First off, even if I don't mention you, I really love your stuff! I just can't possibly comment on everyone's. (or every single post) Sorry!
A few random notes before I begin:
Welcome to Nweb, Prince Hayden! And what a wonderful first post! I can't wait to see what you come up with next! (and yes, flam is right... you have excellent taste!)
daughter of the King, splendid job!! I especially like #'s 1, 16 and 17 in your first post. And in the second one, I especially like #'s 2, 14, and 20.
cg, nice batch! I especially like the third one.
Dee, I don't know what you're talking about! They are all lovely, especially #'s 4, 5, and 8!
Ok, now a few from me. (for the first time in ages) Feel free to use them if you wish, but please credit. Comments make my month!!
Looks like I went on a bit of an Edmund and Lucy kick today!
Sorry for all of the variations, but I'm famous for being indecisive.
I hope you like them!
p.s. Why do you suppose it is, that they never look exactly the way they do in my program, once I get them in here?
could someone make me an avvie that's 70 pixels, height: 70 pixels, file size: 34.18 KiB with this picture ... 0365_n.jpg
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are
Thanks for the warm welcomes, everyone!!
flambeau: Thanks! and yes, badgers and King Edmund are awesome. Your's are awesome, too! I really like the text in #3
#5, 8, and 9 are great as well!
daughter of the king: Thanks! I really like the cropping you did on your's; and I really like #2, 5, 6, 11, 12, 15, 16, and 17
i love w.a.s.g.: Thanks ! And lol I like those crowns you put on Will/Peter and Skandar's heads
DancingPrincesses: Awesome! #3 is great!
RuralNarniaFan: I really like what you did there on #2 and 3 I like the coloring and lighting on #4, and #1, 8, and 9 are the rest of my favorites
campgirl: By Aslan, those are very awesome avatars!! Oh! #3 is my favorite!!!
#1 is my favorite, too! As well as #2... and 4 and 5...
Wunderkind_Lucy: I like what you did there on #2 Awesome!
Djaq: Thanks! And great avatars, yourself! I love the cropping and the coloring on them. #3, 5, 6, 8, 9, and 11 are my favorites
daughter of the King (second post): Awesome again!! I really like #2, 4, 9, 13, 19, and 20 I also like what it says on #13 and 17
Princess Anna: lol thanks!! I really like those Lucy avatars, especially Edmund!!
Yay Edmund!!!
I love the sparkles on #3 and 8, and #4, 11, 13, and 14 are my favorites
Liberty Hoffman: Okay, I'll try
And feel free to take out the "Prince" out of my title if my name is too long
^Sig cropped from a fan-made MN poster Caspian XI made...
WunderLu, I love #1 - very cute, and awesome lighting / background choice!
Djaq, awesome set! I love your brilliant lighting and coloring! Favorites are #1, #2, #4, and #7!
daughter_of_the_king, I really love your set too. You're great with lighting as usual! There's so many though, I don't have time to pick favorites.
Princess Anna - #9 is a simply stunning lighting job! Good composition, too - just awesome all the way around!
My other favorites are 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, and 8, but they're all wonderful!
Hayden, I like the composition #13, and the soft feel - very pleasing effect. #8 has awesome coloring! And "got soup... want soup?" - that made me laugh out loud.
Here's my attempt, Libbly:
The writing says, "Made it through the darkest days"
Spelling Nazi, at your service.
Avatar and signature are my own - will make Narnia graphics on request.
Why do you want it to be so small, Libby? Anyhow, if you'd still like more choices, I'd be willing to try...
Thanks for the warm welcomes, everyone!!
No problem!!
You'll find Nwebbers in general, to be a very friendly and welcoming bunch. I can't wait til you discover other parts of the forum!
Princess Anna: lol thanks!!
I really like those Lucy avatars, especially Edmund!!
Yay Edmund!!!
I love the sparkles on #3 and 8, and #4, 11, 13, and 14 are my favorites
Thanks so very much! I'm really glad that you like them!
Out of your new batch, I think my favourites are #'s 2, 3, 7, and 8. But I really like them all!
Princess Anna - #9 is a simply stunning lighting job! Good composition, too - just awesome all the way around!
My other favorites are 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, and 8, but they're all wonderful!
Gosh, you all spoil me! I can't believe you all like them that much!
Nice job on your avvys for Libby!! I especially like the writing! (don't know why, but I just do. it just fits them for some reason)
Ok, I've been real busy tonight! There will be a lot of VDT stuff in my next few posts. This time, I had to put just the Lucy stuff... because I make too many variations!
Comments and credit make my month! I'd love to hear from ya!
Wow Princess Anna, another wonderful set of avatars! I really like the sparkles you used on #1 and #5! I also really love the composition and coloring in #10 and #12 (and the lovely facial expression captured!).
Here are a few more from me:
Spelling Nazi, at your service.
Avatar and signature are my own - will make Narnia graphics on request.
Again, major thanks to Ru, for posting in here. (that way I can post the rest of these before bed, and start fresh tomorrow!! )
I love your new batch! Especially the colouration of the first, and just the whole idea of the second. (but the third is lovely too)
Ok, now... where were we?
Time for the boys! (VDT-style)
Feel free to use these! Comments and credit never cease to make me smile.
Again, sorry for all the variations... but my stupid brain won't let me do it the normal way.
p.s. Can you all help me out? I seem to find no end to pictures of Lucy. But I find it hard to find pictures of the boys, especially ones that aren't group shots. I've tried google images and multiple fan sites. And as we don't have the dvd yet...
Do you guys have any suggestions on what I could do? I'd appreciate it ever so much!
For the US, the Dawn Treader dvd is coming out in about 23 days!! Can't wait!!!
RuralNarniaFan: Thanks and lol I'm glad that avatar made you laugh
And you have pretty good attempts
(Second post): Awesome! I really like what you did on the third one
Princess Anna: By Aslan! That's a lot of Lucy's! I really like the sparkles on #1, 6, and 12, and the other various croppings you did on the rest lol
(second post): Edmund!! lol #3 is epic (one of my favorite parts in the moive), along with #6 and 7. I also like #8, 10, and I like the darkening (is that a good word?
) on 13
Great job!!
Oh, and here are some "new" pictures I found:
Here's a picture I used in a couple of my avatars of Caspian and Edmund. You could, at least, crop them and make them into two seperate pictures...: ... MEVIEW.png
and here are some VDT screencaps from the Ben Barnes fansite. There's not really much, most of them are Caspian, but what would you expect from a Ben Barnes fansite? lol: ... ?album=367 At least you could find some pictures of Edmund, Eustace, etc... And, you probably checked out those screen caps already
Well, I hope that helped
And here are a few from me:
For my DLF, lover of Narnia :
(lol I know they're pretty much the same picture. And I know the third one is a little hard to read. "I close my eyes and the flashback starts..." a part from that song, "Love Story" by Taylor Swift )
And Edmund! :
^This one took me forever to make and get right, with rotating the words and all that But I'm proud of it
well, that's pretty much it for now
^Sig cropped from a fan-made MN poster Caspian XI made...
Hey Prince Hayden welcome!!! Thanks for the pics I'm just about to check them out, but there is actually a thread in Cast and Character Discussion called Great Pics of the Cast where you can find tons of pics and post your own (I often find some for graphics here!)
Just popping my nose in for a minute. Everything's looking great - Djaq wanted to ask you what that font is on your last two avs in your batch on page 78? Thanks!!!
Go Marina Erakovic!
I've met Michael Apted!!!
Av & Sig by Me. NWeb sis: ForeverFan
For the US, the Dawn Treader dvd is coming out in about 23 days!!
Can't wait!!!
Wait, what? REALLY?!
Princess Anna: By Aslan! That's a lot of Lucy's!
Yeah, well, like I said... she's the easiest one to find pictures for.
(and there were only around 14 of them... and I've seen some people have about 20 of one person before. some people only make stuff of certain characters even... so it's not that uncommon. I don't think...
Well, I hope that helped
It did! Thanks so very much!!
I hadn't really seen the first two before, I think. But as for the Ben Barnes fansite... I don't make much Caspian stuff, so hadn't really thought to look there.
^This one took me forever to make and get right, with rotating the words and all that
But I'm proud of it
Well, your hard work shows!
I really like it a lot. I think my first reaction, was:
As for your other stuff, I think my favourites are #'s 1 & 3. (and the Ed one, of course)
*PA realises she forgot to look up those fonts for Ru*
*slaps self* I'll get right on that!
More from me! And there is still more coming!
I swear, I don't get ideas often, but when I do... it's a flood that takes over the threads in here.
You guys probably know my rules by now, right?
Just a random batch:
(in terminator voice, says) I'll be back!
edit: HM Swanwhite- Thanks for the reminder! I'd forgotten about that thread! *slaps self again*
Here's one from me:
I'm guessing that font is Franchise.
Cool batch Princess Anna - love your neat idea! With the diff pics all in one! Tres cool!
Go Marina Erakovic!
I've met Michael Apted!!!
Av & Sig by Me. NWeb sis: ForeverFan
Thanks, HM Swanwhite!
I really like that one of yours too.
And I believe this shall be my last post for the night. Same rules as usual apply.
I know some of you are big Caspian fans. *coughnotmentioninganynamescough* So I hope you like this post!
I'll see what else I can come up with, but my ideas are starting to wind down. Which, I guess isn't all that bad... I've made so many graphics lately. Maybe all of us need a break from mine!
PA - on your first post (the Lucy one) they're all so amazing!! I LOVE 10, 11, and 12. So pretty! She's so gorgeous!!
Prince Hayden - lovely Suspian one's!! Love them, excellent job!
PA - on your "random post" ( ) I love the first two! Lovely picture of Susan and Peter!
Makes me want to see the movie again!
And on your last post - all of those Caspian one's are so gorgeous!! Amazing job!! I love 2, 3, 5, 6, and 9 most of all - they're all equally so beautiful, so I can't choose a favorite.
Edit Oops, I missed one of PA's! Love your Eustace one's!! Great texture on 7.
NW sisters Lyn, Lia, and Rose
RL sister Destined_to_Reign
Member of the Tenth Avenue North and Pixar Club
Dubbed The Ally Of Epic Awesomeness by Libby
page 78
PA: lovely! I really like what you did with the first three. They're all from the same image, but the lighting is so different on all three that they each have their own distinct mood.
Hayden: nice job! I like the Trufflehunter ones.
page 79
RuralNarniaFan: (first post) I really like the lighting! And great text choice. (second post) another good batch! I'm having a hard time deciding whether I like 2 best or 3.
PA: (first post) very nice. My favourites are 6, 10, and 11 (I'm a big fan of black-and-white in general, and the shades of grey on this one are really pretty). (second post) I especially like the Eustace ones. (third post) I really like the Peter and Susan ones. (fourth post) I'm not one of the big Caspian fans, but I love these! Great colours and cropping on all of them.
Hayden: aww, the text on 2 and 4 is simply awesome.
HM Swanwhite: great colouring! And interesting cropping; it took me a couple seconds to realize what scene that was from.
Anyone may use. C&CC
Ooo, Nice everyone!
RuralNarniaFan: Post #1: Nice, #2 is my favorite.
Princess Anna: Post #1: I like the cropping on #4, and I also like 5, and 11.
RuralNarniaFan: Post 2. I love the coloring on 2.
Princess Anna: post #2. I really like 6 and 9, post #3 I really like the way you did 5, 6, 7, and 8, Post #4: 1,6,and 7 are my favorites. Good job!
Prince Hayden: Trufflehunter! I really like 3, and 7.
HM Swanwhite: Nice cropping!
daughter of the King: Ooo, nice texture on 2, I really like 11 too.
Here are a few from me:
Anyone can use!
Posted by DP Miley