wolfloversk, Thanks I love yours Wolfy. I like the lighting effects
Here is just one Lucy sig from me.
C and CC is great. Credit is nice if you use.
Loyal supporter of Caspian/Susan.
NW Family: Aunty Vi, LadyC, Rose, Chloe
Secret Order of the Swoosh.
Keeper of the Secret Magic
Wow some lovely stuff!
lover of narnia, the colors are gorgeous! I love that shot of Lucy!
wolfloversk, I love your one of reepicheep! great colors!
Tarkhenna, love the text on your one of reepicheep! and your welcome for the info on the screencaps!
I saw the movie....and was disappointed
It's been a little while since I posted in this topic, but I've been following everyone's work and it's beautiful.
Page 16:
Lover of Narnia: Good coloring, and the way you did the text really works well.
Page 15:
Wolfloversk: Nice textures on Reep. The rainbow is a nice touch, as well. The color of your text is a little bit startling, though.
Lover of Narnia: 1st Post: I really like #1; the cropping, tiny text, and coloring work beautifully together. It's very sweet. My other favorites are "Lies" and "Look to the East" 2nd Post: I like the soft but vivid coloring on #1, and the island sigs are just beautiful! 3rd Post: I like that you were able to use that screenshot of Caspian yelling. Good cropping on #3, and I like the text on that one, as well (even though I'm not as Suspifan
). Good font choice!
Tarkheena: Beautiful work on the Reep sig! I love your font choices and texture work. 3 and 4 are good as well; nice coloring.
DamselJillPole: 1st Post: Wow! Amazing coloring on 1+2. 2nd Post: Don't let the nasty people in life get you down.
A_Narnian_Ship: 1st Post: Nice overall coloring. I like what you did with #3. Really good text coloring on that one. 2nd Post: I really like the dreamy coloring on yours, particularly "Aslan's Country". The text is nicely done on all.
theprincessspy: Great text choice! I like #1 best.
nz_narnia_nut: #1 is beautiful! I love your coloring and texture work on that image. 3 is good as well; I like the text. I did think mystery when I saw that picture; the atmosphere of it, I guess.
I only have one of my own to contribute; I'd been saving it up in hopes of having a couple more to add. But the chances of that happening in the near future are small, so here it is:
Lyrics are from I Will Be Here for You, by Micheal W. Smith. I used a texture by yunhe on LJ.
Comments, criticism, and credit are ever welcomed!
"In the end, there is something to which we say: 'This I must do.'"
- Gordon T. Smith
avi by Flambeau
Hi everyone! I'm just popping in to post a few variations on a Reep signature. I haven't been in here in forever, and I'm sorry that I have no time for comments, but I will definitely try to do a better job of keeping up! You all are doing simply beautiful work!
Comments and CC are wonderful! Credit appreciated but not required.
Textures by hyaline12 and Wunderkind_Lucy.
the light after the storm
shows that hope was never gone
Snow After Fire graphics
lover of narnia 1st post: Hmm... a tut... I'll work on it For your sigs, #7 is astoundingly beautiful!! I like
2nd post: Gorgeous colouring on #1, that and #2 are my favs Page 16: Such a pretty pic of Georgie!
DamselJillPole 1st post: Aw @ #7 and #8, I do so love the 'you are most beautiful' line! 2nd post: Lovely pics you used there
theprincessspy Thankyou Ohh, cool font on those ones...
A_Narnian_Ship hehe Ed's expression in #3 is great, as is the quote
Tarkheena #1 is awesome, that is such a great choice of text
wolfloversk Nice work! I really like the lighting
Adeona Wow, the text works so well, I love how it turned out
malkah Stunning! Picking a favourite is hard... I'm gonna go with #3, the background image is very effective
whew... that involved a lot of smilies!
some from me...
lover of narnia: 1st post - Yours are all really well-done, but I'd probably like them better if I were a Suspian fan. 2nd post - Absolutely love this one! The coloring is stunning, and I really like the way you positioned the text in a cloud. So pretty!
wolfloversk: The sparkly bluish-green texture around Reep is awesome -- and I like the glowing sunburst. My only advice would be that the text is maybe a little too bright a blue. It doesn't blend with the graphic very well. Love everything else, though!
malkah: #3 is my favorite. That is such a cool font! What's it called?
narnia_nut: #3 is hilarious! I thought the same thing when I saw that picture. Great job.
And now, one more from me.
Credit is appreciated, but not required.
avvie & sig by me
Team Hoodie!!!
Hoot Owl Of NarniaWeb
One signature from someone who hasn't been here before. Perhaps not the best coloration/texturing/ect as some of you. But I like it anyways. The look in Edmund's eyes is so haunting. I felt like crying just after seeing the newest trailer.
(sidenote: the text is a quote from my novel in progress)
Credit is necessary if used...PM for anything else. Comments or critques are ALWAYS welcome...
~Awel P.
p.s. whenever the movie comes out on DVD I plan on getting a larger picture and turning it into a wallpaper with the same text as well.
real-life sis: Pepper Darcy
My Sites:
My Designer Girl | Shilah | Horatio Hornblower Wallpapers
I'll be out of my mind And you'll be out of ideas Pretty soon
So let's spend The afternoon in a cold hot air balloon
Wow, Awel, SERIOUSLY! I'm so using that siggie! Means I need to make and Ithilwen Avatar! =) Wow... so fits *you know who* in my book... I love your work! By the way, thanks for e-mailing that picture from my e-mail to yourself! =) I suppose I have to use credit even though I'm your sister...?
Lover of Narnia, *wow* that is an awesome siggie of Lucy. Where'd you get that picture of her?
Great work guys!
:music: risk it all cuz I'll catch you if you fall... if my heart was a house you'd be home :music:
Attention Susan/Caspian and Caspian/Lilliandil fans!
Just a little note here from your friendly NWeb moderators. While we have nothing whatsoever against you all making graphics in favor of your couple of choice, we do have a problem with you making graphics against the other couple. See, disrespecting another person's opinion - especially if you don't agree with it - is not allowed on this site. Disrespect can quickly turn into hate, and shipping wars can quickly turn into flame wars. We would rather not have that happen.
Now, let's get back to using these threads for what they are meant for: fun and creative interaction between fellow artists!
Thank you all!
--- flambeau
The Moderator Team
President of the Manalive Conspiracy
Founder of Team Hoodie
Icon by me
@Pepper Darcy: nice avie/sig combo! [And really sad too! ] The Lucy pic is from Narnia France.
http://www.lemondedenarnia.com/forums/v ... e=3#157182
@Awel Prince: beautiful work. Edmund's eyes are haunting. I love the way you highlighted his face, with that quote. I'd love to know the full extent of Ed's nightmare on Dark Island. But I'm not convinced this screencap takes place on that island, more likely during a storm. When Edmund is tempted by the witch, his hair is straight and dry. Check out this thread... viewtopic.php?f=2&t=1981&p=104314#p104295
Lover of Narnia, Thanks! The picture is from a German movie book, NarniaWeb posted the pictures here: http://www.narniaweb.com/2010/10/new-da ... ie-stills/
avvie & sig by me
Team Hoodie!!!
Hoot Owl Of NarniaWeb
here, I've never posted any before, but here's a go! These are posted in order from my most favourite to my least
That last one, really, really, REALLY could use some work, but I thought it was funny!
:music: risk it all cuz I'll catch you if you fall... if my heart was a house you'd be home :music:
@Pepper Darcy: what's the source of #3 above? It is from VDT, is it not? Or is that from PC? I can't tell.
@Pepper Darcy: what's the source of #3 above? It is from VDT, is it not? Or is that from PC? I can't tell.
I know I'm not the person the question is being addressed to, but to me it rather looks like Lucy from LWW, in the scene where she's staring at the candle before going into Narnia a second time (the time Edmund follows her in).
Just a couple comments. Sorry!
nz_narnia_nut: Nice work on all of those! I really like 2.
Pepper Darcy: 7 is hilarious!
I really love all the sigs!!! Great work everybody!
Here's a few Georgie sigs....
C and CC are great! Feel free to use, credit would be nice if you do.
Team Hoodie! | Keeper of the Secret Magic | ♥