As soon as I saw the trailer, I went into a fit of freaking because Lucy had Susan's bow and arrows. Thus, this image was born!! ... sister.jpg
Tell me watcha think!!
Nice work DaughterofEve.
I think your choice of image and coloring for Susan is just right. B+W, is, in the context of this piece, the only way to go. The blending is good, and the wording is awesome!
I did want to mention that the WP is pretty pixelated, though I'm not sure there was anything you could do about that. I like the transparency of the text, but it's kinda distracting spread all over the WP.
The concept is really good, and I hope you'll be making more wallpapers!
"In the end, there is something to which we say: 'This I must do.'"
- Gordon T. Smith
avi by Flambeau
They sure do look more like sisters with these pictures compared of Susan and Lucy. You did a great job with this too! i love how Lucy looks very fierce in the picture with her head held high compared to Susan. I also love the coloring as well! So that is Susan's bow! I was wondering if it was, the details look so similar.
Again great job!
Long Live King Caspian & Queen Liliandil Forever!
Jill+Tirian! Let there be Jilrian!
^_^ Thanks guys!! Yes, that is definately Susan's bow!!!!!!!!! =D I didn't even stop to question if it was or not upon first seeing the trailer, 'cause sometime earlier, I had been thinking to myself, "Oh, it would be so awesome if they had Lucy use Susan's bow! But that's just wishful thinking..." Can you imagine my surprise when I saw the trailer? Hahaha!!
Yeah, I totally love how Susan's all calm and collected and Lucy looks like she means to kick some tail! I can't wait to see the movie!! Thanks again Adeona and Jill!
This is a wonderful comparison and its like it comes right out at you! Very nice work!!
"We have nothing if not belief"
Great work!
It's cool to actually see the pictures side by side! And they really do look like sisters!
I like how you blended the pictures and made Susan's black and white, and Lucy's color! I also like the text, Great Job DaughterofEve1792!
The Value of myth is that it takes all the things you know and restores to them the rich significance which has been hidden by the veil of familiarity. C.S. Lewis
I really like this. It's funny how similar they look... The only problem I have is the text kind of disappears into the background and is difficult to see. Other than that, it's great!
By the way, several people have mentioned that Susan is calm and collected while Lucy looks very fierce...that's because they're Queen Susan the Gentle and Queen Lucy the Valiant, the way it should be!!!
Member of the Dragon Lovers Club. PM FrecklefaceJill to join.
ok im not a fan of Lucy having Susan's bow but lovely wallie!! the text is great but i think it was a bit hard to see the word 'sister'. love how you got 2 pics in which they look so alike! Great job
or have you forgotten who really defeated the White Witch,Peter~Lucy
A nice wp DaughterofEve1792. Design and layout look good. I absolutely love the two images you have chosen and how they reflect each other. Whereas Susan seems poised and set with her gifts, Lucy appears less at ease as if she feels she can't quite fill Susan's shoes with the bow (as if Lucy is a bit... uncomfortable with taking over Susan's weapons). It seems like a fitting "passing of the torch" (or gifts I suppose ), especially when matched up with your choice of text. Conceptually, your choice of text works superbly with your choices of imagery. The coloration choice works well, but it becomes a bit hard to read in places (blending in to the mahogany coloration on the Lucy image). I would play around with font color a bit more here. I would probably stay in this color range (you probably wouldn't want to go too bright in a more intense red). Nice work
Sig by Dernhelm_of_Rohan
NWsis to eves_daughter & ForeverFan
Thanks for all the advice guys!! Next time I'm on photoshop, I'll see what I can work out! Yes, I had kinda a hard time choosing a pic of Susan that could mirror Lucy's stance, but, I think this one is a keeper!
That's Awesome! Thanks for sharing!
Thanks to Shastafan for the Signature and thanks to lizzyhenley009 for the avatar.