For those of you with widescreen monitors, may I present my latest wallpaper! The base image is unmodified, except for cropping, and the addition of the text. Enjoy!
View my Prince Caspian Photo Montage. Relive the experience!
Cool! Did you change the color of the sky? It looks different to me...
No, I didn't do anything to the sky, at least not on purpose. I did add a little haze around the text -- not sure if this could be it? Maybe the colour changed when I saved the final product! Anyway, I'm glad you liked it.
View my Prince Caspian Photo Montage. Relive the experience!
Hey, nice graphic Ricasso. I love this picture of the Dawn Treader. Just adding the title gives me the anticipation of having to wait to see the movie!
Simple yet effective! Nicely done.