I always thought that the wardrobe scene should be the first introduction to Narnia. It is the best way for people who have never entered Narnia before. And by the way, Peter Schakel was my professor in college, and I took his C.S. Lewis course so many years ago. We read the Narnia books in the publication order, which is how they should be read. The course was one of the best I enrolled in at Hope College decades ago. 🙂
I like a lot to have a Tolkien discuss but to be honest I don't dare. (Ι've read the "fellowship" and I didn't like it). There are so many fans out there
Lucky you my friend! I wish we had lessons in Greece about C.S. Lewis and his work at universities ..
I envy you !
I like a lot to have a Tolkien discuss but to be honest I don't dare. (Ι've read the "fellowship" and I didn't like it). There are so many fans out there
As you can read in my new post in that thread I mentioned, I've realised that to have an in-depth discussion of that topic, there is need for more knowledge than I have myself So I think we can share some samples and leave it at that.
I once talked to a librarian at the main library of Oslo. He didn't like LotR much - there was too little mythology in it. I suggested that he read Silmarillion instead - that might be more to his taste. I haven't met him since, so I don't know whether he did.
(avi artwork by Henning Janssen)