After a serious discussion about Archenlanders I wanted to post a bit of a joke theory!
But I think some of the evidence is solid, and I've included some bullets points below that are summarized in the presentation I've attached.
Susan Pevensie uses the secret identity of Hermit of the Southern Isles in order to be indirectly involved in Rabadash's defeat.
Some evidence from the Narnia fan wiki about the Hermit, "His actual name is unknown." This clearly points to the ambiguous nature of the hermit, meaning even Cor and Aravis were never able to figure out where he had come from, or any more information about him. Leading me to theorize he was just a temporal character Susan Pevensie used in order to keep up her 'lady-like' reputation among the Narnians.
- The Hermit of the Southern Isles first appears in HHB
- He does not appear as a character ever again
- Queen Susan is never mentioned by the Hermit, and they are never in the same place
- Therefore, 2+2 =3. the Hermit is Queen Susan in disguise
Do you think there's more evidence to support this? I collected as many quotes I could to prove my claim, but there may be some I might've missed. Do you think this was a good disguise that Susan Pevensie could've used?
Note: In the presentation I included, there is one slide which uses "evidence" as lines from the Walden movies, that was just added as a break between the longer wordy slides, but if needed I can edit those out. Also, the pictures I've included of Susan Pevensie are from the Walden movies as well.
The 'Pevensies' irl:
A Narnian Fan Survey!:
Okay, as someone who is always down for a weird theory, I love this. This is great. Extra points for use of memes in your presentation.
Funnily enough, though, when I first read the thread title, I initially thought that you meant she had traveled back in time, after the events of LB, to masquerade as the Hermit of the Southern March for... reasons unknown to me. I must ponder this further.
Hilarious! But speaking seriously, I've noticed that the description of the Hermit is very similar to that of Coriakin and Ramandu from Voyage of the Dawn Treader (beard, staff, bare feet), which makes me think that he may be related to them (perhaps he's even a star as well).
But speaking seriously, I've noticed that the description of the Hermit is very similar to that of Coriakin and Ramandu from Voyage of the Dawn Treader (beard, staff, bare feet), which makes me think that he may be related to them (perhaps he's even a star as well).
You know, I think that's why my brain went in the direction of Susan's hermit masquerade taking place (at least in her linear lifetime) after the events of The Last Battle... I remember reading someone say that Coriakin's bare feet are a symbol of penance, and Susan's rejection of Narnia would require penance, too. But that's about as much sense as that idea makes... grasping at straws here.
Love the idea of the Hermit being a star!
Shasta would have recognized Susan; hence the long beard which obscures the hermit's face.
We have hands that fashion and heads that know,
But our hearts we lost - how long ago! -- G. K. Chesterton
But how did Susan get to the Winding Arrow & into Archenland, when she was heading from Tashbaan to Cair Paravel, in Narnia? Was she dropped off at the mouth of the river? Did she walk the rest of the way with bare feet?
I really don't have anything much to contribute to this interesting and entertaining new theory, except to say that it reminds me of something I once saw on a T-shirt in a shop window:
"I'm not saying I'm Batman but...
have you ever seen me and Batman in the same room?"
"Now you are a lioness," said Aslan. "And now all Narnia will be renewed."
(Prince Caspian)
I have absolutely no idea what I just read, but I am extremely intrigued by the theory!
Maybe Netflix will play it off that way, too. Who knows? I wouldn't gripe too hard.
This is the journey
This is the trial
For the hero inside us all
I can hear adventure call
Here we go
This is so dumb ?, but kinda funny ?, but there is a huge, massive, unmistakable reason they are never in the same place at the time, HE IS A HERMIT!!!!!!!!! So that means he would pretty much never leave his home, and he would never be around people (he is a hermit, after all). Susan (from what we know of her as an adult) was gregarious and fun loving, so the would never meet. Baring the fact there isn't much solid evidence for this nuts theory, it's a hoot to read, and super quirky and nerdy, so kudos to you High King Pete the Magnificent, you effectively scared the wits out of me ? ? ?!
Child of the King: SonofStone
Be watchful, stand firm in the faith, act like men, be strong. Let all that you do be done in love.
1 Corinthians 16:13-14
I remember reading someone say that Coriakin's bare feet are a symbol of penance, and Susan's rejection of Narnia would require penance, too. But that's about as much sense as that idea makes... grasping at straws here.
Love the idea of the Hermit being a star!
In fact, I have some ideas on why Coriakin appears the way he does:
Well, it's probable she worked it all out with the real Hermit, who took a day or so off to let her use his house. That way nobody would one day be wondering, "Eh, I wonder where that Hermit chap got off to."
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Time factor is a problem. How can Susan go with Prince Corin (the real one) to Cair Paravel, where the Splendour Hyaline berths, & where they are met by Chervy the Stag, with his news of Rabadash? It is left to Susan to "hold the fort" at Cair Paravel whilst Lucy & Edmund rustle up a force to ride to the relief of Anvard, collecting Shasta on the way, taking him back to Archenland.
Meanwhile, being able to be in two places at once, Susan is in disguise as the Hermit of the March in Archenland? Yes she would need to March all right, fake beard, bare feet and all, if they had dropped her, at the mouth of the Winding Arrow, a good few miles south of Cair Paravel. If it was Harry Potter's world she could have disapparated the rest of the way, but she might have got splinched, which would be a bit awkward for her if she wants to remain beautiful. Besides, Aslan wouldn't be too impressed with her messing around with magic to suit herself.
Does Cair Paravel have a magic Star Trek-style transporter, hidden in a wardrobe, where she can take a short cut from Cair Paravel to the Hermit's house on the Marches of Archenland? Maybe Susan is a secret time lord with a Tardis to get around all these locations at minimal travel time? It is essential that she has to stay put whichever place she is, as she not only has to care for Aravis, but also tend to the two horses until the battle is won. Even that is at least two days, or more like four, from whence Shasta originally met the Hermit, sorry, Susan, outside his/her front door, so that he/she can say he/she is not King Lune & who tells Shasta to get on with his destiny.
Don't mind me. I'm just puzzled at so much time travel.
This is a hilarious theory! Hilarious, but well thought out. I don't think I would have completely agreed with you here but the effort and research put into it deserves some praise.
I love the Joke -theory type of format. It is mysterious though how many similarities there are between the two. I also never noticed how the recurring theme of people pretending to be someone different than who they really are keeps coming up. Though Lewis never mentions in the book anything about, Susan being a hermit, or even close to that, he is pretty vague in his books and most of the time uses little to no detail about some things. He usually leaves the plot up to you to make your own of it. Thank you for giving me a new perspective on Susan as the Hermit.
"But even a traitor may mend. I have known one that did." - (King Edmund the Just, Horse and his Boy)
I love all all this speculation guys!
I hadn't thought of how Susan would disguise herself, I'm sure the people of Narnia would support her spy missions without knowing the reason why. But it makes me crack up to think of Susan obtaining a fake beard and staff from some pelt dealer in the outskirts of Narnia. There were some other awesome points made as well!
Does Cair Paravel have a magic Star Trek-style transporter
Haha Wagga, I have a counter-argument (read: another joke theory for you), don't you think if Susan's horn can transport others to Narnia, she could use it as her own personal transportation device? Have a goat or sheep blow the horn and pull herself to the countryside lickety split. It'd be energy efficient and save on gas, maybe a new mode of transportation? I remember @rose posting a topic on whether SwanWhite is a time-traveler, so I don't think this is too out of left field.
This is so dumb , but kinda funny
That's what a joke is my good friend! But I'm glad it made you laugh nonetheless
The 'Pevensies' irl:
A Narnian Fan Survey!:
But speaking seriously, I've noticed that the description of the Hermit is very similar to that of Coriakin and Ramandu from Voyage of the Dawn Treader (beard, staff, bare feet), which makes me think that he may be related to them (perhaps he's even a star as well).
You know, I think that's why my brain went in the direction of Susan's hermit masquerade taking place (at least in her linear lifetime) after the events of The Last Battle... I remember reading someone say that Coriakin's bare feet are a symbol of penance, and Susan's rejection of Narnia would require penance, too. But that's about as much sense as that idea makes... grasping at straws here.
Love the idea of the Hermit being a star!
I'm loving all these crazy (and awesome) theories! I've always wished they had something like what you're describing, where Susan gets to go back after the Last Battle; but it would definitely have to mean time travel or some other crazy plot twist, for numerous reasons. But I do think the idea of the Hermit being a star is interesting and kind of cool!
But getting back to the original topic (of the Hermit being Susan) I have to say I'm impressed! Is it an "out there" theory, a bit of a stretch? Yeah. Is it a hilarious joke? Duh! Is it totally impossible? No way! ?
The main things that stuck out to me here were (a) the line that it's "a story about people pretending to be who they’re not or having secret/mysterious identities" and (b) the Clark Kent/Superman comparison (I agree that I've "never seen any such thing as Luck", but what are the ODDS of that coincidence? Just sayin'.).
PS: That is one amazing little presentation for a joke theory! Nicely done! 🙂
Yes, I'm a mouse... I mean, a geek!