Lucy, because we have similar personalities.
"The mountains are calling and I must go, and I will work on while I can, studying incessantly." -John Muir
"Be cunning, and full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed." -Richard Adams, Watership Down
I picked Jill:
1. Because she is stubborn(but eventually learns to control it, something I would like to do someday )
2. She is loyal
3. She is quick to recognize that she was wrong and quick to ask for forgiveness for that wrong
4. I could go on but I don't think y'all have time to read a book sooo
I saw the movie....and was disappointed
I like Lucy because she is femine, forgiving, tender and compassionate. She is very gentle and somewhat funny at the same time.
My book on Amazon Kindle ... 572&sr=8-1
well, I don't know about these Narnian ladies, but my favorite females are of course my queen, Mirana the White. Never that dastardly Red Queen, foul Iracebeth. And of course, dear, dear Alice. It has been a terribly long time since we've had the pleasure of her company at tea. The Dormouse, the Hare, and I would love to see her again.
Lucy is most definitly my favorite Narnian female ever! she's a lot like me.
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are
I voted on Jill.
She's my favorite female being that her flaws are the best portrayal then any of the females in Narnia. You can really connect with her. I also like that she is headstrong.
Long Live King Caspian & Queen Liliandil Forever!
Jill+Tirian! Let there be Jilrian!
Lucy is my first favorite character with Jill and Aravis coming in second and third.
Lucy just embodies that innocence and true faith in the books and I love that. but Jill is awesome in the few books we see her and Aravis is pretty awesome in her developement in HHB that I saw. I wish that book were
"Give up for a second and that is where you will finish"-- Unknown
narniawebber since January 2nd 2006! (...just forgot to transfer
I voted for Aravis. I like how strong and smart she was. She wasn't afraid of anything.
The glory of God is man fully alive--St. Iraneus
Salvation is a fire in the midnight of the soul-Switchfoot
I chose Aravis because even though she's a girl, she doesn't let anybody mess with her gender. woo! .
"Two sides of the same coin"
I chose Lucy for the same reason she is my favorite character. Mainly, she is the most faithful character (Turufflehunter in close second.) She is always the first to see Aslan. Even when the others don't belive her, her faith remains strong.
memento mori
I had to go with Lucy... Who can *hate* her? Even if they like someone else better (Jill, Polly, Aravis, Susan etc.) no one ever *hates* Lucy =) She'd throw herself off a cliff just to *please* Aslan!
She's so innocent. She's untainted by what goes on and she's always there for others... maybe it helps that I'm more like Lucy than the others too. My personality quiz results testify to this...
:music: risk it all cuz I'll catch you if you fall... if my heart was a house you'd be home :music:
I voted for Ramandu's Daughter. I just love mystery and I love her positive way of speaking. She's smart and never contradicts herself. She speaks the truth and she's a star who marries a Narnian King. She's awesome!
Not Suspian!
Avatar: DamselJillpole Sig: Tarkheena
Good points on Lilliandil, king caspian! And welcome to NW! =D
:music: risk it all cuz I'll catch you if you fall... if my heart was a house you'd be home :music:
My favourite is Lucy. She has the innocence of a child and is always the same Lucy-even at the end-however, she gains a lot of wisdom and maturity.
I voted for Jill. I love how fiesty she is, and not always as polite as the other Narnian heroines, which makes her a very different and interesting character. Plus, I love the relationship between her and my favorite character Eustace.