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Letter 20

Pattertwigs Pal
Member Moderator

1. What does Screwtape refer to as their best weapon? Is best an overstatement? Why or why not?

2. Screwtape says that men are haunted by a terrestrial and an infernal Venus. Do you think this is true? What about women? Do you think they are haunted by something too?

3. What did you find interesting and/or discussion worthy in this letter?

NW sister to Movie Aristotle & daughter of the King

Topic starter Posted : March 13, 2012 2:32 am
NarniaWeb Nut

1. The belief that there is no hope of getting rid of Satan's temptations except by yielding to them: this is mainly seen in the realm of sexual lust, in which a person feels that the best way to dispel the temptation is to simply fulfill the desire behind the temptation. Problem is, lust cannot be satisfied: it always desires something more, something different. Hence, we have sexual addiction.

Is it the devil's best weapon? It sure is a very effective one. Oftentimes, this lust is used to try to cover up an actual, healthy need that could otherwise require effort and difficulty to fulfill, or perhaps is embarrassing to , whereas the lust is quick and easy to "take care of"... until it comes up again.

Alternatively, there is Screwtape's mention of "persuading him that chastity is unhealthy", manifest in the societal view that an active sex life, even outside of marriage, is somehow necessary for various reasons: it's supposedly good for the relationship, it's uncool to be a virgin, everyone else is doing it anyways, or it's not good to "hold it in" or whatever. Basically, making abstinence as something that is somehow not good for you. This is something of an intellectual/social attack, and can be thwarted by knowing the actual reason for chastity and surrounding yourself with a good support group that supports chastity, so it's not really as effective as using lust as a substitute for some kind of human need.

2. Well, first I have to discern between the two Venuses... it seems that:
- The "terrestrial" Venus is the desire to have a single (sexual) partner, and perhaps the feeling that one is not quite worthy to be the other's sole partner
- The "infernal" Venus is the desire for novelty and "spark", for things to be exciting or to have some kind of "magic" to it.

It's the latter that seems to be Screwtape's focus. Psychological studies have shown that romantic passion is dependent on novelty to a good extent; hence, why it's all so easy for the "spark" to die off in a marriage at some point--after being with the same person for a long time, that novelty is going to wear off sooner or later.

Hence, the usual method of preying upon this Venus, as Screwtape mentions, is having a prostitute or mistress. But, as Screwtape also mentions, one can also try to convince the Christian to marry someone because they have some kind of "magic" or "spark" to them that no one else had--and not look at certain detrimental qualities that will hurt the marriage once the ether wears off.

And women most definitely can be haunted by the same Venuses. Though, in their case, the sexual element might not be as overt; that is, the sexual element may be included as part of a greater enticement of passion-fueled intimacy that fades away as well.

3. Of course, the fact that all the popular magazines telling girls how they should look with airbrushed and Photoshopped models is all part of Screwtape's plan! But to give an idea that the cultural "taste" for women can differ greatly: in ancient China, it was considered attractive for a woman to be as fat as possible! (Hence why many paintings from that time feature plump women.)

That said, I don't think it is wrong for a woman to want to become more beautiful physically and to pursue that. As long as she realizes that true beauty starts from the inside (that is, one's personality and character will be the main attractive force) and isn't trying to pursue some kind of unattainable ideal, there can be good to come out of doing a physical makeover.

What do others think? Is it okay for a woman to want to be physically beautiful/attractive and to pursue that? And at what point would they just be falling into the devil's trap?

"A Series of Miracles", a blog about faith and anime.

Avatar: Kojiro Sasahara of Nichijou.

Posted : March 13, 2012 7:14 pm
BC Head and G&B Mod Moderator

1. Screwtape says their best weapon is the idea that the only way to get rid of the attacks is by yielding to them. I'm not entirely sure if this is their best weapon, but I would say it's a pretty effective one. Like Screwtape said, though, once the idea is proved wrong, it's impossible to use again.

2. Not being a guy, I can't say for sure, but I'll guess "yes". :p I hadn't really thought about it before, but it kind of corresponds with the whole idea of some guys going out and partying with the wild girl, but marrying the nice girl. That idea is rather common in both popular culture/entertainment and also in people's real-world perceptions and actions.
I'd guess that women do suffer from some of the same things. Similar to the above, there's a lot of popular appeal in the notion of falling for the "bad guy". At the same time, though, there's the idea that you may fall in love with the bad guy and go out with him, but you're not going to marry him---if you want to get married, you find a nice guy and settle down with him.

3. I found Screwtape's point about using advertising and art to propagate the exaggerated ideas of beauty rather interesting. A while back I saw some artwork for old pin-up type drawings compared next to the photographs that inspired them, and it's exactly like Lewis said. The real women were slimmed down and firmed up and all that for the paintings.

What do others think? Is it okay for a woman to want to be physically beautiful/attractive and to pursue that? And at what point would they just be falling into the devil's trap?

Hmm, good question, stardf. I don't think there's anything wrong in a woman highlighting her natural beauty if her attitude is right. Like you said, she needs to recognise where beauty really comes from and make sure she's not idolizing her appearance. I think it can be a big temptation, though, for women to start obsessing over how they look based upon their makeup, hair, clothes, etc., so it's something that has to have an eye kept out for it on a personal level. At the same time, though, God has given her that beauty so it's not something she needs to hide as long as she is showing it in an appropriate way. :)

Poetry in the moonlight was a dangerous thing.

Posted : March 21, 2012 11:59 am
NarniaWeb Junkie

1. What does Screwtape refer to as their best weapon? Is best an overstatement? Why or why not?
He says that the best weapon they have is making humans believe that there is no way to make temptation stop except by yielding to the temptation. I do not think best is an overstatement I think it is more like an understatement. When you use this weapon against humans and it work you can get them going deeper and deeper into whatever sin they yielded too and soon they will bind themselves up so badly they feel that salvation can not save them from all the things they have done, and it will create a huge crack between them and God.

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Posted : July 7, 2012 8:28 pm
Pattertwigs Pal
Member Moderator

1. What does Screwtape refer to as their best weapon? Is best an overstatement? Why or why not?
Screwtape calls the idea that the only way to deal with temptation is to yield to it their best weopon. I think it works well for them, but I am always leery of absolutes. It probably depends on the patient.
2. Screwtape says that men are haunted by a terrestrial and an infernal Venus. Do you think this is true? What about women? Do you think they are haunted by something too? It is hard to say for sure but to some degree I think Screwtape is correct. Humans have a tendency at times to want to be bad. I could see how the "excitement" of the bad girl or bad boy could be attractive to some people.

3. Of course, the fact that all the popular magazines telling girls how they should look with airbrushed and Photoshopped models is all part of Screwtape's plan! But to give an idea that the cultural "taste" for women can differ greatly: in ancient China, it was considered attractive for a woman to be as fat as possible! (Hence why many paintings from that time feature plump women.)

I recently saw an article in the paper about a girl who started a petition to reduce the number of altered images in a teen magazine. It is really sad that even has to be done, especially with all the talk about how harmful looking at "prefect" women is for teen girls. I don't remember exactly what time period it was but in European Art all women were painted a little bit pregnant otherwise something was considered wrong.

What Screwtape said about women being pinched in reminds me of some of the undergarments available to women (both now and in the past). There are so many different kinds of shape wear. And in the past there was the corset. If you can't breathe or move freely it really isn't worth it.

What do others think? Is it okay for a woman to want to be physically beautiful/attractive and to pursue that? And at what point would they just be falling into the devil's trap?

I think it is okay as long as it isn't overdone. Obviously, if it reaches the point where it is unhealthy it has gone to far (such as not eating enough). I think the key is to work with what one has been given. While plastic surgery does have its place, I don't think it should be used lightly. When a woman's appearance becomes her focus in life and/or when it gets to a point where women are afraid to be seen without their makeup they are the devil's trap. Important points for women to remember: 1. God made you the way you are, your body type might be different than models and you shouldn't try to change that. 2. That said eating right and exercising are to be encouraged when done in a healthy manner. Appearance and health improve when people are at a healthy weight. 3. Dress and appearance should be secondary to personality - kind of as a way to show respect for yourself.

I hope that made sense. I was having trouble putting my ideas into words. :P

NW sister to Movie Aristotle & daughter of the King

Topic starter Posted : July 24, 2012 1:05 pm
NarniaWeb Zealot

1. What does Screwtape refer to as their best weapon? Is best an overstatement? Why or why not?

He says that the best weapon is the belief that the only way to get rid of temptation is to yield to it. I'd say it's a pretty good weapon: it works on many people. I don't know if it's the best or not.

2. Screwtape says that men are haunted by a terrestrial and an infernal Venus. Do you think this is true? What about women? Do you think they are haunted by something too?

I understood what was said about the infernal Venus, but I'm not quite sure what Lewis was driving at when he talked about the terrestrial one. Looking at above comments, it seems everyone else here as taken it to mean the "good girl" who guys want to marry eventually. But in the letter, Screwtape describes the terrestrial Venus as also being imaginary and something "evil" in the eyes of their Enemy, although it's only evil by accident. :- Without knowing fully what he means by that, I can't really comment on whether or not it's true. As for women, I think they're just as open to false fantasy and sexual temptation as men are, though maybe in different ways.

3. What did you find interesting and/or discussion worthy in this letter?

I found it a really fascinating point that society allows taboo things to come more and more into our culture for the sake of being "real", while all the time those things aren't "real" at all. The example given in the letter is nudity, but I think it goes for other things as well. Movies jam-packed with cussing for example. If someone is offended by the bad language in a movie, they're regarded as being out of touch with reality. But the truth is, if you went to work and swore as much as fictional people in movies do when they go to work, a complaint would probably be filed against you. :P It isn't the accurate portrayal people think it is.

What do others think? Is it okay for a woman to want to be physically beautiful/attractive and to pursue that? And at what point would they just be falling into the devil's trap?

It's natural for women to want to be beautiful for others. Although it's been used in a bad way because of our sin nature, physical attraction is also a gift from God. People sometimes go way too far and make it the ultimate factor in choosing a spouse. But many people often over-correct this by thinking that the desire for an attractive spouse in and of itself is somehow wrong, and that the best and holiest thing we can do is to purposely seek out people who we find to be ugly and date them anyway. ;)) Wanting someone you personally find attractive, and wanting to be attractive to other people, is fine. As long as it doesn't become an idol to you. Like many things, it's not the "thing" itself that's good or bad, but what you do with it and to what extent.

~Riella =:)

Posted : July 30, 2012 4:58 pm
Movie Aristotle
NarniaWeb Junkie

2. Screwtape says that men are haunted by a terrestrial and an infernal Venus. Do you think this is true? What about women? Do you think they are haunted by something too?

Quite possible. Although to what degree men are haunted by the infernal Venus depends quite a bit on the personality type, I think. Some men just aren't that susceptible to sexual sin.

3. What did you find interesting and/or discussion worthy in this letter?

What do others think? Is it okay for a woman to want to be physically beautiful/attractive and to pursue that? And at what point would they just be falling into the devil's trap?

Character first. Personality 2nd. Outward appearance, 3rd. No obsessions please. Any more than 20 minutes getting ready (doing makeup) every morning is wasting time.

Movie Aristotle, AKA Risto

Posted : August 6, 2012 7:04 pm
Pattertwigs Pal
Member Moderator

I understood what was said about the infernal Venus, but I'm not quite sure what Lewis was driving at when he talked about the terrestrial one. Looking at above comments, it seems everyone else here as taken it to mean the "good girl" who guys want to marry eventually. But in the letter, Screwtape describes the terrestrial Venus as also being imaginary and something "evil" in the eyes of their Enemy, although it's only evil by accident. :- Without knowing fully what he means by that, I can't really comment on whether or not it's true.

The way I understand it, the "Venuses" start on the inside. The terrestrial one is the one the represents the positive kind of love: the kind that God would want to see in a marriage. This is the kind of woman that would be a good life partner for the man, steady. It is the kind of woman the man wants to love with an honoring, noble kind of love. The good girl the guy wants to marry is a way this Venus is manifested. I think the Venuses can be interpreted and applied at different levels. In the Four Loves, Lewis uses Venus as a personification of love. I think there is a bit of that in this too. I think a similar way to think of it is the difference between Love and Lust. The terrestrial Venus is only evil on occasion. It is much closer to God's plan that the infernal Venus.

Character first. Personality 2nd. Outward appearance, 3rd. No obsessions please. Any more than 20 minutes getting ready (doing makeup) every morning is wasting time.

I really like the way you put that. :)

NW sister to Movie Aristotle & daughter of the King

Topic starter Posted : August 7, 2012 2:42 pm