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[Closed] Resources - Brushes, Textures and more! #1

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NarniaWeb Podcaster Moderator Emeritus

Due to popular demand, we now have Resource thread for posting various resources relating to making graphics.

Please only post work made by yourself. It's ok to link to things made by other people, but we'd like to keep that to a minimum. We want to see YOUR talent! Also, please keep your resources general or Narnia-related. It's okay to post a few bases here, but please keep it to a minimum...anything over five or six bases should go in the Avatar thread.

Enjoy! :)

Links to helpful Resource sites:
Narnia Bases for editing

Topic starter Posted : August 18, 2009 5:02 pm
NarniaWeb Podcaster Moderator Emeritus

Well, I'll start out. :)

Lover of Narnia requested the frame I used in one of the avatars I posted in the Avies thread. Here it is...I'm fairly certain it came from a Photoshop brush pack and I don't know exactly where it came from. If I find out the source, I'll edit this post to let you know.

I'm posting two different versions because I don't know which one is preferable for GIMP and stuff, lol. ;))

Topic starter Posted : September 4, 2009 8:45 am
A Magnet for All Kinds of Deeper Wunderment Hospitality Committee

I guess I'll go ahead and repost my Sense and Sensibility texture sets.

100x100 Texture Sets:

Wallpaper Textures:

A Gift for Elinor

Marianne's Walk in the Rain

No London for Margaret

Credit is nice, but not necessary. Please don't claim as your own. Enjoy!


"The task of the modern educator is not to cut down jungles but to irrigate deserts." ~ C. S. Lewis, The Abolition of Man
Forum 1.0: 1303 posts
WC: 54

Posted : September 4, 2009 10:45 am
HM Swanwhite
NarniaWeb Nut

Those are awesome brushes gymfan15. Really cool. I'm glad you've started this thread up again. Thanks. I didn't see it the first time I came into this forum.
Wunder_Lu I have already commented on them but I will again. I love the gentle colours of them all. And of the wallpaper textures the last two are my favourites. I love the textured look of them. BTW which Sense and Sensibility is your fave or the one you were thinking of when you did these?

Go Marina Erakovic!
I've met Michael Apted!!!
Av & Sig by Me. NWeb sis: ForeverFan

Posted : September 4, 2009 12:24 pm
A Magnet for All Kinds of Deeper Wunderment Hospitality Committee

@HM: Lol. I was thinking of the new BBC version, but I love both! I totally can't pick a favorite. :x

I'm going to repost my Narnia-inspired wallpaper textures now. I'm eventually hoping to do some inspired by the S&S guys. :D

Well, here they are!

Peter's Battle Cry

Susan's Return to the Shadowlands

This Is Home for Edmund

Lucy's Floral Fantasy


"The task of the modern educator is not to cut down jungles but to irrigate deserts." ~ C. S. Lewis, The Abolition of Man
Forum 1.0: 1303 posts
WC: 54

Posted : September 4, 2009 1:40 pm
NarniaWeb Nut

(oh boy, first post on the new forum!)

well, i guess i'll post some of my texture sets:

i've got 2 more sets, but i'll wait to post them.

My LJ!

Posted : September 5, 2009 4:28 pm
HM Swanwhite
NarniaWeb Nut

Those are really cool. I downloaded and love them both! Awesome job! Have you done any more?

Go Marina Erakovic!
I've met Michael Apted!!!
Av & Sig by Me. NWeb sis: ForeverFan

Posted : September 6, 2009 11:11 pm
A Concerned Third Party Moderator Emeritus

Wonderful textures everyone! *saves a bunch*

Here's a new texture pack from me! :D

^click to download^

...and the previous set...

^click to download^

Please do not edit them and claim them as your own. I would appreciate credit if you re-post them in their original form. :)

--- flambeau

President of the Manalive Conspiracy
Founder of Team Hoodie
Icon by me

Posted : September 7, 2009 6:02 pm
NarniaWeb Nut

here's the other 2 texture sets, plus a new one i just finished:

My LJ!

Posted : September 8, 2009 4:00 pm
HM Swanwhite
NarniaWeb Nut

Those are absolutely awesome hyaline12! :) Those are such awesome light textures!
flambeau I absolutely love your new tinytext pack. In fact I love all the ones you've made! They are such fun to use. The Go Hard or Go Home one is really cool. Have you seen The Climb? They use that quote a lot in that movie. (It's a Christian one BTW so you'll probably find it at a Christian bookstore more likely than a non one.) May I ask what the font is you used on them? Is it Arial like last time?

Go Marina Erakovic!
I've met Michael Apted!!!
Av & Sig by Me. NWeb sis: ForeverFan

Posted : September 8, 2009 9:56 pm
NarniaWeb Regular

This is a repost of some of my best stuff from the old thread. If anyone has a specific request for me to post something from the old forum that I haven't posted, just ask! :)

These are avatar frames and textures:

NarniaWeb sib:Narnia_Fan12

Posted : September 9, 2009 6:49 am
NarniaWeb Nut

I have some new textures....

Feel free to use! :)

LP0104 :D

Graphics | Youtube

signature by MountainFireFlower
Keeper of Mrs. Beaver's sewing machine.
Hoot Owl of Narniaweb! I met Adam Young once(:

Posted : September 10, 2009 12:24 pm
HM Swanwhite
NarniaWeb Nut

AEF good idea to repost them. I particularly like your light textures. But I also love no. 9 - the frame - I don't remember that one from the old thread. Very cool! Have you made any others like that?
LucyP0104 Lovely textures. Very pretty. I saved them all!!!

Go Marina Erakovic!
I've met Michael Apted!!!
Av & Sig by Me. NWeb sis: ForeverFan

Posted : September 11, 2009 3:27 pm
NarniaWeb Guru

Everyone's textures are beautiful! I've been saving so much lovely stuff that I can't wait to use. Thanks! :)

the light after the storm
shows that hope was never gone

Snow After Fire graphics

Posted : September 13, 2009 3:51 pm
NarniaWeb Regular

LucyP0104: Nice textures! :) I will be saving some! :D

HM Swanwhite: I don't think that I have any more that are that kind of style but there are a couple that a slightly similar(see some of the ones below ;) ).

Here are some more that I would like to post from the old thread.

Avatar textures and frames:

Wallpaper textures:

NarniaWeb sib:Narnia_Fan12

Posted : September 14, 2009 10:06 am
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