flambea, NL101, therinica, Jay, hyaline, Djaq, nz_narnia_nut, RevelinginWonder, Wunderkind - Everyone is doing such a great job! I am sorry that I do not have time for more specific comments. But keep it up, all of you!
Here are a few of my own, again. The first four are of the dolls made of the Pevensies...
The *official First Follower of Aslan
Keeper of Susan's Grey Coat.
Wunderkind_Lucy: i like your colouring.
Therinca: I really love 2,3,6,7 nice work.
Sig by Me avy by thatonebrunette
triplets with Kate/NL101
Thanks for the comments!
therinca, I love the coloring! I think my favorites are #2, #4, #6 and #8!
Wunderkind_Lucy, I like the coloring! I think it turned out pretty.
starkat, I like #1 and #2!
Wunderkind, I love the coloring on those! I can't decide which I like best, the Susan one or the Lucy one.
Follower of Aslan, nice job! I like the Lucy one, and I also like #5 and #6.
From me:
Founder of the Dragon Fan Club - PM me to join!
Team Hoodie!
I've met Michael English!
Avie and sig by theprincessspy.
It is great!
hyaline12 Love them all. Love your cropping and the textures you used, esp. on no. 1 - what are those texture and brushes?
you can get the grungy one here, the dot one here and the light one is one of mine, which i posted in the resources thread. i got the tape brush off of deviantart, but i can't remember or find who it was from.
thank you for the lovely comments, everyone!
Thank you all for the comments!!
@ H.M., here's that picture you requested.
Page #4...
hyaline, beautiful work! I love the first one! The second one is lovely as well!
H.M., lovely avi! I really like the design of it! Great coloring as well!
NG, first post: really nice batch! My favorite is #3! Second post: I really like #1! The coloring is great! Third post: again, good work! My favorites are #2 and 7!
NL101, wonderful work! My favorites are #4, 5, 7, 8, 9, and 12! Excellent cropping!
malkah, those are lovely! I love the coloring on both of them! I think my favorite is #2!
Daylight, I love them! My favorites are #2-4!
poggin, very nice work! My favorites are #1 and 4! Great coloring!
WunderLu, great avi! Her eyes are lovely!
Jay, lovely batch! My favorites are #3, 4, 5, 8, and 9!
LP0104, wonderful coloring! My favorites are #1, 2, and 3! Beautiful work!
checkers, great batch! My favorites are #1, 5, 7, and 10! Great coloring on #10!
Page #5...
therinca, first post: beautiful work! My favorites are #2, 5, 6, 8, 8, and 10! Wonderful coloring! Second post: simply lovely coloring on all of them! My favorites are #1, 3, 4, 6, and 8!
hyaline, great work! My favorites are #1, 3, and 4!
Djaq, excellent work! My favorites are #1, 2, 4, and 5! Great cropping and coloring! I really like the text on #3!
H.M., awesome designs! My favorite is #3! The coloring and font look wonderful!
nz_nut, wonderful batch! My favorites are #1, 5 (lol!), and 6!
Reveling, I love #1! Great coloring and cropping! The other two are really cute as well!
NG, first post: great text on #1! I also really like the coloring on #4! Second post: very cute! My favorites are #3 and 4! Nice variations on #1-3!
WunderLu, first post: the coloring is really cool! I think it's neat how it doesn't really look like a picture, it looks more like a painting! Second post: awesome designs! I love the coloring! I think my favorite is #2!
starkat, neat textures on #1! I also really like the image that you used in #2 (lol!)!
Follower, neat idea for the first four! I like them! My favorites are #1-4 and 7!
Here's a few from me...
Anyone can use with credit. C&CC welcome.
--- flambeau
President of the Manalive Conspiracy
Founder of Team Hoodie
Icon by me
flambeau: I absolutely love the first one!
And thank you all for the nice comments
"Things never happen the same way twice, dear one."
page 5
@Follower: The avies of dolls are SO cool! I think it would be cool to own one of those.
@NG: Nice coloring on #4 and 5!
page 6
@flambeau: #1 is fabulous! I love the layout and the way you did the text!
Here's two from me!
"The task of the modern educator is not to cut down jungles but to irrigate deserts." ~ C. S. Lewis, The Abolition of Man
Forum 1.0: 1303 posts
WC: 54
Flambeau---I love #3! Great coloring!
Wunderkind_Lucy---I love # 1
Two of my own:
Avvie By Rising_Star
Thanks for the comments!
flambeau, my favorites are #2 and #4! I like the text on #4!
Wunderkind_Lucy, I like the rounded edges on #1!
Broadway_Geek, my favorite is #1!
Some from me:
I think #2 turned out kinda weird. I was experimenting with coloring.
Founder of the Dragon Fan Club - PM me to join!
Team Hoodie!
I've met Michael English!
Avie and sig by theprincessspy.
Well hello, new NarniaWeb!! This is my first post in the new Avie thread! I'm just getting used to making Narnia graphics again (after about all summer of not doing so.. ) so anyways, here are a few from me:
The first one is just a blend that I did, couldn't figure out what to put. Any suggestions would be awesome!! Credit if you decide to use!
Alright, comment time (I'm just going to do this page, because, well, doing all six would be quite treacherous and take too much time )
flambeau ~Beautiful batch!! (as always) I really like the picture on the first one! My favorites are #'s 2-4.. I really like the text in #2.. it gives a really cool effect!
Wunder ~Gorgeous!! I love the first one!! The coloring is simply perfect and the font you used fits wonderfully!! Great job!
Broadway_Geek I don't think I've met you before. *shakes hand* nice to meet you! Haha. Good job! I really like the "red" theme in #1.. and the font fits very nicely. I also like the black and white/color in the second. Good work! Looking forward to seeing more from you!
Narnia Girl ~Nice Georgie ones! I really like the first one.. it's very simple but the coloring is good and it's pretty. Good work!
By the way, does anyone know how to bold?? They changed this thing since I was last on, and I can't find it anywhere!!!! Thanks!
av/sig me
Narnia Nuts in NH Club
Aim at heaven and you will get earth thrown in. Aim at earth and you get neither. ~C.S. Lewis
I've been so behind in commenting and I started yesterday and when I previewed my draft (right before I intended to save it) the "form" I "submitted was invalid" and I lost my entire draft. So, comments on the first few pages will be very very brief. I'm so sorry, I don't have the time or heart to recreate those comments entirely!
So, here goes...
Page ONE!
Princess Anna, (both posts) Lovely batches!! My favorites are #2 and 12 of the first batch and #8-9 of the second set!
Gymfan, all of them look great!! My favorites are #2, 4, 5, 6, and 8 and 10!!
NL101, beautiful!! I love #1!! #2, 4, and 6 are favorites as well!!
starkat, I love the VDT ones!!
Valia, nice job!! I like #3-4!!
Beginte, I love #3, 4, 7, and 10! Great job!!
Daylight, lovely job!! My favorites are the first six, but all are beautiful! (second post) Great cropping on all of them!! I like #2 and 4 best!!
Revel, great job! I like #10 and 12 best!
therinca, beautiful coloring and textures! I really like #4 and 7!!
lover, great job! My favorite is definitely #5!!
Page 2
lover, pretty coloring! I love #3, 4, and 9!!
Beginte, beautiful!! I love #1-3!!
flambeau, awesome coloring and text! I like #1 best.
Kate, great work!! I like how the text is on #1!!
HM, I like the textures!!
Wunder, lovely job! My favorites are #2 and 3!!
starkat, pretty coloring! I like the text on #1!
TC, awesome batch!! Favorites are #3, 4, 5... all of them, really!
therinca, I love the coloring on #1, it's absolutely beautiful!!
Caelyn, #2 is really pretty!! (second post) #2-3 are awesome!!
NothinbutNarnia, great job!! Favorites are #9 and 10!
greenleaf, it's not letting me see yours, sorry!
Gymfan, those are great!! I love the first two!!
Whew! That went fast...
That's really all I think I can do for now... long posts look so long now!!
Some old favorites from me...
Please credit if you decide to use.
CC/comments are loved!!
She hoped to be wise and reasonable in time; but alas!
She must confess to herself that she was not wise yet.
Call me Maddy! | my livejournal
Proud Attolian Recruiter
My computer is being stupid and I can't see any of y'alls.
Here are some more from me:
Avvie By Rising_Star
@B_F: 1st post: Nice cropping on #1. 2nd post: Cool texture on #1.
@NG: I like the golden coloring on #4.
@lilsis: I love the Reepicheep one! So cute!
@Maddy: That's such a lovely bunch it's hard to pick a fav, but I think #6 would have to win! I love the shimmery-ness.
Here's a bunch from me! CC and C always appreciated!
"The task of the modern educator is not to cut down jungles but to irrigate deserts." ~ C. S. Lewis, The Abolition of Man
Forum 1.0: 1303 posts
WC: 54
WOW! all of those are amazing. You guys did the affects great! I really like how you guys did lighting and stuff!
great job.
<-made by nz_narnia_nut,avvie by Djeq
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