1. Screwtape implies that if the Patient weren't in love he would not enjoy the group he spends time and would just be "puzzled and repelled." Can being in love really blind him that much or is Screwtape incorrect?
2. What does Screwtape want the Patient to imitate and exaggerate?
3. Is Screwtape actually helping Wormwood's assignment? Why or why not?
NW sister to Movie Aristotle & daughter of the King
1. I'm guessing it's a combination of love and grace. If we saw everyone as they truly were (including us), we'd despise them. But God gives grace and we learn to get along with people and to love them even with all their faults. I think it's also that the group he's spending time with are making an effort to include him and draw him in, and that makes a world of difference---it's harder to be "puzzled and repelled" when people care about you and show it.
2. Screwtape wants the Patient to imitate the girl's habit of assuming those outside the Church are ridiculous and kind of stupid. He's hoping that the Patient's imitation and exaggeration will result in "Spiritual Pride".
3. I'd never even thought that Screwtape might be doing more 'harm' than 'good' for Wormwood's assignment. On one hand, I wouldn't put it past Screwtape. On the other, I'm not sure he'd like to face "Our Father's" wrath about it. Then again, Wormwood would be the one to take the fall.
Regardless of whether or not it's intentional, I would say Screwtape's advice isn't helping. It might partially be the application of the advice or it might be the advice itself, but Screwtape and Wormwood keep having to regroup and attack on a different front.
(Then again, it might not be their "fault" at all---they really can't win this one!
I found the section addressed in #2 particularly interesting and a little convicting since I know I've fallen into that before, and it's something I have to be careful not to fall into again.
Poetry in the moonlight was a dangerous thing.
1. Screwtape implies that if the Patient weren't in love he would not enjoy the group he spends time and would just be "puzzled and repelled." Can being in love really blind him that much or is Screwtape incorrect?I think love can be blinding, but in this case I think that Screwtape is exaggerating its power. I'm sure the Patient's enjoyment of the group is increased due to the presence of his lover, but I think he does enjoy the group some too. I think it would be hard for his being in love with the girl to completely blind him to the nature of the group. To me it makes sense that being in love with one person of a group would raise the group to the next level. ex. going from not being able to stand their company to tolerating it or from tolerating it to liking it. If he would be "puzzled and repelled" without the girl, it would make sense that with the girl he would find the group interesting or tolerable but not jump to enjoyment and a kind of kinship.
2. What does Screwtape want the Patient to imitate and exaggerate?
Like Valia said, the girl's assumption that people outside her circle are ridiculous and kind of stupid is what Screwtape wants the patient to imitate and exaggerate. Since there is a large amount of ignorance and naivety in it for her, it isn't so bad but if it gets exaggerated it becomes spiritual pride.
3. Is Screwtape actually helping Wormwood's assignment? Why or why not?
I think he is trying to help Wormwood. That being said, obviously something is not working. I would think it would be preferable to demons to get humans as food rather than other demons so it would be to Screwtape's advantage to help Wormwood. If they keep eating each other, they might get low on tempters. Although if he had a strong enough motive, I'm sure Screwtape would sabotage someone's work. He would also have to be reasonably sure he wouldn't be caught at it. Since he is writing letters that could be seen by others, I doubt he is purposefully hurting Wormwood's assignment.
NW sister to Movie Aristotle & daughter of the King
1. Screwtape implies that if the Patient weren't in love he would not enjoy the group he spends time and would just be "puzzled and repelled." Can being in love really blind him that much or is Screwtape incorrect?
No, I really do not think love (or if this is real love) that it could have blinded the Patient that much, in this case, I believe Screwtape is incorrect. Love can see faults in a person and does not over look them but instead wishes to help the person with their faults. It is similar here love does not see everyone as perfect and therefore people in love can make good decisions. Infact, I think in some cases they can make better decisions than other people not in love.
1. Screwtape implies that if the Patient weren't in love he would not enjoy the group he spends time and would just be "puzzled and repelled." Can being in love really blind him that much or is Screwtape incorrect?
I think it depends on the person. There are definitely people who are so obsessed with someone, that they automatically adore everything that person likes. But to know for sure, I think we'd have to see the Patient talk to those people under different circumstances. Even without the presence or approval of the woman he likes, the other people are described as kind and charitable. And that by itself is enough to draw others toward them.
2. What does Screwtape want the Patient to imitate and exaggerate?
He wants him to imitate and exaggerate the girl's mild social snobbery, and belief that they are a secret little clique of clever people who are better than others.
3. Is Screwtape actually helping Wormwood's assignment? Why or why not?
I think it's very good advice, in and of itself, when it comes to deceiving people. But because God is stronger than them, any attempt, no matter the quality, must fail if God desires it to fail.
1. Screwtape implies that if the Patient weren't in love he would not enjoy the group he spends time and would just be "puzzled and repelled." Can being in love really blind him that much or is Screwtape incorrect?
I don’t think being in love is “blinding” him to anything but his own misconceptions. His love for the girl is allowing him to accept and like truth that he would otherwise be too self-conscious to hear.
2. What does Screwtape want the Patient to imitate and exaggerate?
He wants him to imitate and exaggerate the girl's mild social snobbery, and belief that they are a secret little clique of clever people who are better than others.
Lewis wrote an essay on The Inner Circle and of people's desire to be a part of it, and excluding the rest of the world. The real church is the other way around. It seeks to include everyone, even the whole world.
It is a good reminder not to be excluding to visitors at church just because they are in some way unlike you.
Movie Aristotle, AKA Risto