Aaack! My internet decided to crash and take my comments post and Imageshack links with it. Anyway...
Everyone is doing amazing work! (I'll retype all the comments later.)
I couldn't decide which text I liked better on the last two. Comments and criticism are muchly loved!
Textures and brushes by: flambeau, hyaline12, some people from the old Textures thread that I don't remember individually(sorry! ) and Shivika from
Bases from
the light after the storm
shows that hope was never gone
Snow After Fire graphics
I'm going to catch up on comments tonight and post some avies tomorrow.
@LP0104: Lovely coloring on those.
@Maddy: Great cropping and coloring on #4. The text goes well with the image!
@flambeau: Love the shiny coloring in #1. Great cropping and use of text as well.
@Kate: Beautiful background and nice use of light textures in #2!
@NG: Lovely coloring on #1!
@malkah: I LOVE the sparkly effect on #2! Would you mind doing a tutorial on it?
"The task of the modern educator is not to cut down jungles but to irrigate deserts." ~ C. S. Lewis, The Abolition of Man
Forum 1.0: 1303 posts
WC: 54
Hello everyone!
Wunderkind_Lucy: I'm afraid I don't exactly remember the process on that one, but I'll try to recreate it and get a tutorial up!
Daylight: Beautiful coloring on all four! I especially like the background on #4.
pogginfan: Those are great! #1 looks really nice!
Narnia Girl: First post- I love the lovely, subtle coloring on #1! Second post-I like the text on #4 and the coloring on #7.
Wunderkind_Lucy: The painted effect on the avvy looks really neat!
Jay: Great batch! I like the coloring on #2, #3, #6, and the design of #4.
LucyP0104: Gorgeous coloring, especially on #3 and #5. The text on #4 is great!
checkers: The coloring and text is great! My faves are #1, #5, #9, and #10.
therinca: First post- My favorites are #1, #2, #5, #7, and #8. #2 is stunning! Second post- The design of #2 and #8 is neat. Beautiful coloring on #5 and #7!
hyaline12: I love the textures and soft, painted look on all of them!
Djaq: The rich coloring is lovely! My favorites are #2, #3, and #4!
HM Swanwhite: The lighting and design are excellent! I love #3!
nz_narnia_nut: Great Trumpkin ones, especially the last. Beautiful coloring on the other two.
RevelinginWonder: The purple coloring on #2 is really striking!
Narnia Girl: First post- Lovely coloring and cropping on the Georgie avvies, especially #2! Second post- Love the coloring on #4 and #5.
Wunderkind_Lucy: First post- Wow! It's definitely a bit different, but it looks cool! Second post- Gorgeous coloring on both! #1 is really lovely!
starkat: Nice BBC avvies! I like the textures on #1.
Follower of Aslan: I love the Pevensie doll avvies! That's really different and original!
flambeau: Gorgeous work on all! #3 is truly lovely.
Wunderkind_Lucy: First post- #2 looks amazing! I love the blue coloring! Second post- Amazing coloring and cropping on all of them! The frosty coloring on #6 is my favorite. Third post- Wow! The yellow really pops!
Broadway_Freak: First post- Great work! The fonts you used are lovely! Second post- #1 is gorgeous! I love the shimmery look! Third post-I love the overall look of #1-so sweet! Fourth post- #2 is my favorite, just lovely. Fifth post- Neat design on #2 with only her face black-and-white!
Narnia Girl: First post- Great job on those! The coloring on #1 and #4 looks especially nice. Second post- Beautiful coloring on #2! Well done!
lilsis_lucy: Lovely avvies! The Reep blend is really cute and #2 is lovely!
MissAdventure: Wow. Those avvies are absolutely stunning! I like them all, but #2, #6, and #9 are especially lovely.
Rising_Star: Gorgeous batch! Stunning coloring and textures on all! My faves are #4, #6, #7, #8, and #14.
p.7 (almost done! )
Djaq: Excellent work! I love the text on #4.
Broadway_Freak: #2 is too funny! I've never done animated avvies, but it looks great!
Wunderkind_Lucy: I love your coloring on all! #2 is stunning!
LucyP0104: Interesting variations, and I like the warm tones on all of them!
MissAdventure: Coloring and cropping are excellent! My favorite is #2-great text on #4!
flambeau: All of them are simply beautiful! I love the textures and brushes! My faves are probably #2, #4, and #5.
Kate: Beautiful coloring on those! I love the backgrounds, especially #2 and #3!
Narnia Girl: I love all the variations--#2, #3, and #5 are really pretty!
Just two from me:
Brush on #2 by flambeau. Bases are from
C and CC is lovely!
the light after the storm
shows that hope was never gone
Snow After Fire graphics
Two from me
Alpha layer by: Gymfan15
Thank you all for the comments!
BF, great job on the animation! It's cute!
WunderLu, I love the bright coloring on those, especially #2!
LucyP0104, great work! The coloring is lovely, and I love your cropping! My favorites are 2 and 4!
Maddy, your dedication to comments is awesome!! I love your batch! The coloring and cropping are fabulous! My favorites are 2, and it's a tie between 3 and 4!
flam, whoa! Those are gorgeous! I love your bright coloring!! The textures are lovely as well! If forced to pick a favorite or favorites, they would be 1, 4 (!!!!) and 6!
Kate, awesome job replacing/changing the background!! I think that I like #3 the best!
NG, great job! I like the coloring on the first one! My favorites are 1 and 6!
malkah, first post: Beautiful batch! I love the coloring and tiny-text on #1! My other favorites are 2, 3 and 5! Second post: Whoa, lots of comments!! I love how vibrant #1 is!
dantheman, nice job! I love the texture that you used!
Here are a few from me.
Many of them were made with bases from Gymfan. Thank you!
Anyone can use. Comments and credit are appreciated, but not required.
When things fall apart, be glue.
Team Hoodie!!
More from me:
I've begun adding BBC VDT bases to my site. Anyone is welcome to use anything I've done. No credit required. I'm hoping to actually get some Walden VDT graphics done for next week.
@malkah: Lovely coloring on #1!
@dantheman: Nice textures on those!
@Djaq: I love the image you used in #1! Is that one of the new VDT images? Lovely coloring and use of textures in #5 and 6.
@starkat: Nice BCC VDT ones.
Here's two from me!
"The task of the modern educator is not to cut down jungles but to irrigate deserts." ~ C. S. Lewis, The Abolition of Man
Forum 1.0: 1303 posts
WC: 54
Djaq, the first one is amazing! coloring, textures, wow
"Things never happen the same way twice, dear one."
Wow beautiful work all of u I've once again left it 2 long 2 comment but heres a few from me
Sig/Av me
NW Sibs=13
Graphics LJournal
Jay, the textures are perfect on all of them! great job!
some from me:
anyone may use with credit!
Thanks for the comments!!
I tried recreating it tonight and I couldn't really get it very close. The tone of the recreation was totally wrong, so sorry about that! I would have liked to though!
That's perfectly fine. It would have been nice, but I know it's really hard to recreate things from that long ago.
More comments!
Page 5
therinca, lovely job! (Love your avatar by the way! ) The textures and coloring are great! My favorites are #1, 2, 5, 6, and 8!! (second post) Neat! I love your cropping and coloring! Favorites are #3, 5, 6, and 8! The technique on #8 looks really cool!
hyaline12, beautiful coloring! My favorites are #2 and 4!!
Djaq, amazing work! I love the cropping on #2!! I also love the coloring on #5!! Those two are my favorites!
HM, those are great! I like #1 and 3 best!
nz, lovely job! I love the bright coloring on #2!
Revel, great job! I really like the purpley coloring on #2! Did you know, (if you use GIMP, that is...) merging layers instead of flattening them saves the round edges? (Instead of Image>Flatten Image, Image>Merge Visible Layers.)
NG, nice job! I like the coloring on #1! (second post) I like the saturated coloring on #1! It looks great!
Wunder, interesting coloring! It's kinda fun! (second post) Pretty coloring! I really like it! Where'd you get the text box textures? They look great!
starkat, I love #4! It looks wonderful!!
Follower, the ones of the dolls looks great! However, my favorite is definitely #8! I love the text!
Page 6
flambeau, awesome job! I can't pick a favorite! I love the coloring on #4!!
Wunder, lovely job! The colorings on both are beautiful! (second post) Wow! Those are all amazing! I love the coloring on the first three, the text on the fourth, and the cropping on #5, 8, and 9! (The colorings on #5 and 9 also look lovely!) (third post) I love how bright and sharp it is! Great job on the coloring!
Broadway_Freak, great job! I like the red in the black and white on #2! (second post) Pretty coloring on #1! Great job! (third post) Very nice!! I like the textures! (fourth post) Great cropping on #2, the edges looks nice! (fifth post) I like the coloring on #1!
NG, I love the colorings on #1 and 4! Great job! (second post) #2 is lovely!
lilsis, welcome back! Both look amazing, the blending on #1 is fantastic!
Ryan, those are lovely! The coloring and textures looks beautiful!! My favorites are #3, 4, 7, 8, 9, 12, and 14!!
Some from me...
Please credit if you decide to use.
CC/comments are loved!!
She hoped to be wise and reasonable in time; but alas!
She must confess to herself that she was not wise yet.
Call me Maddy! | my livejournal
Proud Attolian Recruiter
Well, I'm sorry, but I've been a stranger to NarniaWeb. I'll have to go through all your stuff. I've almost given up on comments. I'll try not to though. All the stuff on this page is awesome. Love that batch Maddy!
Here's one from me:
Go Marina Erakovic!
I've met Michael Apted!!!
Av & Sig by Me. NWeb sis: ForeverFan
@Jay: Love #3! Nice use of textures, great cropping, and lovely coloring!
@hyaline12: Love the cropping and use of textures on #9!
@Maddy: Love the shiny-ness on #2!
@HM: Nice one of Ben.
Here's a bunch from me!
Oops! And an extra one!
CC and C always appreciated!
"The task of the modern educator is not to cut down jungles but to irrigate deserts." ~ C. S. Lewis, The Abolition of Man
Forum 1.0: 1303 posts
WC: 54
Thank you all for the comments!!
Page 7...
Kate, lovely designs! My favorite is #3! Great job replacing the background on the image!
NG, very nice coloring! My favorites are #1 and 2! I really like the lightness of #2!
malkah, first post: great work! My favorites are #2, 3, and 5! I love the text on #5! Great coloring as well! Second post: I love them! Excellent coloring, cropping, and textures on both!
dantheman, lovely avies! My favorite is #2! I love the texture that you used!
Djaq, beautiful avies (as always!)! My favorites are #1, 2, 4, and 6! Excellent coloring, cropping, and textures!
starkat, very nice cropping! My favorite is #2! I like the original text!
WunderLu, very neat designs! My favorite is #2! I love the coloring!
Page #8...
Jay, great work! My favorites are #1-3! Great coloring and textures!
hyaline, wonderful batch! My favorites are #1, 3, 4, 7, 8, and 10! Excellent cropping, coloring, and text!
Maddy, beautiful avies! I love the cropping and coloring on #1! The design of #3 is so cool!
H.M., I love it! The design is great, and I love how you rotated the text sideways!
WunderLu, great batch! My favorites are #1, 5, 9, and 10! (I think you posted #6 and 7 on the previous page) Great text, textures, and coloring!
Here's a few from me (hmm, I just realized that they are all of Edmund )...
Anyone can use with credit. C&CC welcome.
--- flambeau
President of the Manalive Conspiracy
Founder of Team Hoodie
Icon by me
Here are a few icons:
Not my best batch!
Jay Lovely icons! #3 is my fav!
hyaline12 Great batch! #1 is my favourite! I love the textures you've used!
MissAdventure lovely colouring on #2!
HM Swanwhite Nice icon!
Wunderkind_Lucy Beautiful icons!! #2 and 3 are my favs! Congrats on your winnings on lj!
flambeau amazing batch - the last would be my fav!
Sorry i can't comment on more!
Avatar & Signature by Me