Thanks! It doesn't really say anything (that I can tell), it's pretty much just for decoration. It seemed like it needed a final touch and the tiny text worked.
Even to your old age and gray hairs
I am He, I am He who will sustain you.
I have made you and I will carry you;
I will sustain you and I will rescue you.
- Isaiah 46:4
^Well it certainly worked very nicely I kind of like how it matches the border
8 more from me Again please credit and comment
That's 12 down, 98 to go...
"The mountains are calling and I must go, and I will work on while I can, studying incessantly." -John Muir
"Be cunning, and full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed." -Richard Adams, Watership Down
i love w.a.s.g., great graphics!! That's a beautiful picture, and I love the one with words. Great work!!
Kira - that's so gorgeous!! Seriously, you should do on like it for the other three kids, because that one is so beautiful!! And I love the graphics you currently have too!
Great idea Wolfy, looking great so far!!
NW sisters Lyn, Lia, and Rose
RL sister Destined_to_Reign
Member of the Tenth Avenue North and Pixar Club
Dubbed The Ally Of Epic Awesomeness by Libby
Thank you Ela,
4 more from my new series
Please credit if you use. Comments are welcomed with open paws
"The mountains are calling and I must go, and I will work on while I can, studying incessantly." -John Muir
"Be cunning, and full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed." -Richard Adams, Watership Down
wolfloversk, I'm loving this series! Hope you don't mind that I'm using one of the siggys
Signature by Tarkheena, Avatar by Ithilwen
Sneaky Ninja of the Lurkers Club
Thanks outlier So long as it's credited (which you have done) I don't mind if anyone uses them
Go right ahead
A few more entries...
"The mountains are calling and I must go, and I will work on while I can, studying incessantly." -John Muir
"Be cunning, and full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed." -Richard Adams, Watership Down
My first signatures from VoDT!
Texture on 5 by Wunderkind_Lucy
No permission necessary but please credit if you use.
narnian_at_heart, those are BEAUTIFUL!!! I definitally am going to use one, If I can chose the one I like best! those are amazing!
NW twin to Georgiefan! NW sib to 22!
avvie by AslansChild thank you!!!
i love w.a.s.g, very nice sigs! I like the second one a bit more
Kira, really nice.
wolfloversk, for some reason I can't see any of you pictures
narnian_at_heart, those sigs are WONDERFUL!!!!!!!!!!!! I really like the fourth one
and here are 2 from me
Founder of the Exploring Narnia Club (PM me to join)
Member of the Dragon Club
De_De, Unfortunately that's a Photobucket problem My sig won't show up either and that's from another member's album, I think they're updating their site...
They should pop back up when they're done
"The mountains are calling and I must go, and I will work on while I can, studying incessantly." -John Muir
"Be cunning, and full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed." -Richard Adams, Watership Down
wolfloversk, my last set are all posted from photobucket but they're showing. Although, last night, I did notice I was having some problems with some of them not showing up on the photobucket site: they just appeared as those boxes with a red x up in the corner.
georgiefan1, You are the first person on this site to use one of my graphics.
De_De, nice sigs. I love that scene from the movie.
narnian_at_heart, Mhhmm that's odd... Maybe they're doing it gradually. At the moment I can't access any of my albums or upload anything. And it says on the site they are doing maintenence. I'm not gonna be uploading anything else though til they do But they were up before, and I didn't move them or anything. I noticed last night my sig by winterlife wasn't showing up, I'm not positive, but I think mine were alright until today. I guess we will just have to wait a few days and see...
*goes to check on PB's FB page for other info*
Hey Photobucket peeps: some of you may experience the inability to login to the site for a bit while we do some back-end work. We'll let you know when things are up and running smoothly again, and don't worry - your images are safe!
Hey everyone, unfortunately our maintenance is going to take longer than expected. That means about 2% of you may have trouble with your accounts until sometime tomorrow morning (US time). We're hard at work getting things going and we appreciate your patience!
Hi PB fans, we're still fixing some of the maintenance problems some of you are seeing. As soon as we have an update, we'll post up on here, or our Twitter feed. Our apologies, and thanks for your patience!
So it appears as though it's not affecting everyone, but it is me, and a few other NWers at the moment.
"The mountains are calling and I must go, and I will work on while I can, studying incessantly." -John Muir
"Be cunning, and full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed." -Richard Adams, Watership Down
Woa. I haven't been in here in ages! I've lurked around a bit since my last post, so I can honestly say I have seen some really awesome stuff.
Just one from me. I want to do some stuff for Easter, so I should be back soon.
I think the textures I used are by hyaline12 and flambeau, but I don't remember.
Anyone can use. C&CC
Well as you can see my PB's back up... if you missed my sigs, they can all be veiwed here: ... er%20Sigs/
Thank you all for your patience
"The mountains are calling and I must go, and I will work on while I can, studying incessantly." -John Muir
"Be cunning, and full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed." -Richard Adams, Watership Down
hey daughter of the King, can I use that signature? Of course I'll be using it by the time you see it, but I always feel like asing permission.
Signature by daughter of the King; Avatar by Adeona
-Thanks :]
Keeper of the Secret Magic