I haven't been in here for nearly eleven pages, so I won't be able to catch up on comments. I have been following the thread, however, and you all are doing simply gorgeous work!
Comments for this page:
Dot, first post- #3 is so pretty. It looks like an oil painting! Second post-lovely coloring! Favorites are #3, #4, #6, #7, #13, and #17!
AslansChild, welcome to Narniaweb! Really nice icons--I love the way you set up the text on #2!
Vi, great cropping and textures! My favorites are #1 (beautiful coloring!), #6, #7, #9, and #12!
And some from me:
Comments and CC are wonderful! Credit appreciated but not required.
Textures by hyaline12 and endelyn@livejournal.
the light after the storm
shows that hope was never gone
Snow After Fire graphics
daughter of the king: I really like 1,12,&16. The little swirly brush you used in 12 is cool, backgrounds nice too.
violetfirekrazed: I like 1,6,7,& 12...Lucy's so sweet! the colors are nice and bright...and the contrast is good too, the shadows so up well.
malkah: I like 1,3,6,8,&10. I love the really bright, smooth feel on 1, and I like how all the dark places on 6 kinda blend together...her hair and the background mix into one big dark spot. And the last one is just cool effects.
*thank you all so much for the welcome...I'm honored to be a member of NarniaWeb and have the chance to share my work with you guys*
"...when my heart is overwhwlemed, lead me to the Rock that is higher than I."
-Pslam 61:2
Here's a few more avatars.
Dotted texture and "this is home" brush on avatar 2 not mine...can't remember whose it is though ...I think the text is from flambeau.
Words from 3rd avatar from the song: Stars Will Fall by Aaron Shust
c & cc appreciated
"...when my heart is overwhwlemed, lead me to the Rock that is higher than I."
-Pslam 61:2
I'm sorry it's been a long time since my last post, so I'm afraid I can't catch up on all the comments, but I've been looking through the thread and everyone's graphics are so amazing! Great work, everyone!!
Here are three from me
sig by Sheroo of Stormness Head
avatar by me
Member of the Dragon club. PM Narnia Girl or FFJ to join.
RL sibling to De_De and wild rose
So many stunning graphics on here; and I haven't commented in so long!
Evelyn's post on page 84: I love the colors on yours; the focus on 3 is really cool, and I absolutely love 1 and 6 - how far back it is, how much of the sky you can see.
DotK's first post: Love the blurriness on 1 and 2; that's really cool! The 3d one has absolutely stunning colors, and it's just so cool; great job! I think my favorites are 5, 6, and 12. Especially the last - the clearness, the colors, it's just stunning!!
Aslanschild's first post: Okay, that first avi? Oh my goodness. I can't remember the moment in the movie, but it's so perfect. She looks so wonderful, just like Lucy should look, and it's beautiful. I also like 2.
DotK's second post: Love seeing all the Lucy one's; so hard to choose favorites, but . . . 7, 12, 13, 15, 16, and 19. I love them.
Vi: Goodness, all of them are beautiful; a lot of the pictures are very unique, and make the kids look different than usual. I like it. My favorites are . . 6, 7, 8, and 13.
Mal: Wow. Stunning. You are so talented; the colors you use are so magical and beautiful. 3, 6, 8 and 10 are my favorite by far.
Wonderful job!!
Aslanschild's second post: Once again, 1 is amazing, and I really like 2 as well. Wonderful job!!
NarnianArcher: Love all of yours!!
NW sisters Lyn, Lia, and Rose
RL sister Destined_to_Reign
Member of the Tenth Avenue North and Pixar Club
Dubbed The Ally Of Epic Awesomeness by Libby
thanks alot Elanor...that first avatar in from VDT, when Gael in running after her mum and she's screaming and stuff, they show a brief clip of Lucy and Eustace chained up with the other prisoners, and Lucy looks like she's about to cry and puts hr head down.
Glad you liked them!
FYI for everyone...I don't have a image hosting profile, so I'm going to put a few attached avatars up at a time, leave them up for about a week or so, and then delete them to put new ones up...so if you want the avatars, please save them to your computer. Thanks!
"...when my heart is overwhwlemed, lead me to the Rock that is higher than I."
-Pslam 61:2
Thanks for the comments everyone! Especially yours, georgiefan1. You made my day!
violetfirekrazed: they're all very pretty, but the close crops of Lucy are stunning! Favs are 7 and 12.
malkah: I can't pick favourites. The colouring and lighting is so superb on all them.
Aslanschild: I love the textures you used on 1 and 2!
Narnian_Archer: Good job! I like the first one; it makes me giggle.
I went on a Susan kick recently...
Textures by flambeau, Wunderkind, Aravis A., and hyaline12.
Anyone can use. C&CC
Made some more today. Mostly of Edmund. Comments are welcome!
Merry Christmas!
"I'm here to save Elizabeth!" ~ Will Turner
All avatars are awsome guys. Thank you.
Some avatars from me:
You know my favorite is Skandar (:
okay, comments first:
daughter of the KingI LOVE all your Susan avatars: my favorites are 2,3,4,5,9,10,& 12. I like them all though...their all very bright and colorful.
Evelyn very nice: 1,5&6 are the ones I like best...the Lucy one's cute, I like the text you used. Text's nice on 6 too.
CaglaSuTk I like the way you made them so colorful...3 is very nice, and 5 has a nice border.
DancingPrincesses these are all sweet, 2 is extra cute, nice picture too.
here's some from me: (one Susan for each film! )
c&cc welcomed
"...when my heart is overwhwlemed, lead me to the Rock that is higher than I."
-Pslam 61:2
Hi Guys! Long time no post it seems. Sorry, no comments, except for this page. But a huge thank you to the people who commented on my last posts!
AslansChild, These are really nice! I adore 2. It's well blending, and not too textured. I also like 1. Creative!
Batch from me.
More to come! C and CC is great. Credit is nice, but not required if you use.
Loyal supporter of Caspian/Susan.
NW Family: Aunty Vi, LadyC, Rose, Chloe
Secret Order of the Swoosh.
Keeper of the Secret Magic
Thanks for the comments everyone!
page 85
Evelyn: Nice job! I like the different fonts you used, and the partial black-and-white effect on 3 is cool.
CaglaSuTk: Very nice. I like the bold colors. My favourite is 6.
DP Dessa: Good job! I like the cropping on all four.
page 86
AslansChild: I'm having a hard time choosing a favourite between 1 and 2. They're both creative, and 2 has really good lighting.
lon: I love the textures you used! They're all so bright and colourful. Favs are 5, 9 and 14.
Textures by hyaline12, flambeau, Aravis A. and Wunderkind.
Anyone can use. C&CC
wow! I haven't been here in ages! Lovely work on the last couple of pages. Wish I had time for more comments.
page 85:
malkah: lovely coloring! #7 and #10 are my favorites!
CaglaSuTk: wow! those are really pretty. I love love love #1 and #5!
page 86:
lover of narnia: Love your use of textures and layouts! #18 is really cool.
daughter of the King: Love #12!
some from me:
lover of narnia WOW! What a bright and colorful batch! Very cool. I like 1 & 19 best...19's funny, I love the look on Barnes face in the bottom picture...he looks like he's saying: "O MY GOSH you're kidding me!" lol
Is that pic from Dorian Gray?
daughter of the King very nice, I LOVE the lighting in 2...and the 5th is very good too, I like that used that phrase in a avatar...it fits really well with it being in the middle of WWII and all.
Aravis AutarkeiaAA...what can I say about your work? I just ADORE ALL your work, you're very very VERY talented...I always love looking at your work, they look very colorful and bright and happy, and the textures and layers and such blend in very well. Another good batch! But if I had to pick favorites, it'd be 2,4,7,8,9,10,&16. Very good.
Um, here's some of the cast...I feel rather pathetic posting after Aravis Autarkeia, lol O well...life goes on:
texture from avatar 2 was originally a red texture I found on this thread. (sorry, can't remember the members name )
c&cc welcomed
"...when my heart is overwhwlemed, lead me to the Rock that is higher than I."
-Pslam 61:2