Well, this is my first time posting a wallie or anything like that in the Fan Art section, so here goes!
In this thread, AnnasStar2010 requested a wallpaper that had pictures of Edmund & Lucy from all three movies. I thought it sounded like a fun request to fill and I wanted to explore the dynamic of Edmund & Lucy's relationship. It turned out to be harder than I thought - there aren't many pictures of Ed & Lu from PC - but I absolutely love the way it turned out. I already posted it in the Graphics Q&A thread, but I wanted to post it here to get some helpful C & CC.
I made two versions - normal and widescreen, so whatever you want to use is fine by me. I can also change it to a different color if you don't like the pink.
Note on the widescreen version: for some reasons the dimensions are off. It's supposed to be 1280x700, but my uploader sized it down. So if you want the full widescreen version, PM me and I can definitely get that to you.
I got the textures from here, and the caps from here.
av by dot
aww I love it!! the pictures you picked are really good!!! the black and white pictures I enjoy alot and its all around very pretty
NW twin to Georgiefan! NW sib to 22!
avvie by AslansChild thank you!!!
That is lovely work! Will the black and white pics be in colour too? Though the black and white effect is nice too. Good job!
Signature by Ithilwen/Avatar by Djaq
Member of the Will Poulter is Eustace club
Great Transformations-Eustace Scrubb
Great work, Mountain!
Size: I prefer 1024 x 768. It makes the pink texture part look like a book binding and gives more emphasis to the pictures.
Pics: I like the pics you chose from LWW and PC. I'm sure the latter one was harder, but you chose well. They're pivotal moments in Ed and Lu's relationship throughout the films. And I like how you blended them all. The VDT pic is okay. It finally looks like they're having fun. But what about the scene on the beach where Edmund has his hand on Lucy's shoulder? Or something from the Lone Islands (the slavery bit)? Something that says "goodbye" to Narnia?
Color: Pink is okay. I'm not sure which color fits the scenes. Maybe a darker color in the red family (burgundy/crimson)?
Texture: I don't actually like the texture, the design, even though I like the idea of an old book cover [it's cool]. What about this or this?
I probably sound really picky. I'm sorry. I've never made a wallpaper before, not even an avatar or signature. So the fact that you can do this at all is amazing. I'd love to know what program you used.
This is so very pretty, Fireflower! I love the light pink brocade and the black and white. It's very elegant and classy. Edmund and Lucy are my favorite duo from the whole series I think, so I love this very much!
"I have loved the stars too fondly to be fearful of the night."-Galileo
Wow, thanks for your comments, everyone!
georgiefan1: Thank you! Your thoughts are very much appreciated, and I value your opinion!
stateofgreen: Thanks, stateofgreen! Your input is very encouraging! In answer to your question, if I changed the color, the color of the texture on the left would be changed, not necessarily the pictures. I could attempt to make a color version, but I do like the way it looks black and white. When I left them colored, it ended up being too busy.
220chrisTian: Thank you for your input! Actually, I didn't mean for it to look like a book binding, but I see what you mean, and I really like that unintentional effect.
As for the pictures - it was really hard to find a picture of Ed & Lu with the same poignancy as the others since the official screencaps for the film aren't out yet. The only caps I've been able to work with are the ones from the trailers. I will probably see if one of the scenes you mentioned was in the trailer, but I haven't gotten a chance to yet. It's hard to sift through all the caps to find the specific ones you want, but maybe when the DVD is released, I'll revisit this concept!
I can try to make a crimson one. I do like that color as well so I think it would be pretty.
Also, thanks for the links to the textures! I had no idea those were on the site, and I love them a lot, so I'll try to work with those when I get the chance.
No problem! Your comments are helpful. I think the reason you didn't like it quite so much is because I officially made it for AnnasStar, and I was going by what she said she liked. Now that I have your feedback, I can keep that in mind if and when I make another version! Thank you for your thoughts!
I used Adobe Photoshop, but I know a lot of people in the Fan Art section use GIMP (flambeau in particular uses it, and I know a bunch of others do too). I've used it before and it's my backup plan if I ever need another graphics making program. Maybe that is a graphics program you could use.
NarnianHeart: Thank you ever so much! I'd have to agree with you on liking the pink, black and white - I was hoping for it to have an elegant, classy sort of look, so I'm glad you think so! I also love Ed & Lucy - they're my favorite duo too, so it was so fun to make this wallpaper!
Thanks again, everyone! (I didn't know it was possible to say 'thank you' so many times. )
av by dot
@Mountain: Thanks for the explanation. I love the black-and-white aspect of the photos. I've always loved black and white photography because I think you can do more with it, i.e. be more artsy.
That's loverly Miff! I personally like the texture, though it may be a tad distracting. And though pink isn't my favorite color (
), it adds a tender feeling to the whole wallpaper.
Great job!!
P.S. I use GIMP too.
Sig by me | Av by Ithilwen
There is no such thing as a Painless Lesson
This is just beautiful work....loving the black and white theme! They have grown so much together. Very nice work!
"We have nothing if not belief"
Love it! Thank you so much for doing this request! You did such an amazing job!!!
Thanks to Shastafan for the Signature and thanks to lizzyhenley009 for the avatar.