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[Sticky] The Essential Hobbit: Translating the Book to Film

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Pattertwigs Pal
Member Moderator

There are many different views on adaptation and people have very different ideas as to what should be included in movies based off of books. Well, here is the place to express your thoughts on what should be included in The Hobbit movies. You can do this chapter by chapter, give a general overview, or pick and choose.

If you are discussing things from chapters we have not read yet as a group, please post a warning at the beginning of your post or use spoilers.

I'll start: the whole book. *

*Although that statement is true. I do have things that are more important than others that I will be posting later on.

NW sister to Movie Aristotle & daughter of the King

Topic starter Posted : September 21, 2012 2:36 pm
BC Head and G&B Mod Moderator

I haven't read the book in ages (...probably 12 years or so ), but one thing I remember and would love them to include would be That is, if they did it in a way that wouldn't be creepy or weird and would be congruous with the story and overall feel. :) And, yes, I know this would be a long shot. ;))

Poetry in the moonlight was a dangerous thing.

Posted : September 24, 2012 5:04 pm
NarniaWeb's Auntie Moderator

One thing I will welcome that will be different from the 1970s? BBC audio version is the voices and odd pronunciations.
Squeaky Galdalf, highish Thorin - who pronounces his name To-reen - just didn't sound right to me!
I've also seen two productions of the same stage play in London, and hope it will capture the fun and excitement of the best bits of both. Scary but not too much, believable, intriguing, and "what will Bilbo do now?" moments.

There, shining in the sunrise, larger than they had seen him before, shaking his mane (for it had apparently grown again) stood Aslan himself.
"...when a willing victim who had committed no treachery was killed in a traitor's stead, the Table would crack and Death itself would start working backwards."

Posted : September 29, 2012 10:14 am
Member Moderator

After reading chapters 1 and 2 I would say that the arrival of Gandalf and the Dwarves at Bilbo's in chapter 1 is crucial and should be in the movie. (Looks from the previews that it will mostly there.) :)

And from chapter 2 the episode with the trolls is important and somewhat action oriented. (That too looks to be there according to the most recent trailer.) B-)

So the majority of the first two chapters and it looks like they will be there. Cheers!

There is definitely no "a" in definite.
The Mind earns by doing; the Heart earns by trying.

Posted : October 3, 2012 9:31 am
NarniaWeb Fanatic

I agree that the whole book should be included. Like Valia, it has been some time since I read it, but the things I remember the most are probably the ones I want in the movie.
Listed (though they're not divergent with what has been posted here already :D )

- The Dwarves showing up and Bilbo having to wait on them. So glad to see this in the trailers.
- The part with the trolls. One of my favourites.
- The various encounters with elves and such
- Riddles in the Dark! :D

I really need to reread the book. My one hope is that The Hobbit does not undergo a makeover in hopes to make it more along the lines of LotR. I liked the nature of The Hobbit and would like if it was kept to the story with enough epicness to suffice as the book indicated and precisely sufficient references to LotR.

RL Sibling: CSLewisNarnia

Posted : October 6, 2012 11:31 am
NarniaWeb Nut

From what I have seen there does not seen to be a lot that they have cut or added in. With 3 films there is really no need to cut things, but adding may be a problem. But I don't mind it :)

The Hobbit in theaters: 14 December 2012

Posted : October 7, 2012 11:35 am
Member Moderator

As I was reading through chapter two, I wondered a bit if they'd expand on the falling in the river and loosing the supplies and not being able to get the fire started, or if it'd simply be dark storm clouds and drenching rain...

I suppose it depends on the timing and how much story they can show through the event...

We have hands that fashion and heads that know,
But our hearts we lost - how long ago! -- G. K. Chesterton

Posted : October 8, 2012 4:59 am
NarniaWeb Fanatic

I suppose I'm not quite well-versed in the Silmarillion and detailed Middle-Earth history to make an accurate judgement, but I felt kind of unenthusiastic about the choice to make The Hobbit a Triology. The initial two movies sounded really excellent, to me - it sounded like they'd cover everything with detail adequately. However...3... it makes me more wary we'll be seeing something more like LotR.

RL Sibling: CSLewisNarnia

Posted : October 8, 2012 7:21 am
NarniaWeb Nut

More Imagery from The Hobbit has just come out. Including Wargs, and Goblins.

I think they have done the Wargs very well, they are just as I have imagined them.

The Goblins are done good but not as well as the rest I would say. But that's just my opinion

The Hobbit in theaters: 14 December 2012

Posted : November 9, 2012 3:43 am
Pattertwigs Pal
Member Moderator

This post was written before I had seen the movie.

Here's a list of things I especially want to be included. Of course I want all of the book but these are the most important. Somethings I left off because they are are main events so I'm sure they will be included.

Chapter 1: The "good morning" conversation, the dwaves' songs (I was really disappointed at the lack of songs in LotR), the general distress of Bilbo, the conflict between Thorin and Gandalf over Bilbo. (Thorin's scorn). I'd like to see him him sitting off by himself nibbling at a biscuit because he lost his appetite, and Bilbo saying struck by lightening.

Chapter 2: Gandalf's having to come and get Bilbo, Bilbo's worrying about a pocket handkerchief and Gandalf's bringing him some. I want Bilbo to leave without telling anyone* Bilbo to start to say burglar and end up being called a burrahobbit, the cook better than I cook line. The dwarfs being caught easily, excluding Thorin. [yes, I know that is very unlikely to happen. I went to a Hobbit play and they added action so I don't have much hope for the movie doing it right] Gandalf MUST save them by trickery and not by violence. Bilbo's not producing the key until they have tried a lot of ways to open the door.

Chapter 3: this chapter is a bit tricky. I want the elves to sing and joke but I don't want it to be too jarring with the Rivendell we saw in LotR. Thorin and Gandalf should be a bit vexed that Elrond finds the moon letters.

Chapter 4: Fili and Kili's being sent to look for shelter and not examining it carefully. Gandalf's examining it carefully. Bilbo's yelling surprisingly loud for his size, Dori and the other dwarfs carrying Bilbo.

Chapter 5: Coming

Chapter 6: Coming

Chapter 7: Coming

Chapter 8: black squirrels, the eyes, Fili, Kili, Oin and Gloin's pulling the boat and falling, Bombur's falling in the stream and falling asleep and having to be carried, the butterflies, the others trying to make Bombur believe all that had happened to them, Bilbo's songs, Balin's muttering about how Bilbo sneaked past him.

*this will add credence to the idea that the hobbits felt justified in auctioning off his stuff. Yes I know there was a scene in the trailer where he tells someone.

NW sister to Movie Aristotle & daughter of the King

Topic starter Posted : December 26, 2012 2:14 pm
NarniaWeb Fanatic

I saw the film this weekend and I want to see it again because I really loved it a lot. I bought the book about two days ago and I am now on the fourth chapter, so far enjoying it and feel that the film adapted the first part of the book really good.

I'll discuss more when I read further and see the film again.

Long Live King Caspian & Queen Liliandil Forever!
Jill+Tirian! Let there be Jilrian!

Posted : January 1, 2013 8:01 pm
Sheroo of Stormness Head
NarniaWeb Nut

I just finished the book for the first time last night, and I think the most important thing they'd need to get in the movie is Bilbo's character. You change him, and you change the story. I haven't seen the movie yet, but what I've seen in the trailers and how Martin Freeman acts (from Sherlock), I think and hope they may have captured Bilbo's character just right. :)

Posted : January 11, 2013 3:53 am
NarniaWeb Fanatic

I'm almost done with reading the book however way past with what was on screen translated from the book.

I found through some of the changes and additions they made in the movie still true to the story and spirit of the novel. I'm just wondering and thinking about how they are going to bring Azog back into the next film when he is already dead in the book and didn't take part in any event through Bilbo's journey with the dwarves. This should be interesting.

I wouldn't say that I would've want them to include anything in the movie because everything that was in the first six chapters of the book was in the film it seems, just that they added newer things that still kept the story in tacked.

Long Live King Caspian & Queen Liliandil Forever!
Jill+Tirian! Let there be Jilrian!

Posted : February 5, 2013 9:12 pm
Pattertwigs Pal
Member Moderator

Chapter 5: Finding the ring by accident, Gollum’s boat, Bilbo’s and Gollum’s conversation including the riddles word for word, Bilbo’s accidently getting the time riddle, Gollum’s running pass Bilbo when he is invisible, Bilbo’s overhearing Gollum describe what the ring can do, Bilbo’s leaping over Gollum, Bilbo’s having to get pass the goblins to escape, Bilbo’s losing his buttons and the Goblins picking them up.

Chapter 6: Bilbo’s sneaking pass Balin, Gandalf and the dwarves’ arguing about what to do about Bilbo – word for word, Bilbo’s explanation – word for word, the company sliding down the rocks, Dori’s leaving Bilbo behind and having to get him and being almost gotten by a Warg, the eagles coming out of curiosity, Gandalf’s sending different colored burning pinecones at the Wargs, the goblins laughing, the goblins’ setting the company’s trees on fire and singing, Gandalf’s getting ready to jump, the eagles rescuing him, Bilbo’s having to grab Dori’s legs to be saved, Gandalf’s discussing with the Eagles how far they will take them, NO FIGHTING except for with pine cones.

Chapter 7: The dwarves groaning and looking distressed that Gandalf is leaving (soon), Bilbo’s being carried across the ford, Bilbo’s confusion about what a skin changer is, large honey bees, The company’s coming slowly, Gandalf and Beorn’s conversation word for word, the dwarves must come in at the times indicated in the book, the animals’ waiting on Beorn and the visitors, the dwarves’ singing, Bofur tripping over Bilbo and waking him up, the bears dancing, Beorn’s loaning them ponies and keeping an eye on them, repeated warnings about not leaving the path

Chapter 9: The dwarves’ sitting down and waiting to be captured. Bilbo’s putting on his ring and following behind, the dwarves’ being blindfolded, the king’s questioning the dwarves, the dwarves’ being put in different cells, Bilbo’s miseries and thoughts while in the Elvenking’s palace, Bilbo’s finding Thorin, the elves falling asleep, Bilbo’s freeing the dwarves, the argument word for word about Bilbo’s plan, Bilbo’s returning the keys, Bilbo’s packing the dwarves in the barrels (completely in the barrels), Thorin’s giving a lot of trouble, Balin’s complaining about air holes, the elves’ singing as they push the barrels into the river, Blibo’s having to grab the last barrel, Bilbo’s struggling to stay afloat and get on the barrel, Bilbo’s raiding and being given away by wet footprints and drips.

Chapter 10 Lake-town on the lake, Bilbo’s freeing Thorin first and being cross with him, Thorin’s having a famished and savage look like a dog that has been chained and forgotten in a kennel for a week, only 6 dwarves being found by knocking, Dwalin’s and Balin’s being two of the most unhappy, Bifur and Bofu refusing to help, Fili’s and Kili’s being willing to help, Fili’s speech about the smell of apples, Bombur’s being asleep or sensless, the rest’s being waterlogged, half alive and having to be carried ashore, Thorin’s announcing himself both to the guard and the master, Fili’s interrupting, the song of the men of Lakeville, the people’s joy at seeing the dwarves, Bilbo’s cold and speeches “Thang you very bunch,” The Elvenking’s sending out spies after he hears of the happenings in Lake-town, Bilbo’s being unhappy

Chapter 11: Balin’s and Bilbo’s bring up the rear each leading another pony, low spirits, a scouting expedition with Balin, Fili, Kili, and Bilbo, Bilbo’s having more spirits than the others, Fili, Kili, and Bilbo’s finding the doorstep, Bofur’s and Bombur’s being left behind to guard, using ropes to haul and lower supplies and dwarves, the thrush’s knocking, Bilbo’s understanding and calling the dwarves, the keyhole’s appearing, Thorin’s opening the door just in time

Chapter 12: Fili’s and Kili’s looking uncomfortable, Balin’s coming part way, the climate change as Bilbo gets closer, the dwarves’ gratitude at Bilbo’s stealing the cup and later turning on him, Bilbo’s line “Every worm has his weak spot as my father used to say, though I am sure it was not from personal experience.” Smaug’s bring up transportation of gold, Bilbo’s worrying, Bilbo’s urging the dwarves inside

Chapter 13: Bilbo’s going quietly, the dwarves’ puffing and shuffling, Bilbo’s falling into the treasure chamber, the dwarves’ reluctance to get a light / follow him, Bilbo’s dropping the torch, the dwarves having to come and find him (grumpy they were frightened for nothing), Balin’s being the first to volunteer, Fili’s and Kili’s playing harps, the dwarves’ arming themselves

Chapter 14: The master’s escaping, the thrush’s telling Bard where to aim, Bard’s and the Master’s talking to the people, the people’s anger being directed at the Master until he redirects it at the dwarves, Bard’s being abandoned (or nearly abandoned), the black arrow, Bard’s helping out and the master doing nothing, the elves’ helping the people

Chapter 15 The thrush and raven, Thorin’s sending messages, Bilbo’s longing to join in the mirth and feasting, the dwarves’ song, some of the younger dwarves’ wishing things were different and they could receive the folk as friends, Bard’s speech and Thorin’s answer

Chapter 16: Bilbo’s and Bombur’s conversation, Bilbo’s slipping out, Bilbo’s falling in the river, snorting about being called a servant and sneezing, Bilbo’s speech (word for word) said in a business manner.

Chapter 17: the conversation before the mountain word for word, Thorin’s holding Bilbo and threatening to throw him on to the rocks, “more than one of the dwarves” feeling shame and pity when Bilbo leaves, Dain’s arrival, the dwarves’ attacking and Gandalf’s pointing out the arriving goblins, the dwarves’ joining the others, Bilbo’s putting the ring on early on, Thorin and co.’s breaking out, all the dwarves and many men joining Thorin despite orders. Elves’ joining him too, Bilbo’s seeing the Eagles and calling out, Bilbo’s getting hit by a stone from above and getting knocked out

Chapter 18: Bilbo’s calling to a man forgetting he has the ring on, Bilbo’s being carried down, Thorin’s apology to Blibo word-for-word, Bilbo’s words to Thorin word for word, Bilbo’s grief at Thorin’s death, the Eagles and Beorn’s coming and turning the battle, Beorn’s carrying Thorin, Beorn’s crushing and killing Bolg, The Elvenking returning Orcrist to Thorin’s grave, Thorin’s, Fili’s, and Kili’s dying, Bilbo’s taking only 2 small chests, Bilbo’s giving the Elvenking a necklace in return for the food (and what they both said word for word)

Chapter 19: the elves’ songs, the exchange between Bilbo and the elves at Bilbo’s window, digging up the troll’s gold, Bilbo’s poem, Bilbo’s arriving in the middle of the auction, some hobbits’ needing a lot of convincing Bilbo is alive, the Sacksville-Baggins’ reaction, Dale’s being rebuilt, the master’s bad end, Bilbo’s and Gandalf’s closing conversation.

In the book, Bilbo puts one the ring early on in the battle. Will the movie have him put on the ring? What do you think?

NW sister to Movie Aristotle & daughter of the King

Topic starter Posted : June 20, 2013 2:51 pm
Movie Aristotle
NarniaWeb Junkie

Wow. What is essential to the story of the Hobbit? That is a big question, -which is probably why I haven't posted in this discussion until well after the first movie is on video.

I won't bother talking about the main points of the story, as I am quite confident that with 3 full-length movies they will get the main plot points correct, even if some of the details and "whys" of the adventure differ.

So instead I will list bits of the adventure that I like. -A few of the details that appeal to me, if you will.

I will start with the end. Balin and Gandalf should visit Bilbo at the end of the movie. I also, like Pattertwig's Pal, love the conversation between Bilbo and the elves of Rivendell in the middle of the night.

I hope we get the homey feeling of Beorn's place. Also the strangeness, scariness, darkness, and the general unwelcome feeling of Mirkwood.

I hope that there is some sort of information gathering by and from the birds in this film. I'm not sure how that will play out, but I'm hoping.

Beorn and the eagles must appear at the battle of five armies.

I'm not sure what else to put down. It is always so much easier to discuss what they got wrong than what they should get right. Fortunately enough of the book survived in the first movie to make me confident in the second and third.

Movie Aristotle, AKA Risto

Posted : July 6, 2013 8:46 am
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