Saw the trailer and gasped at... Ahem... I'll let the wallpaper speak for itself.
FYI- This one's not a copy either y'all.
C and especially CC very welcome! If you want to use it and need the original 1366x768 I'll be happy to get it to you if you PM me.
Sig by me | Av by Ithilwen
There is no such thing as a Painless Lesson
You gasped at Sting! I did too. This is hilarious I love it and the LOTR's font.
My favorite one of the day.
Not Suspian!
Avatar: DamselJillpole Sig: Tarkheena
This is really neat. I love the fonts you used...what are they? And of course, the saying is hilarious. Great job!
av by dot
Thanks y'all!! That means a lot to me! Not all of my family thought it was funny either... lol
MountainFireflower, the font used for the majority of the text is Satisfaction;
the Frodo text is the LOTR font, Ringbearer (of course);
"realized" is Rub This!;
"wrong ship" is Sanitarium.
Sig by me | Av by Ithilwen
There is no such thing as a Painless Lesson
Oh, my! That's just HILARIOUS!!!
btw, I think I'm the only one who didn't think of Lord of the Rings when I saw that. I just thought, "wow, I wonder why the sword is glowing?" It wasn't until people were pointing the sword out and shouting, "Sting!!!" that I noticed it.
Anyhow, with that being said. I LOVE THIS!!! HILARIOUS!!!
I dreamt that I dwelt in marble halls
<3 As you wish <3
ROTFL! I had thought of Sting when I first saw the trailer and almost shouted: 'STING STING STING!' I guess others thought that too =) Pretty funny!
:music: risk it all cuz I'll catch you if you fall... if my heart was a house you'd be home :music:
This is absolutely amazing work!! love the fonts and coloring! Great work!
"We have nothing if not belief"
Thanks y'all! I'm so glad you like it! And I'm especially glad you think it's funny.
I think the whole blue light-up sword thingy is funny. Hope it doesn't come out as absurd in the movie.
If it does, I won't be laughing then...
Sig by me | Av by Ithilwen
There is no such thing as a Painless Lesson
I've been wanting to comment on this, finally I get the time.
, Sting was the first thing that came to mind when I saw the trailer!
I also Love the text and font! Great Job!
It's also great because my two favorite movies of all time are combined into one picture, The Lord of the Rings and Narnia!
The Value of myth is that it takes all the things you know and restores to them the rich significance which has been hidden by the veil of familiarity. C.S. Lewis
Oh thank you 7chronicles! I'm very glad you like it!!
LOTR and Narnia are definitely some of my favorites too. But my favorite books, not exactly my favorite movies. *hears gasps all around* I'm picky y'all! LOTR still makes me mad when I think of how they ruined one of my FAVORITE characters!! Among other things they did... And Prince Caspian-!! *scrambles down off soapbox before she really gets started*
Anyway... Thank you!
Sig by me | Av by Ithilwen
There is no such thing as a Painless Lesson
LOTR and Narnia are definitely some of my favorites too. But my favorite books, not exactly my favorite movies. *hears gasps all around* I'm picky y'all! LOTR still makes me mad when I think of how they ruined one of my FAVORITE characters!! Among other things they did...
And Prince Caspian-!! *scrambles down off soapbox before she really gets started*
*Doesn't gasp but although LWW is her favorite movie, agrees with the sentiment behind the statement.* Anytime you want to get on your soapbox feel free to send me a message. Oh and I enjoy having you wallpaper as my background.
NW sister to Movie Aristotle & daughter of the King
Lord of the Rings was my first thought when i saw Ed's sword glowing, quickly followed by 'why on earth do they have to use LotR ideas ! anyway... lovely wallie! the fonts are really neat and so is the text, it all goes really well with that look on his face. Great job
or have you forgotten who really defeated the White Witch,Peter~Lucy
lol Thanks Pattertwigs Pal! I'll remember that... Also, I LOVE your sig!!
And thank you narnia_lover127! I know... It seems such a copy. I mean, even the shade of blue looks like Sting. *is really hoping that it's not as absurd in the movie as it looks in the trailer*
Sig by me | Av by Ithilwen
There is no such thing as a Painless Lesson
Hilarious, when I saw the trailer I did not notice, but when I was in IMDb and saw the video posted in Narnia:VDT, the screen-cap was this and I, for a second, wondered why Frodo was there
LOL!! I sorta wondered what Frodo was doing there too...
"*blink blink* Is that Frodo?!?"
I'm glad you like it! Thank you!
Sig by me | Av by Ithilwen
There is no such thing as a Painless Lesson