I know it is very apporite for a boy scout to open a topic on camping. So here it is. This would be the place to post about your favorite (or least favorite) camp outs! Enjoy.
memento mori
I love camping, although it's been close to 20 years since I last did any (unless you count deployments for wargames). The best camping trip I was ever on involved our Boy Scout troop paddling down the Yadkin River in NC over the course of 5 days and camping each night. It was a whole lot of fun. The worst was summer camp in 88 or 89 when there was a huge storm and a tree limb fell on my tent. Apparently I was in such a deep sleep I never heard it, but in the morning there it was.
Kennel Keeper of Fenris Ulf
Camping. Wow. I haven't done any of that in a long time, but I did enjoy it back when my family used to go.
Lol, Shadowlander! My family had something similar happen one time when we went. A tornado came through the campground while we were asleep one night, and it didn't even wake us up. We woke up the next morning and there were trees down all over the place (one was down on top of a camper. No one was hurt, the only person in it had gone outside to let his dog relieve himself just before the tree fell). 'Twas an interesting experience, to say the least.
I think my favorite camping experience was the time I camped out in the backyard with my dad for one night. It was in the middle of winter and it was cold!!
--- flambeau
President of the Manalive Conspiracy
Founder of Team Hoodie
Icon by me
I just love camping! My family were at a fesival of Russian culture this summer. We camped for a week next to the Volga and participated in diffrent mideivel activites. It was very hot, but we could swim in the river, so it was ok. The worst thing was that close to where we were camping there were forest fires ! Two times the men went to help put out the fire! In the end they put out the fire and everyone came back unharmed.
From as long as I can remember, in the summers my family would go traveling by car in Crimea. We would drive from city to city sometimes not really knowing where we would spend the night. And sometimes we would stop in a field and camp for the night! Those were the funnest days of my life
Founder of the Exploring Narnia Club (PM me to join)
Member of the Dragon Club
So many great experiences camping, but one does stand out.
When I was still I my teens I went to the Boundary Waters with a church youth group. Though interested in "religion" I never took it truly to heart. The last night there I felt the urge to take a walk. I met a counselore from a christian outfitters and was introduced to the concept of being "born again". So I accepted the Lord, and my life has been quite the adventure since.
Needless to say I get a kick out of God's creation every time I get the chance to excape this mad-house we call "civilization".
well, the only camping I have done is when I go with my family to a Christian music festival called Soulfest which is held at a ski resort here in NH (USA). every year (this year was our 6th year) we volunteer at the festival (selling merch and doing kitchen duty and the like) and for full time volunteers there is free on site camping on the ski slope! so we brave the rain and what not and camp on a sloped hill in a tent. lucky we have never gotten swamped out by rain (I thank the slope of the hill for that)!
I love it
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are
Hope you remember to never pitch your tent with the door up-slope.
^ oh, I did that on my very first Boy Scout camp out. Lets just say that it got pretty wet. (Of course it didn't help that the tent door wasn't closed the right way! )
memento mori
Puddleglum: lol we actually did that one year by accedent.
what happened was that we got to the volunteer camping and had to pitch the tent in the dark. we thought it was right but lo and behold it was backward. but we had no chance to fix it because it started raining!
we actually stayed dry
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are
Ah, camping! One of my favorite things to do when the weather is nice.
I see you've camped in the Boundary Waters, Puddleglum. When we were younger ( ) we went there just about every summer. The Northern Lights reflected on the calm waters, and the loons echoing each night, were awesome memories.
I enjoy camping primarily in state and national parks. Favorites include any of those along the shores of Lake Superior in Minnesota and Upper Michigan, as well as Rocky Mountain, Olympic, and Grand Teton National Parks.
Stories...I could tell you stories. I sometimes time my solo camping trips to coincide with New Moon so the sky will be nice and dark. Once, the sky at dusk appeared all white and milky-colored, and I thought haze was moving in. But that disappointment turned to amazement when I realized I was actually seeing Northern Lights so bright that I could write by them after dark.
One of our last trips to the Boundary Waters included a friend who brought along his German shepherd. We joked that the dog would tell us if a bear came along. One night, we'd just settled into our tents when a bear did visit us! The dog - very wisely - didn't make a sound.
But all night, Aslan and the Moon gazed upon each other with joyful and unblinking eyes.
I remember one trip my wife and I took with some friends to the Boundary Waters.
My wife and I tented together of course, and "ditched" around the upper side of the tent. (I know that this is frownd upon, since many do not replace the sod, thus adding to erosion.) Our companions chose not to. The ladies shared one tent, and the single fellow slept with his pup-tent at an angle to the slope.
That night it poured so much that the water in the lake we were on rose four inches.
The ladies tent was bulging on the side where water was filling it. The man's tent was literally awash with mud up the side where the water ran up from flowing down hill and against it.
My wife and I had a little water in the edges of our tent. We gratefully replaced the sod before we left the site.
^ Lol. I've never been to boundary waters even though I live in MN too .
I love camping. Starting when I was about 3 years old, my family went camping a lot in a volkswagen campervan. Until a couple years ago, I've only gone camping in RV's. But now I like to go tenting more often; it can be a hassle sometimes, but overall I like the experience better.
I have so many good memories, but my favorite so far is when I went to Kootenay national park in Canada, it's where I really started falling in love with mountains.
Next summer, I'm going to try backcountry camping for the very first time. Probably will do it in Glacier national park. I'm really excited about it.
Glacier is a beautiful place! When we camped there, however, we only had about 36 hours of nice weather (fortunately, we used part of that time to travel the main park road)...after that, heavy rains set in for the next week or so (the weather that summer, according to local newspapers, was very unusual, with an omega-block directing storms through northern Montana).
On our return we stopped by the Little Bighorn Battlefield National Monument. Highly recommended if you're at all interested in history.
But all night, Aslan and the Moon gazed upon each other with joyful and unblinking eyes.
I am a Girl Scout, and we plan to camp maybe this November. It's my first time though to go camping. I would definitely love to try making a tripod when we go camping and do our own tents!
"Two sides of the same coin"
this year at Soulfest we pitched our tent and all seemed well until the night came on the first night: the tent fell on us when it began to rain so my poor dad had to get out and fix it and then I hardly slept
that was interesting!
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are