Awhile back I had the idea of making a background of Narnia in a newspaper format but I just never got around to actually making it, until today that is. Any c and cc is welcome, please let me know what you think!
Pray Until Something Happens
-Karen Kingsbury
Very cool idea! Nice job on the layout and photo selection!
A really, really cool idea! I absolutely loved it! From the artistic side, the layout is great (Edmund's picture could have been made a tad more narrow to better match Susan's but that's all), the picture quality is beautiful, and the text is great! (I'm sorry to be a pest, but there was a tiiiny spelling mistake, the 'listening Eastern' instead 'glistening', but this sort of thing happens all the time and took nothing away from the greatness of the whole piece!) I loved the pictures for the Pevensies you chose, and the suggestion of the interviews, it's such a cool idea! And adorable of you to make Mr. Tumnus the writer of the text!
I've seen the movie 9 times!!! (PC)
I've seen the movie 7 times!!! (VoDT) And loved it!
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I love it! both the idea and the way you did it
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my graphics:
Ooooh, this is a unique (and well done!) idea! Good job.
I especially like the picture you chose for the 'exclusive interview' with Peter - he looks all official and "busy."
This isn't criticism, but while I looked at it, I kept wondering what it would look like if the pictures were black and white...or at least not so vividly colored. But that was just a train of thought my mind took - I think it's lovely!
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Avi by Wunderkind_Lucy ~ Sigi by campgirl
Wow! This is such a creative idea, and you've executed it so well! Great choice of pictures and use of similar coloring throughout! If you ever get the urge to... I'd love to see any more issues you come up with! Maybe a Caspian one?
"Oh telescope, keep an eye on my only hope,
Lest I blink and be swept off the narrow road.
Hercules, you've got nothing to say to me,
'Cause you're not the blinding light that I need.
For He is the saving grace of the Galaxies."
Thank you everyone, I'm glad that everyone has liked it!
Beginte, thank you! I didn't realize that, actually, while I was typing it I was listening to a very poor quality version of that scene and I couldn't quite make out the word, so I just guessed. I'll have to see about fixing that, thank you so much for bringing that to my attention!
Theprincessspy, Hmmm, I like the idea of a black and white version, I might have to give that a try! Thank you for the idea!
Thank you Dekkie, I might come up with some more versions, it'll just depend on whether or not I have time.
Pray Until Something Happens
-Karen Kingsbury
ooh, I like it! very clever and it looks cool!
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are
Very cool idea! As a graphic, I have no criticism other than those already mentioned. As a newspaper, however, I have a couple of suggestions:
I would move the "White Witch Defeated" story to the top of the right side of the page and write a snippet of a story for it that could say "cont. on pg 6." Since she has reigned over Narnia a hundred years it's a huge piece of news.
On the left side of the page I would say at the top "Exclusive Interviews" and then list which pages the interviews are on much like you already did: "High King Peter pg 2" "Queen Susan pg 2" etc. To save space, maybe have one picture with two monarchs instead of each having a separate picture?
You can take these suggestions or leave them. I'm a communications major and I've worked on a newspaper so I have a more opinionated view of how one should be laid out, but that's just me. It's very good the way it is. And I love the title!
Wow, Lady Lucy! This is such a great idea, one I absolutely love!! It made me smile. Your graphic skills are very good, and I'm very impressed. I loved the special touch of having assorted pictures placed behind the newspaper. That especially stood out to me for some reason.
A small suggestion - I think it would stand out more if you made the title of the newspaper, "The Narnian Chronicle", stand out a little more. One font I've always liked because it looks newspaper-ish is Lucida Blackletter. I think they have it on almost all computers (Windows that is. I can't speak for Macs). Anyway, that's not anything huge, but just a bit of critique. It doesn't look bad at all the way it is, and I absolutely love this concept!
(I'm thinking of using it for my wallpaper!
av by dot
That's a really cool idea! Good job! I think I would use different text though... something that looks more like what you'd see in a modern newspaper. I think that text looks too fake.
Thank you for all of the suggestions everyone!
DaughteroftheKing: Thank you for the suggestions! I really like your ideas to make it more 'newspaperish.' If I get the chance, (maybe this weekend, depends on how busy I am ) I will try them out and rearrange everything!
MountainFireflower and Ithilwen: Yeah, I know that it isn't the most accurate font, but I was in a hurry and just quickly chose that one. Thank you for the font suggestion MountainFireflower, if I get a chance to remake it, I might try that one!
Pray Until Something Happens
-Karen Kingsbury
If you ever consider a second edition (or perhaps a news from later Pevensies' rule, maybe Peter's return from the campaign against the Giants and Susan, Edmund and Lucy returning from Calormen, using pictures of the end of LWW... wow, my imagination carried me away ), you could add a cool effect of a pack of newspapers tied with a twine!
I'm sorry to be so pesky , I just so much love what you did here, an amazing idea and excellent execution of it!
I've seen the movie 9 times!!! (PC)
I've seen the movie 7 times!!! (VoDT) And loved it!
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