We have Code Names and Boggle, the siblings have played Boggle recently, but I didn't get to play. Maybe the next time they play I will get play as well. It was one of our favorites to play outside last summer along with Pit. I'm sure the neighbors "appreciated" how much we played them.
Most played game lately has been Canasta with six players, one of the joys of being part of larger family is there no shortage of players for 6 players games.
And now I simply can't believe I left out that rousing Pit game!!! I have been playing that ever since I was young, and, woot, what a blast. (I now have added it in above too. )
Have you ever played Spoon Pit, SnowAngel? You put one less spoon in the middle of the table than there are people, and instead of yelling "Corner" at the end, the winner quietly takes one spoon. Because there is so much noise and activity in the game, others might not notice the missing spoon for awhile. But when they do, they each grab a spoon. The person without a spoon at the end is the sucker. Haha.
We have tried playing Silent Pit a few times, and that is just too funny. So, instead of yelling out what you're trading, you hold up the number of fingers.
Signature by Narnian_Badger, thanks! (2013)
7,237 posts from Forum 1.0
@johobbit, we haven't tried Spoon Pit, but perhaps this weekend if the weather is nice. It's usually best if we play Pit outside. The younger siblings have tried a quieter version that they said was lot of fun.
Recently we tried the We-Stay-Home version of Catan. It's okay, it seems like having one less resource hex actually slows the game down. Funny thing when I printed the special rules and home hexes, our printer was nearly out of color ink, so the home hexes are pink, purple, and blue.
We've played Spoon Pit, Jo (we just called it "Spoons"), using the silent removal option (I never noticed a tie-in to the Pit game until you mentioned it! - it's always reminded me of Musical Chairs). My brother, trickster that he can be at times, was great at taking a spoon with no one else noticing, especially when things were loud and wild.
But all night, Aslan and the Moon gazed upon each other with joyful and unblinking eyes.
We call it spoons too! So many good memories! I'll have to introduce Astro and our D&D friends on a board game night.
My favorite card game is Cheat (though I learned it by it's less than NW appropriate name.) My high school friends were surprised I had such a good poker face since I had a reputation for honesty. Even I'll admit, it's borderline scary
My dad taught me how to play Rummy. Also, Rummikub was a family favorite board game growing up. Our Rummy matches could get quite intense! XD (It's also probably where I learned to keep a poker face.)
I've also learned various forms of solitaire (some better than others), go-fish, old maid, crazy eights, war (my favorite as a kid), and 21 blackjack - though some of these I'm rusty on. We actually have a book with 52 some-odd types of solitaire I like to go through it when I'm in a card mood and Astro is working.
"The mountains are calling and I must go, and I will work on while I can, studying incessantly." -John Muir
"Be cunning, and full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed." -Richard Adams, Watership Down
Ah, Spoons. The game we had to ban because too many pointy elbows hit people's faces and knocked glasses askew. Euchre is now the card game of choice. The parents were in a group that met once a month and played for prizes for awhile.
@stargazer wrote: My brother, trickster that he can be at times, was great at taking a spoon with no one else noticing, especially when things were loud and wild.
Heehee, that is the key!
My favorite card game is Cheat
@wolfloversk ... Cheat is SO much FUN! I haven't played it in years, but remember that I wasn't half bad at it. Maybe I enjoy it that much because I tend to be a compliant, rule-following person, but Cheat gives me a chance to break out of that, cheating 'legally'.
Rummy and Rummikub are loads of fun, indeed, wolf! For years, if not decades, my parents daily played a few games of Rummikub, just before or after they ate their supper, after my dad retired (over 33 years ago now). It helped keep their minds sharp during those active retirement years, and they had such good times playing this together.
Haha, @dot. See, the spoon part of our Spoon Pit game is the one non-rowdy part of the game, since, as 'gazer mentioned above, the best way is to be subtle and quiet and calm when one takes a spoon to end the game. Talk about a rowdy game? DUTCH BLITZ!!! So much crazy fun!!!
Let me know how Spoon Pit turns out for you guys, @SnowAngel.
Signature by Narnian_Badger, thanks! (2013)
7,237 posts from Forum 1.0
We've mostly been playing Catan, one of my little brothers had a 10 game win streak and he has been trying to get another one. It's a good thing we enjoy the game and can play it fairly quickly, or else I don't think anyone would play with him.
We got Catan Histories: Settlers of America, ordered it in June and it arrived on July 3rd. We were thrilled with timing. I haven't yet won a game, although I have played nearly every game played. The youngest siblings have all won at least one game.
Has anyone ever played the game Wit's End? Is it fun? Can you play with two people?
I've never heard of Wit's End before, did you find out if the game is playable with two players, @fantasia?
We have added Catan: Seafarers to our collection. I've played most of the scenarios, I think the #8 with the pirate is my least favorite. I've come so close to winning it every time, and then my brother wins.
Oh, well, I will keep trying to beat him, hopefully he can't win every game.
1. What is your favorite board game?
That’s a tough one. I would say ‘Stylteralmaldo Risk’.....it’s my own version of Risk.
Step 1: Additional territories utilized as is used in “Risk II”. If you’re not familiar with Risk II, it’s an online version that uses extra territories (ie. The Philippines, Hawai’i, Svalbard, etc.) and has more continental connections which makes for a *much* longer game using the standard rules (as if the standard Risk game isn’t long enough right?).
Step 2: When someone earns a card and they own that territory, if they are attacked by someone, the attacked player can reveal they have the card for that territory and then use two eight-sided dice in defense of that territory. It makes interesting odds of three six-sided dice attacking a defender’s two-eight sided.
2. What piece do you prefer to play with in Monopoly?
I always liked being the ship, for no other reason than when I was a kid, we had Monopoly and that was the one piece that was missing from our game set.
3. Trivial Pursuit: Love it or hate it?
Don’t love or hate it. I guess you could say I “like” it. I’m pretty good with trivia, except the literature section. That usually kills me at the end.
4. What three boardgames would you take with you if you were deserted on an island?
Risk, Monopoly, and Chess......of course if I’m by myself, these games might be tough since “Me” would know the strategy of “Myself” and “I”.
5. What color do you like to use? (pawn, token, armies, etc.)
Probably blue, then, green, then red, then orange.
6. Who do you like to play as for Clue (or Cluedo)?
Colonel Mustard. The *only* game I prefer to be the color yellow.
7. Given the choice would you rather play a game that exercises your brain (like Chess, Mahjong, or Go) or is more simple fun or has storytelling elements (like Life, Battleship, or Sorry!)?
I prefer the brain games.
8. Chess or Checkers?
Chess. I *love* chess and *tolerate* checkers. With that said, I’ve got a pretty cool checkers game at home called “Kings Court” where all the pieces are kings and the goal to have at least one piece in the center (it utilizes an extra large checker board). It can be challenging.
9. Name a board game you've always wanted to play but never got around to:
Too many to mention. There are a lot of games I’d like to try but a way too expensive for me to play blindly.
10. What board game do you play more than any other?
Probably Settlers of Catan; mostly because my eldest daughter *loves* that game. I’d probably like it more if I could defeat her more often. LOL.
Join date: Feb. 19, 2004
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...Let us leave the elementary doctrine of Christ and go on to maturity,...with instruction about ablutions, the laying on of hands, the resurrection of the dead, and eternal judgment. (Hebrews 6:1-2)