CampNaNoWriMo is like NaNoWriMo, only different
Do you have a story you are itching to write? Maybe you need to revise and edit an older draft? Perhaps you want to write a script to a play or a movie, or pour out your soul in the form of poetry. That is the greatest difference between NaNoWriMo and CampNaNoWriMo. In November, everyone gets together to write a 50k world novel or more, in Camp, you set your own goals and work towards them. The story doesn't have to be 50k, it can b 5k or 105k, it doesn't even have to be a first draft, but a revision. Whatever your literary self tells you to do, you do it and you do it with millions of other people around that world
On Narniaweb we are known for our fans of NaNoWriMo and Camp and the time has come to get together again and share what we will be doing these thirty days.
So, how many of your brave people will be doing Camp this April, and what are your plans?
always be humble and kind
I am doing Camp NaNo in April, though I am not sure how much writing I will actually be doing. It is more just to be motivated to do anything to do with writing than a specific goal (of words to write or pages to revise or even the amount of a story) in mind.
I do have a couple of story ideas, but I haven't settled on one yet. I would have to do a bit more planning on each of them. I also thought I might like to plan out another story, but I'm not sure how far I'd get with that. I'm a very undecided person about writing. I do try to plot beforehand, but it never works out. I have to do planning and writing simultaneously, which is quite hard in a normal NaNo, but perhaps I can do it for Camp instead.
Do you have any idea what you will be doing, wrose?
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Summer, planning and writing at the same time is rough, but I think it's doable for Camp, since you can set your own goal and change it if you need to (I did it for one camp, and managed okay, even though half the time I didn't know what on earth I was writing
I had several ideas for a story to write, and in the end I settled with a new story I only recently came up with. It's called Of Fairy Tales and Happy Endings. It a sort of Historical Fiction/Romance novel, compose of sarcastic humor and witty dialogue. I wrote out a synopsis/summary, I still might change it, but this is what I have come up with so far: ... py-endings
For now I've decided to do 50k, but I may change it to more. My goal for this camp to is finish the novel
always be humble and kind
Well, I usually have no idea what I'm writing, so unfortunately, it won't be that different from my normal writing. It's helpful to hear that when you tried it, it turned out okay. I'm hoping that I'll be able to manage it. Even if I don't reach my original goal, I will have at least written and worked on something and hopefully, I'll have more of an idea for when I can write it for "real".
Your story sounds quite interesting from what I read. I personally love retellings of fairy tales, so I like what elements you have, while still having a little bit of a twist (from what I can see from the story's summary). As you have only fairly recently come up with it, have you planned much of it out?
Finishing a novel sounds like a good goal. I think it's a bit more rewarding to finish a novel than simply reach a word goal, though of course, that's a step. I've found that I don't always finish the novel if I don't do it in NaNo, so I really like a goal like that.
I think we might have had a similar discussion the past NaNo, so I'll bring it up again. Have you found any pictures, either of characters or setting, for your story?
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My Camp experience this year will be pretty limited, since I'll be away much of the month visiting family and doing touristy things. But when I do get some spare time I plan on working on my swords-and-sorcery themed story (a new genre for me) that I started for NaNo last November. It's been fun to write but real life keeps interfering.
Good luck everyone, and have fun!
But all night, Aslan and the Moon gazed upon each other with joyful and unblinking eyes.
I'm definitely participating this coming month. I haven't done camp nano in 2 years and mostly I've been a plotter this entire time. I will be working on another draft of a dystopian trilogy I've been working on since summer of 2012.
Long Live King Caspian & Queen Liliandil Forever!
Jill+Tirian! Let there be Jilrian!
Is no one concerned that this starts on April 1st?
I'm still debating if I will participate or not. My laptop was gone for most of November (out for repairs) so I didn't get to write then, but I have so many school, work, and conference related things that I don't know if I will actually produce anything worthwhile. I'll probably end up working away at a second draft of an earlier novel if I don't start a new one--they'd at least be in the same series, which would be helpful.
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As you have only fairly recently come up with it, have you planned much of it out?
Not as much as I would have liked I've got the beginning and the end all ready and now I've got to come up with an interesting middle (which takes up about 80% of the novel
) I was a little stuck till a few days ago when some plot twists and ideas came up. I haven't planned the story out completely, which is making me a little stressed, but I hope I'll be okay
I think we might have had a similar discussion the past NaNo, so I'll bring it up again. Have you found any pictures, either of characters or setting, for your story?
I was browsing through pinterest recently (instead of doing homework....I hate the person who made pinterest ) and came across a picture of Justine Waddell (who plays Molly in Wives and Daughters) and I noticed how she looks almost exactly the way I envisioned Beatrice Morton to look
clickly link This year I plan on making drawings of my characters (in an attempt to better my ability to draw people) and so I'm going to use her as a reference when drawing Beatrice. Patricia Ellsworth resembles my sister De_De, so I'm going to be using her for Patsy's picture. I'm looking for other people who resemble the other characters, but so far haven't found anything.
Have you found any pictures, Summer?
Gazer, I hope you will find some time to write
Damsel, I'm glad you're doing Camp too (the more the merrier) dystopian sounds interesting
Wren, I hope you will be able to join in
Is no one concerned that this starts on April 1st?
Not me, lol (but that's the only place April fools day affects me is on NW, we don't celebrate it in my family at all, so I don't have a fear of the 1st of April
always be humble and kind
Yesterday I took a dream story I'd had and put it together with a few other elements and images I've had bumping around my head and suddenly I have a full-fledged story working its way out. I really need to finish this draft of revisions on my WIP novel, but I may keep this new story on the side burner so to speak as a way to keep myself motivated. (Non-stop editing kind of kills the creative spirit after a while; I need to write new things. ) All that to say that I may do a kind of Camp NaNo for myself in that I'll try to slowly draft this new story as I edit my WIP so that (I hope) each project will end up fueling the other.
"All the world will be your enemy, Prince with a Thousand Enemies. And when they catch you, they will kill you. But first they must catch you..."
Inexhaustible Inspiration
6689 posts from forum 1.0
Camp has started My computer fan died, so I can't type on it
but De has lent me her computer for April so I can writer (isn't that so sweet of her
thanks De
I'm a little behind in my word count, but I hope to catch up soon
always be humble and kind
Good luck with that, wrose!
I'm afraid that I've officially decided to sit this one out. I have exams this week and I'm at a conference next week, so by the time I actually got around to working on it, the month would be almost over. And, while I have written full nanos in 8 days, they never turned out very nicely....
I will, however, be available with pom poms for cheering, or for word wars if I happen to want to escape studying.
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I haven't made much progress on my NaNo story, but I have made a few steps forward with my WIP, and I have been doing a poem a day challenge, so I have at least been writing some.
I guess I'm mostly here to cheer everyone else on as well, Wren.
"All the world will be your enemy, Prince with a Thousand Enemies. And when they catch you, they will kill you. But first they must catch you..."
Inexhaustible Inspiration
6689 posts from forum 1.0
Half way through Camp NaNo! How is everyone's writing going? I moved my word goal from 50k to 30k, since it's not really a possibility to write that much right now. I'm still behind, at 9k, though. I've switched to another story, in a way, but as long as I'm writing, I don't really mind if I stay on one story. I'm just trying to get general ideas out at the moment.
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Summer, I was gone for nearly a week during the Easter period and fell terribly behind. I'm only on 19k right now when I should be well up to 30k. Next week I'm going to push myself to catch up and hopefully even get a little ahead Another great problem is a new idea for a story just popped into my brain and I am having a lot of trouble keeping it from getting in my way. But I have made up my mind not to get sidetracked and this new idea will just have to wait until May
always be humble and kind
I hope you can catch up! It's funny how ideas often come at all the wrong times, like when you're trying to finish your current story! It's hard to not work on a new story idea, so I'm glad that you've managed to stay on track!
Since we both need to catch up, I think it would be fun to do a word war (and of course, if anyone else wanted to join, that would be awesome), that is if we manage to get on the same time, which can be quite difficult. I think word wars often help with motivation. I haven't actually done any word wars this Camp NaNo, so I'm hoping to a few before it ends.
And I'm about to get a lot of schoolwork, so I probably ought to start trying to catch up now, rather than waiting till the weekend. That is, if I can figure out what exactly I want to write for my story. The plot has made me quite confused.
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