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[Sticky] Fan Art Tutorials

Maiden of Monday Madness Moderator
Welcome to the Tutorials thread! Here you can post specific tutorials relating to various graphic tools and styles, for all different kinds of programs. This thread is designed to go hand in hand with the "Got a Question? Ask Here!" thread, however there are some basic differences/guidelines.
  • This thread is for tutorials only. Please do not post asking questions on this thread. Your comments will be removed off of the forum and questions will be moved to the Got A Question thread. Make life easy for the mods, just don't post comments/questions here.
  • Please put a title at the top of your tutorials stating what they are. To make it easy to find, put this in bold.
  • If someone asks a question in the Question thread, feel free to link to various tutorials in this thread.
  • Have fun! That's what fan art is all about, and we hope this thread helps everyone to become better artists.
Frequently Requested Tutorials:
Fan Art section moderators 
- wild rose, SnowAngel

Previous thread:
Christ is King.

Topic starter Posted : June 5, 2020 12:53 pm