Watching sports on TV is enjoyable, but there are some sports that we like to participate in ourselves. Since summer is just around the corner, the weather is turning beautiful outside, so it is perfect for outdoor activities! Do you enjoy running or walking? Have you ever participated in a race (for local charities, Race for the Cure, etc.)? Do you play flag football? Volleyball? Something else? Is there a sport you'd like to play? This is a place to post about your experiences and encourage others, so I hope you enjoy it!
(Special thanks to Djaq for helping with this opening post. )
av by dot
Competitive fencer here. Been at it 13 years this coming June. I've been all over the country, mostly in the SouthWest for tournaments including: Tucson, AZ, Albuquerque, NM, Santa Fe, NM, Los Alamos, NM, Colorado Springs, CO, Denver, CO, El Paso, TX, Amarillo, TX, College Station, TX, San Marcos, TX, Dallas, TX, Austin, TX, Shreveport, LA, Charlotte, NC, Atlanta, GA, and Chicago, IL. I've competed at local, regional, and national tournaments with the most recent one in Chicago one month ago for the collegiate club national championships. I am now looking towards coaching to go along with competing.
Be watching for the release of my spiritual warfare novel under a new title: "Call to Arms" by OakTara Publishing. A sequel (title TBD) will shortly follow.
I play soccer. Its so much more fun to play than to watch! I've played since I was four and love it!
And if you count dance as a sport (which I do) I do that too. I dance in ballet and jazz and it is great fun
I also golf, but mainly with my dad and/or grandpa. its a nice relaxing sport
NW twin to Georgiefan! NW sib to 22!
avvie by AslansChild thank you!!!
Well, I play hockey all year and I'm in a league for adults, my team is just getting started and we have lessons every week (I like to call it 'hockey boot camp') . No big games yet, those start later this summer. I do pick-up games once and awhile, it's awesome because my dad, brother, grandpa, 2 uncles, and 4 of my cousins all play the sport too.
I guess I consider myself an amateur runner, but I haven't done it competitively yet. Right now I do it about 4 to 5 times a week around 7 miles, it's for exercise but also good time to let my mind wander. I'd like to do a 10K this summer, but we'll see.
Hiking is awesome too, but honestly I get bored if I don't do it in the mountains, so I don't do it much.
I bike about once a week, but not very hardcore. Trying a triathlon has sparked my interest, but I'm a terrible swimmer...(if anyone has done one, I'd like to hear about how you trained, etc).
I've played lots of sports: soccer, basketball, roller hockey, floor hockey, dance team, swimming, and running.
Right now, I'm trying to get back into running. For a long time, I just swam for exercise but I've started running again and I'm trying to build up my endurance. It's more fun then swimming because I can listen to music and I can do it outside in the sun. I was running pretty regularly for several weeks and I'm hoping to do quite a bit of running this summer. Over the past few weeks, with finals and everything, I haven't run very much at all. I'd like to get better and do races. My college has a couple and there are several that are put on by different organizations in this city.
I play basketball......use to play netball.......
Me and sports don't get along very well but i do like some! I walk almost everyday, I bike ride about 6 miles once in a while, and I do archery! I want to do fencing but have I have never got around to it. I'm also thinking about joining a co-ed venturing crew that runs out of Boy Scouts or America. but this one is just for girls!!!
Yea so that's about it!
Avie by:MissAdventure
siggy by:LucyP0104
Caspian + Lilliandil
"Love NEVER fails"
Fun topic! Thanks, Mountie and Djaq. It's interesting reading about what y'all prefer.
I'm not big into team sports, but I do enjoy some individual sports very much.
Running, ending with an invigorating, brisk walk, for 20 minutes in the early morning hours and 40 minutes at night is something I thoroughly enjoy (particularly in the fall and winter—really, any time when the temperatures are below 10C/50F—but, above all, I adore swimming (see below). I much prefer running under the night sky than in daylight, but since that's nigh impossible this time of year with the sun rising and setting so much earlier/later, I have resigned myself to the fact that dark-time running won't happen again now until later August/early September. (Btw, I get my very brisk walk from my dad, who, even at 83 & 1/2 still walks with vim and vigour).
I have swum (swimmed?) ... aha ... swam since I was a little tyke and can't get enough of water. (Probably should have been born a dolphin, methinks.) I am not a lake person—picturesque though they are—but dearly love the ocean. Yet since that isn't usually readily available, I'll take a neat, clean pool. For years I swam lengths (aiming for 50 lengths of a 25 metre/82 feet in about 40 minutes), but this year we (a long-time friend and I—my swimming buddy
) are trying something different: Aqua Fit. Whoa, it's invigorating and the instructors really push the limits, which we thrive on. I have participated in Synchronized Swimming in the past and love the challenge there. Don't let anyone tell you differently: it is really tough ... and very much fun. A wonderful challenge. I would have kept on with it, but they wanted us to go competitive, and I just didn't have the time.
Since the liner of our 40-year old backyard inground pool needed replacing last year, we decided to take the plunge ( ) and make it into a length pool. So, instead of 28' (and 14' wide), it is now 43' and 6' wide, then we kept the deep end part way down for fun. So, once it gets completed, I'll be back swimming lengths again faithfully every day.
I also enjoy hiking very, very much ... especially on a crisp Autumn day.
Signature by Narnian_Badger, thanks! (2013)
7,237 posts from Forum 1.0
Let's see...I don't swim, run, play basketball, baseball, hockey, soccer, football, tennis, raquetball, or really any other sport you can think of. I'm really not a very competitive person and sports tend to bring out the asthma within me.
However! I do like to play volleyball with my friends on a regular basis throughout the summer. I'm not that great but I have my good days.
I should really get into the whole gym going thing and at least go on days that I don't work. On days I do work I walk the 3-4 blocks and then I am pretty much moving around all day. My legs and feet tend to be pretty tired by the time I walk back home. I think they'd up and leave if I went to the gym on top of that.
So, yeah, really not an athletic person.
KrisTwin: Follower - Sibs AWH&Fauni - SirenSis - PotatoHead
"There are no boring subjects, only disinterested minds."
AV by ForeverFan
Thanks for starting the thread, Muffin!
Fencer, wow! You have competed a lot. That sounds awesome!
I would say that dancing is a sport, Whitney! Ballet and jazz must be fun!
I've always wanted to take dancing lessons.
I'd really love to take ballroom dancing lessons someday.
I'd like to do a 10K this summer, but we'll see.
Ooh, that's awesome! I hope you get to do one.
Whoa, Dolphin--er, Jo, ( ) I have to say that I'm rather envious of your swimming abilities. I have never been very good at it, but I hope I can improve this summer.
Night runs sound amazing!
I think it would be fun to go for a run reaaally late at night, but I haven't tried it yet and I don't think I could find anyone to go with me.
I've never played any team sports. And, I don't consider myself to be very competitive. I usually dislike playing sports against my siblings...flambeau is SUPER competitive, so I always want her on my team if we are playing something or else I will probably lose.
I play basketball occasionally, but not often because no one in my family wants to play.
I'm an amateur runner and love it. I started running last September because my family had signed up for a 5K in November. None of us were able to run all of it, but we had fun. My brother, flam and I also participated in a 5K on Thanksgiving morning (the weather was terrible, and we were all miserable!
). I ran off and on throughout the winter, but then I had a bout with shinsplints, so I had to take a break.
After about 6 weeks I was able to run again, so I started training for another 5K. The 5K was at the end of April and it went pretty well. I wasn't able to run the whole thing, so I was disappointed with that. However, today was special because...I finally ran over 3 miles!! My dad ran about a mile of it with me (he met up with me at 1.5 miles), which really pushed me. I wanted to quit, but he didn't let me.
Anyway, I'm excited about that, but I'll stop taking up your time.
I've enjoyed reading what everyone has to say. Keep posting!
When things fall apart, be glue.
Team Hoodie!!
I don't currently play any organized sports (unless the occasional hockey or soccer game with my brother and his friends counts ), but I used to play soccer a long time ago.
I do run... sometimes. Although anymore I'm too scared to go by myself and I can't get anybody to go with me.
Draco Dormien Nunquam Titillandus
Minion to Lady A and Booky ⎮ NW sister to Ela, Mountie, and Rose.
Braintriplet to Narnia_Fan12 and narnianerd
Team Hoodie! ⎮ Secret Order of the Swoosh
avatar by Lady Courage
I love taking walks - I do it all the time and I have recently become good at playing Ultimate Frisbee which involves a lot of running!
I hope that counts
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are
I'm hoping to play intramural soccer this fall. I love team sports and competitive sports. I am very competitive but I also can lose gracefully, or at least I think I can.
One sport I played recently was mud volleyball. Every year, the weekend before the final week of classes before finals week, my college cancels classes on Friday and then plans all kinds of fun stuff for Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. They call it Spring Fest and it's supposed to be the last big fun event before the end of school and gives the students an extra day off to rest up before everything comes crashing down on us. Anyway, they always have a mud volleyball tournament. Teams play against each other in a big pit of mud. The mud is about knee deep and you get coated. I managed to avoid falling down so I only got dirty up to mid-thigh and some splashes all over. My friend Stephen dove for the ball, missed, and face planted. He was literally covered! It was a lot of fun although my team lost right away in the first round. Oh well, I can't wait for next year!
I want to know, has anyone ever played Quidditch? I've never read the books and don't really know anything about it other than that you play on brooms and have to catch a Golden Snitch. Anyway, my college has a quidditch club now and they played a game during Spring Fest. I didn't go see it because I had other stuff going on but I read about it in the paper. It looks really crazy but kind of fun too.
Fencing is not the only sport I've done. Just the only one I've done on a competitive level. This semester to fill up credit hours for full time status because I am graduating the day after tomorrow, I did three PE classes on top of competitive fencing. I did karate (which was more like kick boxing/MMA than what you think of in karate), indoor soccer (because I didn't want to play outdoor in contant super heat) and basketball. I'm not the best at team sports, but I greatly improved this semester from attempts in the past.
In November, I did a 5K at a spur of the moment decision. My church was hosting the event to help raise funds for a Christian Counseling Center that birthed through my church (not directly affiliated, just the founder came from my church). It was a 5K run/1K walk. My church had 31 people do the event and I was the only one that ran it. With only the fencing I did that semester (not as much as I would have liked due to school work) as training, I still broke 30 min and was 3rd in my age group.
Now, anyone who dares to say Ultimate Frisbee is not a sport has never played. That game is a beast and so much fun. It really comes in handy when you can beat the frisbee downfield. I can run backwards too and the last time I played, I got my teammate to throw it to me and I treaded backward on the exact pace of the frisbee unitl just before I reached the goal line (when the frisbee began to drop).
Next week, I will be out of town at a week-long retreat called Chapter Camp for my Intervarsity group. We've got lots of sports involved there. I plan to do just about everything I can, including horseshoes, volleyball, basketball, soccer, fooseball, and a 1/8 marathon (a 4+ mile run in the Colorado Mountains. Elevation 9100 feet. 2 1/2 miles of mountain uphill). Yes, I am a jack-of-all sports.
Be watching for the release of my spiritual warfare novel under a new title: "Call to Arms" by OakTara Publishing. A sequel (title TBD) will shortly follow.
Now, anyone who dares to say Ultimate Frisbee is not a sport has never played. That game is a beast and so much fun. It really comes in handy when you can beat the frisbee downfield. I can run backwards too and the last time I played, I got my teammate to throw it to me and I treaded backward on the exact pace of the frisbee unitl just before I reached the goal line (when the frisbee began to drop).
Next week, I will be out of town at a week-long retreat called Chapter Camp for my Intervarsity group.
You're involved in InterVarsity too? That's awesome! I've been doing a bunch of stuff with my InterVarsity group. A bunch of the people, my sister included, have formed the InterVarsity running team and they do all kinds of races. I might be joining it next fall.
And Ultimate Frisbee is definetly a sport! That game is intense! I haven't played it in several years though. I kind of suck at throwing a frisbee. Actually, I throw just fine, it's the catching that's the problem.
I forgot to mention, I also rock climb. Rock climbing is lots of fun and it can be pretty intense. I went on a half hour hike to a rock climbing area and then climbed for several hours before hiking back two weeks ago with a group of people. It was awesome!