OH. MY. GOSH. flambeau, I LOVE the coloring on those 4 avis!!!!!! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE do a tutorial for the last 2... if you happen to have time!
Aurora, I'm lovin the coloring on #2!
Some from me:
- Anybody can use if you credit
- Comments are loved!
Proud member of the Hawk Nelson Club!
Avi by filmowe on livejournal.
Thank you all for the comments!
OH. MY. GOSH. flambeau, I LOVE the coloring on those 4 avis!!!!!! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE do a tutorial for the last 2... if you happen to have time!
Thank you! I just posted the tutorial a few minutes ago, (click here) I hope you enjoy it!
Aurora, excellent batch! My favorites are #4 and 6! I love the smokey look on #4! It's very effective!
Daylight, wonderful cropping and coloring! My favorites are #1, 4, 5, 9, 10, and 12! Lovely work!
Here's a few from me...
Anyone can use with credit. C&CC welcome.
--- flambeau
President of the Manalive Conspiracy
Founder of Team Hoodie
Icon by me
*rubs eyes* I'm seeing gorgeous stuff from everyone!! Keep it up!
Page #7...
starkat, nice work! I love the blue in #2!
WunderLu, yup, it was one of the lovely new images of Georgie! I'm in love with her costume!
Great avvies! I love the brightness of the first one!
Page #8...
Jay, lovely job! I love 3 and 4!! Awesome textures!
hyaline, beautiful batch! I love the textures, and the text is perfect (either in setup or the text itself)! My favorites are 5, 8, 9 and 10!
Maddy, I love the cropping on the first one!! I also really like #2!!
HM, loverly avvie of Ben! Great coloring!
WunderLu, I love the coloring in #5, the tones are really neat! #8 is beautiful too!
flam first post: And what's wrong with them all being Edmund? The coloring is gorgeous on them all!! My favorites are 3 and 4! Second post: Vibrant coloring + Delicious cropping + Awesome textures = That batch of graphics (that's an easy equation)!!
They all look...fabulous!! Favorites = 1 and 4!
Aurora, the textures are great! My favorite is #6!!
Daylight, those are all fantastic!! I love your textures and cropping! My favorites are 1, 4, 5, 10, 11 and 12!!
Here are a few from me.
Credit goes to spareoom.net/Gymfan for the bases that I used in most of these.
When things fall apart, be glue.
Team Hoodie!!
Try 2: Thank you for all your compliments. This time I have an even better batch (at least in my own humble opinion )! I think I'll do a few comments today as well. For the last icon I'd like to thank narniagirl90 for her tut. Though I did it a tad different. I finally used it! This was because I couldn't find a pic as good as the one you used, though I still think yours is better but oh well! The first three are all variations of the same pic, though you could probably tell that. Please tell me which of them you prefer as I'm not that great at deciding for myself (though I'm leaning towards the round ones.)
Jay Lovely use of textures and beautiful colouring!
hyaline12 Your text and fonts are perfect, they all have great set-up and cropping and the textures and colouring fit really well. Love almost all of them.
Maddy Lovely composition. Especially on the last two. Great colouring (particularly on 1) and brushes. Not a very flattering pic of Ed though in 2.
I'm sorry, I'm going out now. Would have finished them by now, but my Mum accidently closed out of this page so I had to redo it. Will edit them in later.
Go Marina Erakovic!
I've met Michael Apted!!!
Av & Sig by Me. NWeb sis: ForeverFan
Thank you everyone for all the comments!! I am here again!!! *applause* I kid, I kid... anyways, comment time!!!
>Jay~That is a gorgeous set!! I really like the blending you did on #3 (you did use a different background, right? ) I also really like the background on #4. Numbers 1 and 2 are excellent as well.. I really like the textures you used!
>hyaline12~I reall like #'s 1, 6, 7, 8, and 9! I like how you used the text from Viva la Vida in #3 as well... I love the coloring in #1! My absolute favorite is #9 though... very very stunning! You did an excellent job with the textures and the coloring (of course!) Great job!
>Maddy~Thank you! It's good to be back! (Now that I actually have somewhat of a consistent schedule going on here. ) I really like the placing in #1.. kinda unusual, but it definitely works! I love the last two.. The format looks really neat!
>HM Swanwhite~(First post) I really like that format, and that picture of Ben. The coloring suits it quite well, too! Good work! (Second post) Absolutely wonderful! I love all of them! The coloring and placing of everything is right on the dot!
>Wunder~Whoa big batch!! They are all beautiful! My favorites would have to be #'s 1, 3, 6, 8, 9, 10, and 11! I love the moving rain in #8.. I'll have to learn how to do that sometime (when I have time )... I love both of the broken window ones...and I really like the idea of the sideways text in the ones that have it. Excellent work!
>flambeau~(First post) Those are absolutely beautiful!! I really like your idea in #1.. it turned out fabulous! I really like the faint red glow by his shoulder. Very subtle. The last three are just amazing. I absolutely love the coloring. (Second post) I adore all of them... I love the stunning red in the first one, and the text and box placement in the second one, and everything about the last two. The last one is quite dainty, and looks great!!
>Aurora~My favorites are #'s 2 and 6! I really like the idea for #4, but I think it could be a wee bit brighter. It's good though! I love the texture in #6.. the coloring in #2 is perfect!
>daylight~Awesome batch! I always love the textures you use.. could you post a few of them for me? All of your work has this certain shine to it.. they're all beautiful.. I can't pick favorites!!
>Djaq~I love... all of them! The glitter brush you used in a few of them gives a really nice, magical effect! I LOVE the texture you used in #3. It fits so perfectly. I also really like the blur effect you used in the second to last one. Great work!
Alright, my turn! Here's four new ones!
and here's a few of my favorites from the past! (Reminiscing is always a good thing to do )
If you decide to use, please credit! Comments and constructive criticisms are always great!!
av/sig me
Narnia Nuts in NH Club
Aim at heaven and you will get earth thrown in. Aim at earth and you get neither. ~C.S. Lewis
Djaq, I'm impressed!! I love those shiny avis!
Thanks sooo much for the tut flambeau!
lilsis_lucy, I actually didn't use any textures in that batch... but what I did do was set this: to lighten. Thats what gives me the shiny, faded kinda look.
It works best with darker pictures.
Aaaand some more LWW icons!!! *does the icon dance*
- Anyone can use if you credit.
- Comments are loved!
Proud member of the Hawk Nelson Club!
Avi by filmowe on livejournal.
Here's a few from me. More than I normally post that's for sure. Some variations and other's by themselves.
Comments later.
Go Marina Erakovic!
I've met Michael Apted!!!
Av & Sig by Me. NWeb sis: ForeverFan
@flambeau: 1st post: Love the coloring on #3! Can't wait to try the tutorial! 2nd post: I adore the coloring on #4! Would you mind doing a tutorial on it? I meant to ask earlier, but this week has been pretty hectic.
@Aurora: Nice to see on NW. Thanks for the congratulations. I was pretty excited about all the winnings. I love #5! Georgie looks so adorable in that outfit. I like how the blue-teal turned out!
@Daylight: 1st post: Love #5 and 6. Lovely cropping and coloring! 2nd post: The Tumnus ones are beautifully colored as well!
@Djaq: Love the faded coloring you did in #8. Would you mind doing a tutorial?
@HM: 1st post: I love #4! It turned out so beautifully! Much better than my attempts with that tutorial! 2nd post: I think #7 is my favorite. I love the simplicity and soft coloring.
@lilsis: I love #1 and 2. #1 looks so bright and fresh! I also like the cropping in #2.
Here's a few from me!
"The task of the modern educator is not to cut down jungles but to irrigate deserts." ~ C. S. Lewis, The Abolition of Man
Forum 1.0: 1303 posts
WC: 54
Well I watched LWW yesterday and I was inspired... so heres a batch. More to come later.
Proud member of the Hawk Nelson Club!
Avi by filmowe on livejournal.
Here's some more. More than last time too!!!
Sorry for the variations (again) It must annoy y'all. I just can never decide between fonts or even having text at all.
Daylight (or Okie_Dokie) Wow! Big batch. It is inspiring to watch the movies again. Funny text. Great cropping and colouring. I love the one of Lucy running. An interesting moment to capture. I really like how you used the tiny text in the first few though.
pg. 8.
Wunder_Lu Cool animated avvy, you're very clever at those. I really like the one of Ed with the green shirt. So effective! I've never really noticed that costume as much until now. Sublime colouring (esp on 2) also love the light texture you used on three. Could you please post that? Great cropping too.
flambeau Beautiful as usual. Lovely colouring. How did you do that effect on two. Great set-up on the last one. And the light texture on 1 is very effective. Though I like that bar at the top I think the avvy would have been better without it or at least a skinnier one. (No offense!) Also love the way you did the text.
Aurora Great set-ups, cropping and colouring. Love that cloud texture. Could you please post it?
Daylight Great cropping and colouring as usual! Like the ones of Lu in the snow. And the kids back at the house. Some of them aren't very flattering pics though.
flambeau (2nd batch) Gorgeous batch. Love them all. The colouring on those last two of Susan is divine. If you can still remember could you please do a tut on the last one? Love the motion blur on 1. And the colouring and bar on no. 2 is really cool.
Djaq That is one awesome batch. Love them all. The colouring is perfect and kind of enchanting. Love the effect you produce withe the textures. Nice motion blur on no. 7 too and cool rounded border on 4.
lilsis_lucy Nice new batch (Like all the old ones too though). Beautiful colouring on no. 1. And I adore the set-up of the last two and I love how you did the text on them. How did you do it like that? Love the text on three (as in what it says (lol)). The last one would have to be the best in my opinion though, very cool. Of the old ones I like 4, 6, 9, 14 and 15 the best.
Daylight Third batch. Awesome colouring on them all. My faves are 2, 3, 5, 6, and 9.
Wunder_Lu I love the way Anna's eyes turned out in no. 1. But my favourite would have to be 3. Lucy and the colouring on her are both adorable.
Thank you all for your comments. They are really appreciated!
Go Marina Erakovic!
I've met Michael Apted!!!
Av & Sig by Me. NWeb sis: ForeverFan
Thanks for the comments!!
Some more from me (Almost there! )
Page 7
Djaq, gorgeous job! I love the cropping and coloring on all of them!! My favorites are #1 and 4! (second post) Again, beautiful, beautiful work! I love the coloring on #2!! Could you possibly do a tutorial if you remember how? My other favorites are #1 (squee for Georgie in VDT!
), 5 and 6!
B_F, those look great! I love the moving one!
Wunder, lovely job! The colorings all look very good! I like #3 best! (second post) Awesome job! I love the coloring and text on #1!!
LP0104, the coloring and croppings are beautiful!! My favorite is #2!
flambeau, absolutely fantastic work! The coloring and cropping and textures are all beautiful! Could you post/PM/whatever-works-for-you the textures on #2-4? Thanks so much if you can!
My favorites are #2, 4 (!!), 5, and 6!
Kate, those are lovely! I really like the coloring and textures! My favorites are #1 and 3!
NG, great coloring! My favorites are #1 and 4!
malkah, beautiful job! I love #3, 5, and 6! The coloring looks lovely! (second post) I love the coloring on #1!! The greens look awesome!
dantheman, nice job! I like your use of the texture! My favorite is #1!
starkat, great job! I love the ship on #2!
Page 8
Jay, great batch!! I love the first two! The numbers look really neat!
hyaline12, beautiful job!! I love #1, 5, 6, 9, and 10!
HM, great job! I like the coloring! (second post) Of the first three, my favorite is the second one! I like the edges and the coloring! I absolutely love #4!! It looks amazing, I love it! (third post) Awesome job! I love all the little frames! My favorites are #1, 4, 6, and 7!!
Wunder, neat batch! I like all the green in the coloring! My favorites are #2, 3, 4, 6, 12 and 13! (second post) Beautiful job! I love the blue tints!! Could you do a tutorial on #1? I love that coloring!!
flambeau, I love your coloring! It's gorgeous!! My favorites are #1 and 3!! Lovely job! (second post) Beautiful job! I love the coloring on #2 and 4!! #4 looks so bright and clear (almost shiny!)!!
Aurora, great job! I like the foggy look on #1 and 4!
Daylight, lovely batch!! The coloring is amazing and so is the cropping! My favorites are #1, 4, 6, 9, 10, and 12! (second post) Another awesome batch! I love #1, 2, 5, and 6!!
Djaq, beautiful job!! I love the colors and textures!! My favorites are #1, 4, 5, and 8!!
lilsis, great job!! I love #3-4!! I also really like #5, 6, 9 and 10!
Page 9
Daylight, gorgeous coloring!!! I love the entire batch! Could you possibly do a tutorial on either #12, 14, or 16? (I'm not sure whether the coloring is the same on all or not, but those are my favorite "Oh, wow, how did she do that?!" ones.) My favorites over all are #1, 6, (awesome cropping on them all, by the way!) 9, 10, 12, 14, 15, and 16!!
HM, great job! (I don't mind the variations, I have the same trouble!) I really like #3, 5, 6, 7, and 8!!
I Am Caught-Up!!
Some from me....
I kinda went texture happy on the last one.
Please credit if you decide to use.
CC/comments are loved!!
She hoped to be wise and reasonable in time; but alas!
She must confess to herself that she was not wise yet.
Call me Maddy! | my livejournal
Proud Attolian Recruiter
Thank you all so much for the comments!
Page 8...
HM, first post: I love the coloring!! Great ones of Ben! I think that I like the third one best. #4 is neat too! Second post: Those. Are. Fabulous!! The coloring is stunning and the overall designs are beautiful! My favorites are 1, 4 and 6!!
lilsis, great job! I love the design of the third one! That one, #4, 5, 16 and 17 are my favorites!
Daylight, such beautiful work!! I love the coloring and textures! My favorites are 1, 2 (I can't choose between them), 5 and 9!!
WunderLu, I think that I remember how to do the coloring for the avi you requested. I'll try to have a tutorial up soon. Wow! Your avvies are brilliant! The brightness is lovely! Favorites: 1 and 2!!
Page 9...
Daylight, another great batch! Love the cropping and coloring! Favorites are 5, 6, 9, 12, 14 and 16!!
HM, lovely work! Haha, I love the text on #8! I think my favorites are 1, 3, 8 and 9!
Maddy, I'll work on a tutorial for the avvie. Your first avatar is gorgeous! And, wow, I love the fifth one!!! Could you please post the textures that you used?
Here are some from me.
Anyone can use. Credit is nice, but not required.
When things fall apart, be glue.
Team Hoodie!!
Daylight - Great work! You made me fall in love with the Wardrobe all over again! Good tinytext.
Swanwhite - Great work on 5 and 6: my faves. I love the last as well.
Maddy - Great work on the last two. That is a nice picture for textures.
Djaq - Hooray for Dawn Treader graphics! I also love the two of Ed - great cropping on the second! And the last one I love the coloration and text.
The *official First Follower of Aslan
Keeper of Susan's Grey Coat.
Thank you all for the comments!!
How did you do that effect on two.
I flattened the image, duplicated the base layer and set it to Grain Extract. Select the round selection tool, and draw a round selection around the main subject and then delete it.
I hope that makes sense! PM me if you have any questions.
Could you post/PM/whatever-works-for-you the textures on #2-4? Thanks so much if you can!
I'll try to get them to you soon! I can't find them right now.
@ WunderLu and H.M., I just posted the tutorial that you both requested. (click here.) I hope y'all enjoy it!
Page #8...
Djaq, lovely work! My favorites are #1, 2, 5, 7, and 8! The coloring and textures are beautiful!
H.M., first post: great avies! My favorites are #2 and 4! Great designs and coloring! Second post: Amazing work! I love them! My favorites are #1, 2, 6, and 7! Lovely coloring!
lilsis, wonderful batch! My favorites are #1, 3, 4, 5, 17, 18, and 19! Beautiful coloring and textures!
Daylight, I love them! My favorites are #1, 3, 6, and 8! Amazing coloring!
WunderLu, wonderful coloring! My favorites are #1, 2, and 3! They are simply lovely!
Page #9...
Daylight, excellent batch! My favorites are #3, 6, 7, 9, 14, and 16! Beautiful coloring and textures!
H.M., love 'em! My favorites are #3, 6, 7, and 8! Excellent coloring! I love the text on #8!
Maddy, I love the coloring on the first one! It's beautiful! I also love the textures on the last one!
Djaq, wonderful work! My favorites are #1, 2, 4, and 5! I love the coloring and textures! Excellent designs as well!
Here's a few from me...
Anyone can use with credit. C&CC welcome.
--- flambeau
President of the Manalive Conspiracy
Founder of Team Hoodie
Icon by me
Two from me. Thanks heaps for all your comments and compliments. They are a pleasure to read.
Maddy Great colouring and use of textures. Great cropping too. My fave is no. 2.
Djaq that is a magnificent batch. No.'s 1, 2, 4 and 5 are in my opinion the best. Great colouring and textures too. I love the setup of five and the colouring on it is sublime. I might try that style if that's ok. Do you mind telling me what the font and textures are on no. 1? Also could you please provide me with the pics on 1 and 2? I don't think I've seen ones of such good quality. (BTW Just wondering is the quote "True Story" in your sig from Shark Tale? We use that one all the time at home, the scene fully cracks us up!)
flambeau Fabulous batch! The colouring on them all is fantastic. What is the light texture on 1? Are all those tiny text brushes yours (or possibly from an upcoming set)? Absolutely love them all and are very tempted to ask for a tut on one. Hmm... have to come back on that one. Actually no, could you please do one for no. 1. BTW I absolutely loved the last tut you did for me. Here's what I came up with...
Originally I was using a completely diff. pic but it didn't turn out well so I got one of her from the same scene. Thanks again!
While I'm having my hols I'll try to catch up on comments.
Go Marina Erakovic!
I've met Michael Apted!!!
Av & Sig by Me. NWeb sis: ForeverFan