Here is a background that I made using the lyrics from the song Ride of Life by 4Him, CC and C is welcome, thanks!
Pray Until Something Happens
-Karen Kingsbury
that song fits your pic really well, also those are great lyrics even without the pic! great job
or have you forgotten who really defeated the White Witch,Peter~Lucy
Good job Ellie! I love that picture! That song works great with that picture!
I really like the fonts you used!
"They know everything on Narnia Web"~Ben Barnes
Used to be Princess~Lucy
Karen Kingsbury fan!
I really like your WP! I really really like the pic you used! You did a GREAT job!
Avatar & sig made by me.
Aww, that's cute!
I don't think I've heard that song before, I'll have to look into it now. It fit the picture really well. I always did like that picture... *shakes head to clear the wandering thought trails*
Anyway, nicely done! I'd like to see more wallies from you!
Oh, one more thing... what font did you use in the bottom right-hand corner? It's neat.
Thank you so much for the kind comments every one! I am glad that everyone liked it. It was rather fun to make, I actually came up to the idea because I saw the picture as I was listening to the song and the wallpaper just came to be after that.
Princess Anna: I am sorry that it took me a while to answer your question, but I had honestly forgotten which font I used. (I never pay attention to what fonts I am using ) But anyways, here is the name: Colonna MT As for the song, you really must listen to it, it is one of my favorites by the group, although I do like a lot of their songs.
Well, thank you once again everyone for the sweet comments.
Pray Until Something Happens
-Karen Kingsbury
Hey Lady Lucy,
I really enjoyed seeing your roller coaster ride wallpaper! Love the sayings and font fits perfectly! Keep up the good work!
Signature: Princess Lucy
Avatar: me
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That is really pretty Lady Lucy! I like that song! It fits perfect with the picture!
NW sib:7
"They know everything on NarniaWeb"~Ben Barnes
Used to be Queen~Susan
avatar & signature made by me
Great job! The text is really fitting. I have looked at it before but for some reason it doesn't want to download now. Is that your first wallie or one of the first?
Go Marina Erakovic!
I've met Michael Apted!!!
Av & Sig by Me. NWeb sis: ForeverFan