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[Closed] Avatars - First Edition!

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Omac the centaur
NarniaWeb Nut

Wow all these look amazing! Great work! There are a lot of pics I've never seen before, which surprised me. lol.


avatar by Flambeau :)
signature by daughter of the King :)

Posted : February 4, 2011 5:27 pm
NarniaWeb Nut

flambeau, thanks, I'm glad you like them :) Oh, I know, as soon as I saw that picture of Skandar in my LWW collection I thought of Doctor Who ;)) I love your avs!!! #2 has to be my favorite, it's absolutely amazing! I also love #9, and the coloring on #12 is :-o

Some work from moi...

Yep, an Anna kick :) Anyone can use with credit. Comments and credit are great! :D

I've seen the movie 9 times!!! (PC)
I've seen the movie 7 times!!! (VoDT) And loved it!
Proud member of the C+S club
Av & sig by me

Posted : February 4, 2011 9:30 pm
A Concerned Third Party Moderator Emeritus

Thanks, Beginte! :) Your icons are lovely! My favorites are #1 and 2! The extremely close crop on #4 is very striking as well!

Some more from me. Thanks to dont_be_so_base for the bases.

Anyone can use with credit. C&CC welcome.

--- flambeau

President of the Manalive Conspiracy
Founder of Team Hoodie
Icon by me

Posted : February 5, 2011 9:17 am
NarniaWeb Regular

Haven't been online for a while now, so I feel obliged to catch up on all the work I have missed! I think I have/haven't already commented on some of them, but I can't seem to find the posts right now *blush*. Ok, here I go...

Page 72:
nz_narnia_nut: I really like number 1 and 2 of yours. There's some gorgeous textures on them! Also, i think number 4 is nice.
campgirl: The colouring on this set is lovely. Icons 7, 8 and 9 have a kind of Summer, yet cold feel to them, as they return to a ruined Cair Paravel.

Page 73:
flambeau: I like the Susan/ sunset ones, nice text and some lovely deep colours.
adeona: There's some really nice textures/ patterns on yours. I really like #1 and #4!

Page 74:
campgirl: Post 1-I LOVE these Georgie ones! Especially #7, because I really like the text and b/w effect. Post 2- These are really sweet! The text and colouring on 6 and 7 work great together.
flambeau: Once again, I adore the deep colours, particulary on #3, because the blue and red contrast each other very well!
DamselJillPole: I adore the 3rd one, the brush looks good on the more neutral colours. The Aslan ones look really majestic, and the blue sky on 7 and 8 looks awesome!
Beginte: Ha! I love these! #3 and #4 are my favourites. (About the texture: I'll PM you the texture you asked for as soon as possible!)
CaglaSuTK: Cool ones of Mr. Keynes! I like how they're all based around reddish colours, I think they all look very nice (but if I was to be picky, then my favourite would be #2)
daughter of the King: #2 looks good (I like the text), even though you haven't been using Gimp for very long. (I use Gimp at the moment, and it took me ages to get used to it, so you're doing better than me already! *blush*

Page 75:
CaglaSuTk: #2, #3, #7 and #8 are lovely. The brush on #2 is beautiful.
Aravis: I like the use of textures and the text. #9 is rather funny! I also like #2, #3, #4, #5 and all of the last row. *phew!*
DancingPrincess: First post: Sweet! #1, #2 and #14 are lovely.
Second post: Oh, I love #5! The cropping on these is quite unique.
Campgirl: Gorgeous cropping on yours! I love #2, the colours are beautiful, and the last one, #12 is so sweet.
nz_narnia_nut: I like them both, the texture on #1 is lovely, and #2 is so heart-warming. They look like siblings! Nice work. *clap*
narnian_at_heart: The cropping on #2 is cool, and I like the colours.
daughter of the king: Oh, #4 is beautiful! It feels very nostalgic (I'm not sure why), it feels almost like a flash-back that Peter has. May I use this one?
DancingPrincess: Once again, these are great. The texture on #1 is lovely.
flambeau: These are delightful! You are very good at making those skies look so blue- I'm running out of words to describe them... charming, elegant... and for that reason, I love #3 and #4.

Page 76:
Beginte: Anna looks very radiant in the last row. I like the faded colours and the text on #2.
Flambeau: Ha, I love #6! That one's funny! Beautiful colours on all of them!

#:-s Now some modest ones from me... I was experimenting with brushes, because I've never really used them before. CC is welcome.

Some brushes from

I also made some new Georgie ones where she was promoting Comic Relief:

Phew! All done!

"She seemed invincible. The same woman who enchanted my childhood, enchanted my time on Doctor Who and enchanted generations who have watched her and fallen in love with her – just like I did." -David Tennant

Posted : February 5, 2011 10:21 pm
A Magnet for All Kinds of Deeper Wunderment Hospitality Committee

Sorry no comments this time. I'll try to get some in my next post.

Comments are love. Credit is nice but not necessary. Please don't claim as your own.


"The task of the modern educator is not to cut down jungles but to irrigate deserts." ~ C. S. Lewis, The Abolition of Man
Forum 1.0: 1303 posts
WC: 54

Posted : February 6, 2011 10:49 am
NarniaWeb Guru

These are my first graphics using textures. I've never tried using them before but they add so much to a graphic! I'll definetly be using them a lot in the future.

C & CC appreciated. No permission necessary but please credit.

Thanks to Wunderkind_Lucy for the textures.

Posted : February 8, 2011 6:09 pm
NarniaWeb Regular

Wunderkind: #1, #7 and all of the last row are lovely. I think #7 has some nice colouring.
narnian_at_heart: Nice! The texture on #2 is quite effective.

A few more from me. I had a lot of spare time recently, so I tried changing the colour levels on some bases. C and CC welcome. No credit necessary.

Textures/Brushes from flambeauDjaq.
Fonts from

"She seemed invincible. The same woman who enchanted my childhood, enchanted my time on Doctor Who and enchanted generations who have watched her and fallen in love with her – just like I did." -David Tennant

Posted : February 9, 2011 3:19 am
NarniaWeb Fanatic

Love yours, Beginte, as always. And Wunerkind Lucy - those are all amazing!!! I love the Susan and Caspian one's, though it's impossible to pick a favorite out of all those amazing one.s

NW sisters Lyn, Lia, and Rose
RL sister Destined_to_Reign
Member of the Tenth Avenue North and Pixar Club
Dubbed The Ally Of Epic Awesomeness by Libby

Posted : February 9, 2011 5:48 am
The Wandering, Wild & Welcoming Winged Wolf Hospitality Committee

Beginte, I like the coloring/lighting! My fave is #2
flambeau, Awesome I really like #4, but what does the last Lucy one say? I can't read it :(
lizzyhenley009, cute!!! I love #2!
Wunderkind_Lucy, Lovely! I like 7 and 20 especially!
narnian_at_heart, Nice work! I like the looks of the second one the best :D
lizzyhenley009, Post two, Nice! How do you make the eyes look so blue? they're beautiful.

Just two Aslan avis from me, C&CC are welcome. Please credit if you use :)

"The mountains are calling and I must go, and I will work on while I can, studying incessantly." -John Muir
"Be cunning, and full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed." -Richard Adams, Watership Down

Posted : February 9, 2011 11:43 am
A Magnet for All Kinds of Deeper Wunderment Hospitality Committee

Julie: Lovely cropping on those too! :D

lg009: I especially like the cropping in #10! :D

Wolf: (Can I call you Wolfy? :P) Lovely, lovely, lovely job on both, but I especially LOVE #2 with the contrast between Aslan's eyes and the black and white. Wunder-ful job, lol! :D

Comment are love. Credit is nice but not necessary. Please don't claim as your own.


"The task of the modern educator is not to cut down jungles but to irrigate deserts." ~ C. S. Lewis, The Abolition of Man
Forum 1.0: 1303 posts
WC: 54

Posted : February 9, 2011 12:31 pm
NarniaWeb Nut

Hey, all! It's been a while since I've been here, so I am terribly sorry, but I don't have any time for comments. :( You've all been doing awesomely though!

Some old and newish stuff from me...

Please credit if you decide to use.
CC/comments are loved!! :D

She hoped to be wise and reasonable in time; but alas!
She must confess to herself that she was not wise yet.

Call me Maddy! | my livejournal
Proud Attolian Recruiter

Posted : February 10, 2011 7:33 am
daughter of the King
Princess Dot Moderator

page 75

DP Miley: I like 2 and I love the coloring on 3.
flambeau: I'm having a hard time picking a favorite, they're all so pretty! I really like the coloring on 1 and 4, and the text on 13.

page 76

Beginte: gorgeous as always! My favorites are 2, 5, and 8.
flambeau: again, it's next to impossible to choose a favorite. I do like the cropping on the last four a lot.
lizzyhenley009: (first post) nice Georgie ones! My favorites are 7, 11, and 16. (second post) I like the Anna ones.
Wunderkind: (first post)very pretty! I really like the soft coloring. Favs are 3, 8, and 16. (second post) I can't pick a favorite, they're all so good.
narnian_at_heart: I've never used textures, I should probably give it a try sometime. Your first time using them looks good!
wolfy: I love the simplicity of them. And Aslan's eyes are so beautiful on the second one!
Miss Adventure: wow. I don't think I'll ever be as good as you! Cropping, coloring...they're all just so good. My favorites are 5, 7, 10, 13, and 14.

Anyone can use. C&CC

Narniaweb sister to Pattertwig's Pal

Posted : February 10, 2011 1:57 pm
NarniaWeb Junkie

I'm so, so very sorry I can't comment right now (time, time, time fails me X( ), but I just love all the beautiful avatars everyone's been making! Here are a few of mine :D

Please credit if you decide to use. Thank you! :)

sig by Sheroo of Stormness Head
avatar by me
Member of the Dragon club. PM Narnia Girl or FFJ to join.
RL sibling to De_De and wild rose

Posted : February 14, 2011 6:53 pm
A Concerned Third Party Moderator Emeritus

Thank you all for the comments! :)

what does the last Lucy one say? I can't read it :(

It's some random song lyrics that I typed out and made into a text brush. The text really doesn't relate to the image at all, but I liked how it looked. ;))

Lizzy, first post: cute batch! My favorites are #3, 6, and 14! Second post: I really like the first three! Other favorites are #6 and 11!
WunderLu, first post: good stuff! My favorites are #2, 4, 9, 12, 14, and 18! Second post: I love #2! The washed out coloring works great with the image!
Julie, I really like the first one! Keep up the good work!
wolf, those are both great! I love the golden color in the first one, and how his eyes stand out in the second one!
Maddy!!! :D It's so great to see you post in here again! Your icons are lovely, as always! My favorites are #3, 5, 6, 8, 10, 12, 13, and 15! I also love the unique design on #14! Excellent work!
DotK, nice batch! My favorites are #2, 3, and 6!
Archer, I love all the various cropping on #3-9! Great variations! #1 and 2 are great as well!

Some new ones from me...

Thanks to don't_be_so_base for the bases.

Anyone can use with credit. C&CC welcome.

--- flambeau

President of the Manalive Conspiracy
Founder of Team Hoodie
Icon by me

Posted : February 21, 2011 9:33 am
NarniaWeb Nut

Comments time! I'm preparing more of transparent avs, will post a whole series... like post stamps :p

flambeau, thanks! :) First post - great work as always, I really like #4 and #6 ;)) Second post - amazing coloring on #5 and #6, and I like the cropping on #8 :)

lizzy, first post - I really like the swirl texture on #11, a neat layout! Second post - I love 1-3, I adore that photoshoot of Anna!

Wunderkind, first post - I love #2 (wow, I love that shot, have to take a screencap and make something of it!) and #11-13, they're all great! :D Second post - I really like #3, and Peter's shirt on #4 is wonderfully vibrant!

narnian_at_heart, I like them, especially #2 - I love the delicate, subtle coloring :)

wolfloversk, thank you! Wow, that coloring on #1 is beautiful!

Maddy, wow, I really, really love #2 - amazing cropping and coloring! :-o I also like #6 very much (I like that Keanu Reeves-style photo of him), and I just love #14, and #15, too!

daughter, thank you! :D I love the 'walking across grass' series you made - such lovely colors!

Narnian_Archer, I love the cropping on #3 and 5!

Right, I wanted to catch up with comments, will post some work later :)

I've seen the movie 9 times!!! (PC)
I've seen the movie 7 times!!! (VoDT) And loved it!
Proud member of the C+S club
Av & sig by me

Posted : February 23, 2011 3:59 am
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