Thank you all for the lovely comments!!
Could you post the textures you used on 2 and 5?
Certainly! I used this texture by flambeau and this texture by innocent_Lexys from LJ.
Page 71
campgirl, such lovely Georgie icons! I love the coloring! #2, 3, 4, and 8 are my favorites (and #9 makes me laugh)!! (second post) Again, beautiful work! My favorites are #5 and 6(!)!
malkah, what beautiful coloring!! I love #3, 4, 8, and 10!
Wunder, I like #2! The vintage-y sepia toned coloring is lovely.
wolfloversk, neat animated icons! My favorites are definitely #5-6.
Page 72
narnian_at_heart, you're right about the sharpening, but other than that, I really like it! Nice border and cropping.
wolfloversk, pretty! I like the text!
Wunder, yay, Georgie! My favorites are #1, 4, 5, 7, and 10!
lover, there lies the trouble with cross-posting! I won't bother to list all my favorites of yours again either, but I think they're all absolutely fantastic!
Just two from me...
Please credit if you decide to use.
CC/comments are loved!!
She hoped to be wise and reasonable in time; but alas!
She must confess to herself that she was not wise yet.
Call me Maddy! | my livejournal
Proud Attolian Recruiter
Thanks for all the comments!!
page 71 --
wolfloversk, great animation! that is so hard for me. lol
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narnian_at_heart, I love the frame!! and the font!
wolfloversk, Oh, very nice! Love the blueness of it!!
Wunder, Yay, Georgie avies! My favorites are 1, 2, 6 (!), 8, and 10!! Lovely work!!!
LOVER!!!!!!!!, You've really been missed!
Beautiful avies from you! My favorites are 1, 3, 4, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13, 15, 16, 17, and 20. Lovely coloring and cropping!
Maddy, Wow! I love the coloring!! Nice blending on #1!
Anyone up for some little Ed??
C and CC are great! Feel free to use, credit would be nice if you do
-- cg
Team Hoodie! | Keeper of the Secret Magic | ♥
campgirl, thanks for all the edmund avatars!! Can you do more some from PC and some from VDT? All of those are great pics of Ed!!!:)
Thanks to Shastafan for the Signature and thanks to lizzyhenley009 for the avatar.
Whew, I've been gone a bit long! First I was avoiding spoilers, and then I was busy... now I have some time I'll comment just on this page, sorry...
narnian_at_heart, I like the direct approach the cropping gives, and the wooden-like frame has a lovely feeling of a bedroom portrait
wolfloversk, yay, cool idea! And I like the text, as if illuminated by the star
Wunderkind, great coloring on all of them! And I love the texture on #5, can you please send it to me?
lover of narnia, how is it that you keep getting better and better even if each time it seems impossible to make better avs than the last ones? I love them all! The cropping is awesome, I love tiny avs containing huge landscapes, like #1, #4 and #15! And the coloring on #15 is just... The texture bg idea on 6-10 is great!
And of course, my favorite is #14!
I also love #13, great coloring!
Maddy, cool coloring and effect on #1!
campgirl, lovely Edmund batch! I always loved the picture you used on #2 and #3, it's so very rapacious and greedy, just what Edmund was at that point! He devours the idea of being King over Peter the same way he does the Turkish Delight! Amazing coloring on all avs! I love the layout of #5, and #10 is great, one of my favorite shots of Ed from LWW and in total.
Some exceedingly humble contribution from moi...
I'll try to post some more, as soon as someone posts after me so that I don't double post
Comments and credit are great!
I've seen the movie 9 times!!! (PC)
I've seen the movie 7 times!!! (VoDT) And loved it!
Proud member of the C+S club
Av & sig by me
Everyone's doing great!
Beginte, there's some really nice colouring on yours, especially the last two.
A few more of mine...
"She seemed invincible. The same woman who enchanted my childhood, enchanted my time on Doctor Who and enchanted generations who have watched her and fallen in love with her – just like I did." -David Tennant
Alright, well I've been wanting to try graphic making for a while now, so here's my first stab at it. I hope to make some more soon.
Feel free to use! Credit would be nice.
Av and Sig by Aravis Autarkeia
lizzyhenley009, thank you! I like the coloring on #4 and #9 on yours, very crisp and defined!
Silver the Wanderer, welcome among graphic-makers! Now, wow! Those are amazing for a first try!
I love the coloring and the darkening of shadows, the corpping is perfect, too, as if he's peering out from behind the border of the av! By the way, can you please PM me the original picture you used? I think I might not have it... *a terrified gasp*
Some work from moi...
I'm on a Susan kick! Somehow she's very inspiring to make graphics of!
Comments and credit are great!
I've seen the movie 9 times!!! (PC)
I've seen the movie 7 times!!! (VoDT) And loved it!
Proud member of the C+S club
Av & sig by me
wolfloversk, I love yours! The star and the coloring on the bottom.
wunderkind_lucy, I love all the Georgie ones! They're so pretty!
lover of narnia I love the background on #8. I like #12 with all the kings and queens. Although I'm not a Suspian fan, I love how you did #14.
missadventure, ooh, I love both of those!
campgirl, I like all the Edmund eating ones. They're so cute.
beginte I love 1-4 and 6-10. I'm not as big on #5 but the cropping is neat.
lizziehenly09, I love them all! The coloring is so vibrant. The texture on the last three is amazing as well!
Silver, I like the coloring on those two.
beginte, I like 2-4. The cropping is great.
daughter of the king the coloring on all of those are awesome.
Here are three Susan avatars from me. I was experimenting with cropping and coloring.
C & CC are appreciated. No permission neccessary but please credit. Please don't use the 3rd one while I'm using it.
Would use #7 but i can't remember how to change my Avatar!!!!!
~Dryad Daughter
sig by Caspian XI
Avatar by:therinca Sig by:Caspian XI
"And I will fear no evil for my GOD is with me."
Thanks to everyone for your lovely comments on my last batch!
@nz_narnia_nut: you misspelled Skandar's name!
Oops, now thats a little embarassing
Some from me:
Credit for the texture on #2 goes to Wunderkind and the brush on #5 is by flambeau
Thanks for all the comments!!
Beginte, welcome back!! (first post) lovely avies! 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10 are my favorites!!
Love the bright colors on 5, 9, and 10! (2nd post) Nice Susan avies!! My favorites are 1, 3, 6, 7, and 8! Nice coloring on the last two!!
lizzy, love the croppings!! My favorites are 1, 6, 9!
Silver, wow! that's very good for your first try!! I love the pic, cropping and all!! Nice job!
dotK, Nice! My favorites are 2 and 4!!
narnian_at_heart, I like all the croppings but I think #1 is my fav. I can't pick a favorite coloring!
nz_narnia_nut, Yay! 2, 3, and 4 are my favorites! Love the colorings and croppings!
Some more from me....
C and CC are great! Feel free to use, credit would be nice if you do
Team Hoodie! | Keeper of the Secret Magic | ♥
I'm sorry but right now I can't comment on everyones work, just that everyone is doing amazingly and welcome back on the thread Beginte!
Here's some of my recent work, some credit goes to Beginte and flambeau on their beautiful textures! IDK what #5 says but the effects are gorgeous!
Credit is nice just please don't claim as your own!
Long Live King Caspian & Queen Liliandil Forever!
Jill+Tirian! Let there be Jilrian!
page 72
lon and Beginte: Here are the textures you were wanting:
I don't remember who did the 1st one, but the 2nd one is from xloliconsx on LJ. Set 43, I think.
lon: My favorites are #2, 5, and 17-18. Lovely colorings, croppings, and use of textures!
Maddy: I like the composition of #1. I've been wanting to try that style out.
cg: 1st post: I'm loving #2, and 6-7. The bright colors in #2 and 6 are lovely, and I like the more subdued coloring in #7. Nice use of textures as well. 2nd post: I really love the coloring on #4. It's really hard to get the coloring just right on that one. I like how the blues stand out without Peter becoming too orangey.
Beginte: 1st post: #5 is lovely! I especially like how you made Eustace's eyes stand out! 2nd post: Wow! I love the last 2! Where did you get the image for those? Would you mind posting the link?
nz: Nice to see you back! I just adore the coloring, cropping, and layout of #1! It's SO gorgeous!
page 73
DJP: Nice blending on #10!
Comments are love. Credit is nice but not necessary. Please don't claim as your own.
"The task of the modern educator is not to cut down jungles but to irrigate deserts." ~ C. S. Lewis, The Abolition of Man
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PAGE 72:
daughter of the King, I like #2 and #4 best, neat coloring especially on #4!
narnian_at_heart, thanks! I like the first one best, the cropping and subtle coloring is very neat!
nz_narnia_nut, I love #4, I've been meaning to do something with that beyond fabulous picture for a long time!
campgirl, aw, thank you, I'm glad you like them! I like the three last you made, the coloring is so perfect!
PAGE 73:
DamselJillPole, I'm honored to see my humble texture being used Oh, It's some babble I scaled down so that it would be unreadable
I love #1, #2, #8, and #9 is breathtakingly perfect!
Wunderkind, thanks for the textures! Aw, and thank you! I just love that pic of Eustace, it's perfect! Oh, those are pictures of Anna from The Girl with a pearl earring - can you believe she played there? She barely says two words but she wanders about the background pretty much all the time, and with several attires/settings great to make Susan graphics from it
I can PM you the pics since they're my movie snapshots and I haven't posted them anywhere. I love both your avs, the coloring and text placement are perfect on #1, and the cropping of #2 is great, too!
Some small work from moi...
Comments and credit are great!
I've seen the movie 9 times!!! (PC)
I've seen the movie 7 times!!! (VoDT) And loved it!
Proud member of the C+S club
Av & sig by me