (friend, boyfriend, family we haven't seen in a long time, etc), they'll receive a huge present that actually has a series of boxes in it so the last box is really tiny and will have a gift card or something inside it.
4. What's your favorite Christmas tradition?
Probably when my mom bakes her Christmas cookies, which is my great-grandmother's recipe. They are so good and the whole family looks forward to it every year.
5. Do you celebrate Epiphany (Jan. 6)?
No. We celebrate (I guess the secular-ish) Twelfth Day, when we take down our tree and decorations.
"Today you are you, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is youer than you!"
- Dr. Seuss
1. Do you do anything for advent?
Just the Advent wreath
2. Do you open Christmas presents on Christmas Eve and/or Christmas?
Yes, very much so
3. Do you have any traditional gifts?
Hmm, my mother gets lots of wine, does that count?
4. What's your favorite Christmas tradition?
Being able to see everyone on both sides of the famil- my Dad's side is huge
5. Do you celebrate Epiphany (Jan. 6)?
Yes, every year.
memento mori
I forgot a big one...
Every year on Winter Solstice we make hot chocolate then drive around looking at everyone's Christmas lights. There weren't as many this year because we had a pretty big windstorm yesterday morning that knocked a lot of decorations over, and some people still don't have power
"The mountains are calling and I must go, and I will work on while I can, studying incessantly." -John Muir
"Be cunning, and full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed." -Richard Adams, Watership Down
I am going to attempt to recreate a semi-tradition. One of my aunts had this oatmeal raisin cookie recipe that one of my uncles dearly loved. They haven't been in the same place at the same time for her to make them for him again, so I'm going to attempt to this year. We'll see how it goes!
Edit: YES! Major success! My uncle's reaction after reaching for the bag with both hands... "These are so awful I'll have to eat them all to keep you guys from having to eat them." My uncle was very very happy.
1. Do you do anything for advent?
Usually we light candle(s) on the advent wreath each night. This year we did get around to it.
2. Do you open Christmas presents on Christmas Eve and/or Christmas?
Yes. My sister and I open one present on Christmas Eve and then we all take turns opening presents on Christmas.
3. Do you have any traditional gifts?
Christmas socks and ornaments
4. What's your favorite Christmas tradition?
Advent wreath
5. Do you celebrate Epiphany (Jan. 6)?
Not really. It is a Sunday in the church year. It also marks the end of Christmas.
NW sister to Movie Aristotle & daughter of the King