I didn't add much text or even brushes and absolutely no texture because I thought the brilliant pictures should remain the main focus of the wallpaper. Of course Aslan needed to be in the center while the Pevensies were on either side in the same order of their thrones...What do you think?
~Awel P.
real-life sis: Pepper Darcy
My Sites:
My Designer Girl | Shilah | Horatio Hornblower Wallpapers
I'll be out of my mind And you'll be out of ideas Pretty soon
So let's spend The afternoon in a cold hot air balloon
Oh, wow! I really like it, Awel! The black and the reflections give it a very professional look. Great job!
Draco Dormien Nunquam Titillandus
Minion to Lady A and Booky ⎮ NW sister to Ela, Mountie, and Rose.
Braintriplet to Narnia_Fan12 and narnianerd
Team Hoodie! ⎮ Secret Order of the Swoosh
avatar by Lady Courage
Hey Awel!! Nice job!! I really like this! That kind of set up with the whole dividing thing looks cool!!
Wow! I love it!
Beautiful concept, great cropping, and I like your image choice and the mirror effect. *saves* My only criticism is the photo of Ed is a little bleh; he's squinting!
Great WP overall, though!
"In the end, there is something to which we say: 'This I must do.'"
- Gordon T. Smith
avi by Flambeau
One minor nitpick from me is that the Aslan picture feels a bit too dark...all the other pictures have been brightened while that one hasn't.
But aside from that, very nice selection of photos! It's a simple design but it is very aesthetically pleasing.
I love it!! Love how clear the pictures are and how well they stand out aginst that black background. The quote from Lewis is really good and i've not read it before. Lovely font and choice of pictures as well. Beautiful job
or have you forgotten who really defeated the White Witch,Peter~Lucy
Wow very nice! Only, why are Susan and Peter there???
Founder of the Exploring Narnia Club (PM me to join)
Member of the Dragon Club
Oh I like it Awel!!! I totally love that quote you used, the reflections and the overall coloration of the piece is just gorgeous!!
The only point that just doesn't seem to fit as well, is the picture of Aslan, as Minotaur said.
But other then that, I love it!!
Up as my background it goes!
Great job!!
Sig by me | Av by Ithilwen
There is no such thing as a Painless Lesson
Melian_Maia & DaughterofEve1792 , thank you very much! I like it too.
Adeona , yeah, I thought Ed's pic was sorta meh too...but I couldn't find a better one I liked so I went with it.
MinotaurforAslan, I agree. It actually was darker than what's on my wallpaper but apparently I didn't lighten it enough.
narnia_lover127 , *bows* thank you.
De_De , even though I used pictures from VotDT it wasn't supposed to be a VotDT wallpaper. Just a "Narnian" one...when they get all the movies done, I'll probably redo it and use the 7 friends of Narnia and few of my other favorite characters...Besides, I'm such a Peter fan I couldn't exclude him.
Lady Courage, Really?! As your background! That's so cool! My sister Pepper is using it right now too and so is another friend of mine! Big cheesy grin on my face, just like this:
Thanks for your criticism, it makes me better at graphics.
~Awel P.
real-life sis: Pepper Darcy
My Sites:
My Designer Girl | Shilah | Horatio Hornblower Wallpapers
I'll be out of my mind And you'll be out of ideas Pretty soon
So let's spend The afternoon in a cold hot air balloon
Hey! I have *that* wallpaper on my desktop too! How'd ya do that?!? *ahem* me thinks I need to post some of my wallies too
:music: risk it all cuz I'll catch you if you fall... if my heart was a house you'd be home :music:
Nice wp Awel Prince. Overall design and layout look good, nice and simple, but to the point. The selection of imagery is great (I like how you have objects as well as characters) and the ordering of them works well. Your choice of text works pretty well with your chocies of imagery. While I do like the inclusion of object imagery, I'm not really getting the sense of how the helm image connects back to the text. I can see the connection with the Dawn Treader image and how it appears to rear up on the sea, but I'm just not making the connection with the helm. On that note, I really like the variety of the character images and how each matches up with the 'courage' theme in their own way. The mirror effect to the imagery is also working well and adds a nice touch to the piece. The logo works nicely with the overall coloration to the piece and adds a nice finishing touch as well. Nice work .
Sig by Dernhelm_of_Rohan
NWsis to eves_daughter & ForeverFan
That's nice. I like how there are pictures of lots of different characters and the quote too!
Thanks to Shastafan for the Signature and thanks to lizzyhenley009 for the avatar.