I went with Susan because I believe she is remarkably strong in LWW and I admire her in LWW
LOVE Gorgie Henly, Emma Watson!!!
REAL LIFE BFF w/ americangirlemmie and narnianjedi!
member of ag and missing club pm to join.
avie and sig by the NarnianArcher.
Long live Aslan!
^^ I would go with Lucy dear, as she grows up she is more beautiful than ever. I also like Susan and Ramandu's Daughter too!...
I voted for Lucy because she has so much faith but I like Jill too.
A world where you and I belong, where faith and love will keep us strong, exactly who we are is just enough.
This was kind of a hard choice, since I like so many of them, but I finally voted for Lucy. I love her childlikeness most of all. She loves Aslan with all her heart, and they have such a beautiful, trusting relationship. She's valiant and brave, yet not violent or hardhearted. She's always been one of my favorite characters in literature, not just the Narnia books, and I look up to her as one of my fictional role models. C.S. Lewis knew what he was doing when he came up with her character.
My second choice would be Jill. In the Silver Chair she gets annoying at times, but I love her bravery in The Last Battle.
av by dot
My favorite has always been Lucy.
She is always kind, faithful, and gentle.
I chose Lucy because of her child-like faith. Cliche answer, but it's true. No matter how old she got she always believed in Narnia and Aslan. Did she have her moments? Sure, but overall she was so faithful.
I chose Jill because of her attitude and even when she was scared she still tried her hardest. I also loved it that she admitted she was showing off in Silver Chair, and the friendship she has with Eustace is wonderful
I stand with the Lord at my side, always.
For Narnia and the North!
Be the change you want to see in the world.
Avatar by MissAdventure
Everybody's picking the strong characters. I picked Lucy, of course. She's "The Valiant" after all. Usually thinking of everyone else and doing the right thing even when it's hard.
"Thus Fingolfin came alone to Angband's gates, and he sounded his horn, and smote once more upon the brazen doors, and challenged Morgoth to come forth to single combat. And Morgoth came."
I have to say, I have a real soft spot for Lucy. While her character is adorable (she reminds me of my little sister), she actually portrays the most faith in Aslan throughout the entire saga. She was the first of the Pevensies to find Narnia, she was the first to make friends with a faun (Mr. Tumnus, btw, being one of my favorite Narnian characters), she was the first to say that they needed to stay and fix their mistakes, she was the first to follow Aslan to the Stone Table, and she was the first to follow him alone in PC. Lucy was the one to figure out that the Eustace was the dragon, she was the first to recognize Caspian in VoDT....the list goes on. She's a whole world of firsts, and although I relate to Susan being the more "logical" of the two sisters, I really admire Lucy's character.
"None of this fazes us ...I'm absolutely convinced that nothing—nothing living or dead, angelic or demonic, today or tomorrow, high or low, thinkable or unthinkable—absolutely nothing can get between us and God's love..." Romans 8:39
I love Lucy her faith and love of Narnia I have always really admired. She knows what she belives and doesn't let other people tell her otherwise
NW twin to Georgiefan! NW sib to 22!
avvie by AslansChild thank you!!!
I have to go with Lucy. Jill is a really, really close second, but she's still second. Lucy is just so sweet, and caring, and faithful. She never gives up and never let's go of what she believes in. And even though she struggles, she trusts Aslan to take care of her. She's been my inspiration for years.
As long as there is breath in my body, I will be For Narnia. And for Aslan.
I have to go with Lucy. Jill is a really, really close second, but she's still second.
Lucy is just so sweet, and caring, and faithful. She never give up and never let's go of what she believes in. And even though she struggles, she trusts Aslan to take care of her. She's been my inspiration for years.
I agree with you, but for me it's a tie between Lucy, Jill, and Aravis.
made by katherine
I love lucy because she never loses her faith in Aslan and Narnia, and her friends and family.
Founder of the Switchfoot Club.
Co-founder of the newly restored Edmund Club! Check it out on the Talk About Narnia forum!
I voted for Lucy because I love how much faith she has in Aslan and even though she seems the closest to him out of all her siblings she still has weaknesses like we all do.
I also like the fact that she's tough! A true Warrior Queen indeed.
Credit for this awesome signature goes to Tarkheena! Thanks SO much T!
I voted for Aravis. I like her a lot because of her tomboy-like personality. She is a lot tougher than most of the young women in Narnia(though a lot of them have had very strong moments), and she is very smart. I like how her personality was shown when she was with Lasaraleen.