flambeu really love the colours in 1& 2. number 4's cropping is really great. Love the aslan icon as well.
Beginte those edmund icons (first post) have gorgeous coloring
campgirl the ones of georgie's shoes/legs are very interesting. I like the focus you chose on them
CaglaSuTk I really love 1, 4, and 7. I love how you mixed the black and white and the color in the georgie and skandar ones
recently gotten back into icon making, more seriously, so here's some quick georgie ones.
c& cc appreciated, credit is nice but i'm not going to hunt you down. please no hotlinking etc.
check out my livejournal for other fandom's icons as well
avatar by me
livejournal | tumblr | twitter
thanks for all of the lovely comments!
some really quick comments:
page 73
malkah: nice use of textures on all of those! I really like #4, #5, and #6!
lizzyhenley009: (1st post) you can call me Aravis A. cool cropping this batch! Love the emotion on #9! (2nd post) nice layouts and use of textures!
I like the b/w effect.
Adeona: love the ones of the Dawn Treader!!!! I also really like #7, #12, and #20!
nz_narnia_nut: love the layouts on those!
Wunder: pretty coloring! I like #2 the best.
lover of narnia: love the coloring! Especially on #7 and #9!
flambeau: love the layout on #4!
page 74
campgirl: I love the simplicity of #1! The layout is awesome on #8!
flambeau: nice coloring and layout on #3! Love the cropping on #2!
Beginte: (1st post) Love the cropping/layout on #3 and #8!!!! Lovely coloring on #8 especially! (2nd post) Beautiful coloring on #1-3!!!! I love the cold feel.
page 75
CaglaSuTk: love #1, #7, and #9!
lexygal: very cool cropping on all of those! I really like #3!
and a few icons:
feel free to use with or without credit---just don't claim as your own work!
Wunderkind, nice job on the single av, I love the cropping!
Adeona, thank you! I love what you did with that pic, I think my favorite is #2!
Valiant, thanks for liking it!
CaglaSuTk, wow, I love the Susan one!!! Can you please PM me the link to where you got it? I also love the 'autographed' Edmund one - neat idea!
lexygal, thank you very much! I like the coloring on your last av especially, very nice work!
Aravis Autarkeia, yay, thank you very much, I'm glad you like it! And I love the theme in your new avs, so perfectly creative! I've been thinking of doing such a thing with 'lined' characters, but what I had in mind was just totally crushed by your beautiful work! My eternal love goes to #8, #5, #9 and #1, in that order!
Some work from moi... Yes, my soft spot for transparent avs is returning, more soon!
Everyone can use with credit! Comments and credit are great!
I've seen the movie 9 times!!! (PC)
I've seen the movie 7 times!!! (VoDT) And loved it!
Proud member of the C+S club
Av & sig by me
Beginte- I love the first two may I use one? I just love your graphics!!!
Avie by:MissAdventure
siggy by:LucyP0104
Caspian + Lilliandil
"Love NEVER fails"
Yay, sure! I'm so happy you like them!
Just one quick av from me... I'm sorry, when I saw that LWW premiere picture of Skandar in a tux and red Converse sneakers I just had to make that av!
Comments and credit are great!
I've seen the movie 9 times!!! (PC)
I've seen the movie 7 times!!! (VoDT) And loved it!
Proud member of the C+S club
Av & sig by me
thanks for the comments!!
page 74 --
DamselJillPole, Lovely use of texture! My favorites are 2, 3, and 6!
Beginte, (first post) Great work on all of them! My favorites are 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, and 8!! (2nd post) I love 1 and 3!!!
lizzy, Very nice cropping!!
Wunder, I love the cropping and use of textures!!
CaglaSuTk, Ooh, Skandy! I love 2, 3, 4, 6, 7!!! Great job!!
dotK, I love the cropping on #2!!
Adeona, I love all 3 of them!! Beautiful work!
page 75 --
CaglaSuTk, I like the Susan one!!
lexygal, Nice cropping on all of them! I really like 1, 2, 4, and 7! Great job!!
Aravis Autarkeia, Wow! Love all the textures!! My favorites are 3, 4, 5, 8, 9, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, and 19!!
Beginte, (first post) I love the transparent ones!! Great job on all of them! (2nd post) That pic of Skandar is hilarious!!
Nice work!
DP Dessa, Oh! My favorites are 1, 4, 7, 8, 10, 12, 13, and 14(!). Lovely avvies!
Some from me..
C and CC are great! Feel free to use, credit would be nice if you do
-- cg
Team Hoodie! | Keeper of the Secret Magic | ♥
Aravis Autarkeia, I love the scrapbook look that you used!! It's awesome!! well done!
Thanks to Shastafan for the Signature and thanks to lizzyhenley009 for the avatar.
Argh I've fallen behind again!
Pg 73
Wunderkind Ooo I really like the texture behind #2!
lizzyhenley009 Awesome text brushes, I love that photoshoot too
lon Stunning work, my favs are #6, #16 and #17
flambeau The idea for the cropping on #8 is so original
Adeona The stars on #1 are so pretty!
Page 74
campgirl Thanks, I did have a lovely holiday The picture you used in #2 is so cute!
flambeau Such vibrant colours! Favs are #3 and #8
campgirl You're on a roll!! Those images are so funny- and I especially like #1 and #9
DamselJillPole Lovely colouring on #1 and #2
Beginte 1st post: Wow! #4 and #5 are so standout to me, gorgeous, gorgeous work! 2nd post: Haha the text on #3 fits so perfectly
lizzyhenley009 I really like the cropping on #1, and the image on #7
Wunderkind Great combination of the image, text and texture, I love the outcome!
CaglaSuTk Sadly I can only see some of yours, but thats probably my computer that's the problem! Tis nice to see some Skander in this forum
daughter of the King #1 is so soft, and very pretty
Adeona So cool! I think my fav is #1
Page 75
CaglaSuTk Awesome layout on #5, and the last one is so sweet!
lexygal Spectacular batch, my favourites are #1, #7 and #9
Aravis Autarkeia I love your style! Each avvie is so unique... I was about to list my favs, but the list was kinda long
Beginte Oh goodie, I like your transparent avs! Especially #2 in this post
DancingPrincesses I really like the crown image in your last one, and also your 'sold' avatar
campgirl Aw, so pretty! Beautiful colouring and use of textures on #6, #10 and #12
DancingPrincesses #1, #6 and #20 are so touching, and the selective colouring on #8 is very effective!
*removes cramp from fingers*
And to follow all that, there's only a couple from me! I have certainly been inspired to make some more though...
CaGLASutk, I love the coloring in two and three especially. Nice use of textures in number 1.
lexygal, I love the vibrant coloring in all of yours! I love the cropping in 2 and 7. It's very different and really cool.
Aravis Autarkia, I really like that cut out effect, it makes them look 3D almost. I love the backgrounds in 16-20.
Beginte, ooh, I love the two pictures in 1 and 2.
Dancing Princesses, (first post) I love the older look in 3 and 4, it's really neat. I also really like the framing around the tea cup in number 1.
camgirl, lovely coloring and cropping in all of them!
DancingPrincess, (second post), I love that blue striping behind Georgie in number 9.
nz_narnian_nut, the different coloring/texture at the bottom of number 1 is really neat.
And just two from me. I have been too busy with college to make graphics over the last few weeks. I made these two while taking a break from studying for a quiz.
C & CC are welcome. No permission necessary but please credit if you use.
Thanks for the comments!
CaglaSuTk: I like the coloring on 1,and the texture on 3and 7, good job!
lexygal: I like 1, 7,and 8.
AravisAutarkeia: Very creative, Good job!
Beginte: 1 and 2 are pretty cool, I like 10, and 11 has very good coloring.
campgirl: I really like 1,2,8 Good job!
nz_narnian_nut: I like 2, good coloring, cute textures!
narnian_at_heart: I like 2, nice job!
daughter of the King: That's so cool how you got Lucy's crown to sparkle, good job, 3 is pretty unique, and I really like the coloring on 4.
here are mine:
Every one is welcome to use with credit
Posted by DP Miley
DancingPrincesses, thanks! Glad you like the coloring
Frist post - I love the layout on #8 and #14! Second post - I absolutely love the idea for #2, the layout on #14, #15 and #16 - very creative
Third post - I love #2 best! And the texture on #1 is lovely, can you please PM it to me?
campgirl, thanks! I adore the coloring and cropping on #1 and #4! I like those pics of Skandar in scarf, I have to make something of them soon, too!
nz_narnia_nut, thank you! I'm happy you like them! I love your work, the picture on #1 is adorable, and who doesn't love the famous pic on #2?
I love the texture and the layout!
narnian_at_heart, thank you, I love doing the transparent ones And I love the coloring on your #2!
daughter of the King, I like #2 and #3 especially!
Some avs coming from me a little later
I've seen the movie 9 times!!! (PC)
I've seen the movie 7 times!!! (VoDT) And loved it!
Proud member of the C+S club
Av & sig by me
Thank you all for the comments!
What font did you use on #7?
It is called 'Splurge', and you can get it at dafont.com.
Page #74...
Girly, cute icons! My favorites are #1, 2 (I love that picture!), and 8!
DJP, awesome cropping on #1! #3 is great as well!
Beginte, first post: great batch! My favorites are #2, 6, 7, and 8! Second post: I love the first one!
Lizzy, #5 and 6 are very cute!
WunderLu, great coloring and text placement!
CaglaSuTk, welcome to NarniaWeb! Very nice graphics! My favorites are #2, 4, and 6! Where did you find the images for #2-4?
DotK, I really like the first one!
Adeona, #3 is great! I love how you blurred the top!
Page #75...
CaglaSuTk, great batch! My favorites are #1, 2, 6, 8, and 9!
lexygal, those avies look great! My favorites are #2, 3, 5, and 7!
AA, the sticker idea is very clever! My favorites are #1, 6, 8, 10, and 16!
Beginte, first post: I love the first two! Your transparent avies are always so wonderful! Second post: hehe, I've always found that picture of Skandar amusing.
Dessa, first post: #2 and 10 are my favorites! I like the cropping on both of them! Second post: very nice batch! My favorites are #1, 2 (clever), 6, 11, 15, and 19!
Girly, oh my word, those are lovely! My favorites are #1, 4, 5, 8, 9, and 12! Awesome coloring on all of them!
nz_nut, #2 is adorable!
Julie, good work on both of those! I like the second one the best!
DotK, great black and white icons! #6 is good too!
Miley, #3 is quite good! I just love that scene!
*blows out a deep breath* Comments: done.
I had some fun in the chatroom the other night with Becca, Vi, and a few others when we decided to see how many icons we could make in a twenty minute session; I made 15, minus sharpening, blurring, and textures. I went back and polished them up yesterday, so here's the final result (plus one).
Thanks to hyaline12 for some of the textures, and to dont_be_so_base for the bases.
If anyone is interested in seeing the unpolished icons, you can view them here.
Anyone can use with credit. C&CC welcome.
--- flambeau
President of the Manalive Conspiracy
Founder of Team Hoodie
Icon by me