I bought this book yesterday at the MOSH gift shop. Wasn't planning on doing so...but when I opened it, for some reason it opened up to the page describing Aravis. This was a big message that I had to get the book. I have only browsed it so far (saving it for my next airplane trip)- but it seems fantastic. Very in-depth. Has maps and illustrations and all.
Anyone else have this?
I just recently got it as it is said to be the best secondary work and a great reference overall. So far I have only looked at a couple of pages and was disappointed by the fact some things in the Narnian maps and geography are not in fact Lewis own inventions but also have some additions and inventions by the author in them, which I found very disappointing, considering the movie production was using this work as well for the movies.
I do, however, support the author for accepting C.S. Lewis changes (although HarperCollins apparently doesn't) and canonically stating Fenris Ulf as the name of the Head of the secret police in LWW and making his (lenghty) case for reading the Chronicles in original publishing order.
Funnily enough, the book is published by Harpercollins as well, when it does openly critizise HarperCollins choices of handling the Chronicles.
I've seen this book in stores I just never came around to buying it for some weird reason. The next time I see it i'm going to get it. It looks very good.
Long Live King Caspian & Queen Liliandil Forever!
Jill+Tirian! Let there be Jilrian!
Is this the one that is like a encyclopedia of all things Narnia? I love that book, have both the standard edition and the abbriviated pocket version. Make sure to stay away from the pocket version!
Had an older version of the standard edition a bunch of years ago and the text noticably changed on some entries between that one and the new one (standard edition as well) for some reason. I remember reading the "end of Narnia" entry in the older book and loving how beautifully written it was. Not the same thing in the new one.
Good to know, Griffle, thanks! I've been wanting to get a copy of this for awhile now. One cool thing is that the author, Paul F. Ford, was a member on the old forum. I don't know if he's been back since we had the switchover.
"It is God who gives happiness; for he is the true wealth of men's souls." — Augustine
I'm not 100% sure that's how it really was. It might just be me remembering it all wrong. Sure felt as though it was more beautifully written in the old copy I had. (unfortunately lost it) Anyway, the old copy had a bright yellow colour to it's cover with a picture of Jewel standing on a meadow.
EDIT: Actually, it wasn't really Jewel as the horn was white (and it was stained with blood).
Mine is pretty thick and would not fit in most pockets- at least not comfortably. It is written by Paul F. Ford. This edition has a foreword by Madeleine L'Engle. The front has a map of Narnia- which includes illustrations of a few characters and groups- Aslan, Tumnus, and the Dawn Treader.
I just got that book from the library! Its cover shows Aslan roaring while Susan and Lucy (They look like two-year olds) cover their ears. It is not completely accurate. But only a few typos. It is a very good book in all other respects.
memento mori
I don't own it, but I have checked it out from the library and read every word of it! It's actually very interesting.
"Are you sure you're eighteen?"
"Why? Do I look older?"
The book is very good but the illustrations aren't the least bit suitable. Everything is drawn as far too cutsie for my liking.
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I L-O-V-E this book. I was given the newest version (I think) with the old map on the cover. I have gone through more then half of it, highlighting and underlining parts, etc. I love the author's descriptions, though the illustrations are not my favorites. (The characters look too short, small, and childish for me. It's not Pauline Banes, but some other interpretations. Still interesting to see though.)
It's perfect to have this book and look up some place or character and get a full background on it. I love having a resource for all the lesser-known characters, such as the Earthmen, Lilygloves, Moonwood the Hare, Mullugutherum, etc.
Specific general topics are discussed as well, such as Universalism, Sexism, the Numinous, Judgement, Magic, and the like.
Not only are the places described in this book, but the symbolism and meaning in them are brought up. Christianity is inevitably spoken of, but I never once thought the author's descriptions were preachy, in case anyone was wondering about that.
The more developed characters' histories (Pevensies, Eustace, etc.) are talked about in its entirety. You get the entire story from beginning to end, everything in between, and connections to different characters, places, etc. (words that have their own paragraphs/description in what you are reading are in capital letters so you can go to that own character/place, etc. and read more on that subject).
The other works of Lewis are definetly included often in the companion. His space trilogy, Screwtape Letters, Great Divorce, individual letters to children, and anything else you can probably think of is mentioned some time or another in this book. Family and Lewis's own background/education come into play also, and help you to understand more of the story or topic.
So, basically, this book is amazing!!
Definetly worth having if you are a major narnia nut!
The *official First Follower of Aslan
Keeper of Susan's Grey Coat.
I just got this book from a bookstore! They had LOTS of Narnia stuff, and I was helping them move to a new location, so I got discounts.
This is the version I have. It looks well laid out, and I'm really excited to start reading through it - I haven't had the time yet.
Aslan's Country, the Narnia forum I co-administrate!
My Blog!
Wow that looks like a really cool book...I wish I could get it!
God gives grace to the humble
av: Wunderkind_Lucy sig: lover of narnia
Proud member of the Skillet club, and a member of the Tenth Avenue North club!
Ah, good ole' Companion to Narnia! I adore that book, it's a great resource that I've used tons of times. It's almost as beat up as my older set of the Chronicles, in fact. The version I have says it's Revised and Expanded, but I've never seen any other version so i don't know what the difference is.
"Of course we've got to find him (if we can). That's the nuisance of it. It means a search party and endless trouble. Bother Eustace." ~ Caspian, The Voyage of the Dawn Treader
Sig: lover of narnia
Nice cover!
The illustrations better have been improved. I'm remembering everyone looking like they were Cabbage Patch Dolls. Honestly?
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Doctor Who - Season 11