Beginte: You've done some great work with that new photo! My fave is "Ahead" - the focus is only on Caspian, and it has a vintage feeling.
But I don't think that Lucy is in the photo... isn't that Rhince?
flambeau: The Battle av looks like a great action-adventure book cover. And the black-and-white av of Susan and Lucy is quite a composition!
lover of narnia: The "Goodbye" av is a neat idea! Soft, sort of water-colory and thoughtful. And the "Dream Big" av is SO cute!
lexygal: No, really, it's good. Great cap choice and good texture!
Wunderkind_Lucy: The animated av is perfectly simple! And "Return to Magic" is really beautiful - the coloring, font, everything is just right - though Lucy isn't really returning.
I have an odd set - something I started playing around with and found fun. So I kept going with the idea.
They didn't all turn out so well, and they look quite simple, but they are harder to put together then you might think!
Comments, Criticism and Credit are ever welcome!
"In the end, there is something to which we say: 'This I must do.'"
- Gordon T. Smith
avi by Flambeau
Well, my ego crawled under a rock again... why can I never be half as great as you guys? *despairs*
Anyway, comment time...
flambeau, startling with brilliance, as always... all of them are beyond great, but the first three are my favorites!
lover of narnia, don't worry, my work is easy to disappear next to yours Anyway, thanks a lot for your comments! Haha, yes, more spyglass moment, how could I not? Thanks, I'm glad you like #5 so much, I wanted him to come out looking like some sort of sun King! Hmm, let me see what textures I used... uh... sorry... I didn't save the Photoshop version of the av and I completely don't remember... but I'll try to recreate it, to check! Now, your work is breathtaking as always... I am in love with #4, I'll never make sth as perfect as this! It's breathtaking! And could you write a tut on 8 and 9 coloring style?
lexygal, neat one! I love the font and texture!
Wunderkind, of course smashing... #2, #5 and #7 are breathtaking!
Adeona, a great idea there! I love it! Susan's face is a bit off, perhaps another choice of pics would be better, but Peter and Edmund came out perfect! I loved to look at them and see the progression! I'm especially super impressed by the angle perfect match on Ed!
Now, some work from moi... not as great as the gems strewn around here...
Comments and credit are great!
I've seen the movie 9 times!!! (PC)
I've seen the movie 7 times!!! (VoDT) And loved it!
Proud member of the C+S club
Av & sig by me
page 39:
Wunder: (first post) I like 1 and 3. nice b&w effects! (2nd post) Great coloring and cropping! I like 2 best. (3rd post) Oo, nice! I like how it looks kinda misty.
HM Swanwhite: Good cropping on the one of Ben! Um, most of the time I think it's mainly tuts that I've used (thanks!)...maybe some textures too..I can't really remember
Flambeau: I loooove 1, 4, 5, 6, and 7!!!
Aravis Autarkeia: My favourites are 1, 3, and 7! Love the coloring on 5, too.
Daughter_of_Ramandu: I like 3! Nice coloring and texture!
narnianerd: 1 and 2 are my favorites (I love Trufflehunter!). Really cool base you got there, too!!
Lover: (1st post) Thanks!! I love all of yours, but 1 and 4 are my favorites! (2nd post) Those look great! Especially 1, 9, and 20! How do you do so many (and they all be good)?! (3rd post) I like your use of texture on 1. And the colors on 2 and 3 are nice!
malkah: I like 2, 5, and 6!! Great job on the coloring!
Beginte: Nice coloring on 1, 3, 7, and 8! (2nd post) I like 2, 3, 5, 6, and 8! Great job!!
page 40:
Beginte: (first post) Nice cropping! (2nd post) WHAT?! No, spyglass??? hehe. 10 and 11 are great! I like the coloring on 8, too.
flambeau: I like the texture and colors on 1, 2, and 4. 4 is my favorite!
Lover: 4 and 6 are my favorites... I like how the text on 4 kind of goes with the ground (if that makes sense)
lexygal: love the colors and text! Good job!
Wunder: I like the text on 3! But 5 is great, I love her expression! And 7 is very...regal
Adeona: Not bad! I think you did a good job on them. the one of Susan looks kind of squished and round (but you did way better than I could have!!)... Edmund's looks GREAT! Good job!
Oh! I finished? Whew. Thanks for all the comments!!!
Here's some from me. credit to flambeau, LucyP0104, hyaline, Djaq, and White as Snow (for some bases)
c and cc are great! Feel free to use, credit would be nice if you do
Team Hoodie! | Keeper of the Secret Magic | ♥
Thank you all for the comments!
Would you mind doing a tut on 5? And could you post the picture you used.
'Tis done! I hope you enjoy it! As for the image, I used a base from don't_be_so_base. I posted it in the tutorial.
Would you mind doing a tutorial on #1?
Well, I'll see if I can. I made that avi a few months ago, so I'm not exactly certain of what I did, but I'll see what I can do.
Becca, beautiful batch! My favorites are #4, 5, 6, 7, and I am in love with the coloring on 8!! Great text design on #4, awesome job changing the background on #5, #6...*melts* too cute! And gorgeous coloring on #7 and 8! Keep up the excellent work!
lexygal, cute avi! I love the cropping and coloring! Nice texture choice as well!
WunderLu, I love #1 and 2! Great animation on the first one, and I really like the coloring on #2!
Adeona, great job choosing the images and matching them! I personally think Edmund's matches up the best, but they all look wonderful! Great idea!
Beginte, lovely work, my friend! Your ego has no reason to be hiding under a rock! My favorites are #2, 7, 8, 9, and 11! Great coloring on all of them!
campgirl, a very cute batch! My favorite is #3, but the others are all very good as well! Georgie is too cute in the last two, and the first two are adorable!
Some new icons from me. I went on a Narnia spree yesterday, and this is a small sample of what I made...
Anyone can use with credit. C&CC welcome.
I was trying some new stuff. I hope it turned out okay.
--- flambeau
President of the Manalive Conspiracy
Founder of Team Hoodie
Icon by me
Comments!!! At last!
Page 40:
Beginte 1st Post: Thanks for that! Interesting colouring on that. Cool cropping. Oh, and are there any other photos like it? Where did you find it? (Sorry for all the questions.) 2nd Post: Awesome colouring on them all. Especially the last 5. (And it's lovely to see you back in here consistently. .)
flambeau Wonderful batch. I love all of them, especially the first three, the textures and colouring are fantastic. I'm tempted to ask for a tut on either 2 or 3. Hmmm....
lover Beautiful batch. The colouring is perfect. I love them all but no. 8 is particularly lovely.
lexygal Lovely! I really like it. Very cool.
Wunder Cool batch. I particularly like the colouring and textures on 2, 3 and 7. I really like the moving avvy too.
Adeona Neat idea! It was particularly effective on the Edmund one. Peter's hair is really black in the LWW pic.
campgirl I'm glad you found my tuts of use! Cool batch. I love the textures on 1. And I like the black and white one. Also the colouring on the last one is really cool!
flambeau 2nd batch: That batch is fantasmagorical! The first two are very cool. The colouring on them all is beautiful. I love the layout and textures on them all. I really love what you did on the first two. The colouring on 8 and 9 is particularly nice (well actually they are all perfect.)
Go Marina Erakovic!
I've met Michael Apted!!!
Av & Sig by Me. NWeb sis: ForeverFan
Adeona: Interesting idea. My only CC is that the halves don't match as far as sizing go. But you did a great job with Lucy's hair! I did like that!
Beginte: Love the coloring and cropping on #8!
campgirl: I really like the coloring on #3! So cute!
flambeau: Nice coloring on #9.
HM: Nice job on that one! I like the coloring!
Here are a few from me!
Comments are love. Credit is nice but not necessary. Please don't claim as your own.
"The task of the modern educator is not to cut down jungles but to irrigate deserts." ~ C. S. Lewis, The Abolition of Man
Forum 1.0: 1303 posts
WC: 54
Avie by Aravis Autarkeia
Thank you for the comments!
H.M., love the design and coloring! Great work!
WunderLu, pretty coloring on #1! I love cropping as well!
A few new ones...
Anyone can use with credit. C&CC welcome.
--- flambeau
President of the Manalive Conspiracy
Founder of Team Hoodie
Icon by me
Wow, haven't posted here in ages! I got inspired by the new high-res pictures of the VDT stand and decided to make a few avatars:
You're welcome to use any of them, except the 4th,
as it is currently my avatar. Credit is appreciated, but not required.
I'll always be a,
Rest in Peace Old Narniaweb
thanks for all the comments! everyone has some amazing work! I will try to come back and comment later!
some from me:
anyone may use. credit is nice but not necessary just don't claim as your own.
lexygal, Pretty coloring! I always loved that image, and the texture you used under the text is nice
Wunderkind_Lucy, ( first post) Thanks so much for the tuts and your comments!! They always encourage make more! Your coloring is gorgeous on those! Simple beautiful!! My favorites are: 2, 3, 4 and 7. 3 is just breathtaking. Your coloring is just superb. Good job! I love those! *holds tongue to prevent herself from asking for more tuts* (second post) More wonderful work! 1, 2, and 4 are my faves. I especially like 2. The coloring is very nice, your blending is flawless, and the images you chose fit perfectly together! Good job! Keep it up!
Adeona, Why, thank you! I'm glad you liked those! Cool idea! I really like how most of the images match up nicely. It gives us a look at how've they changed. I especially like the Edmund and Lucy avvies. Good job! Those are pretty cool!
Beginte, Such flattering words....thank you again!! What can I say? Each time you post I blush. I'm so glad you like my graphics so much. I simply try my best. I'll can probably get a tut up for the coloring of those, pretty quickly. The coloring is pretty simply. I use a lot of the same techniques on the avvies and they all turn out different! Now...your graphics are so pretty!! They are just as good as mine! I love them!! Let's favorites are: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 9, 10 and 11. I love the warm yellowness that is on your avatars. It's very loverly. Good job! I can't wait to see what more you'll produce!
campgirl, Thank you very much! Your so nice! I can never seem to answer that question "How do you make so many nice ones in such short time?". I guess I just have the time and I love doing it. Those few you did are quite nice! 1 is adorable and 2 makes my want to hug Mr. Badger! Good job!
flambeau, (first post) Thank you so much for the tut! I'll be sure to try it out! Also thank you for your kind comments. You don't know how much they encourage me! I'm so glad you like them!! Your avvies....are...GORGEOUS!!!! I was like... Simply breath-takingly beautiful!!! Your coloring is magnificent. I feel cast in your shadow again.....your so skilled! And those are SUPERB!!! Let's see....I can't even begin to pick faves. *bites lip* I'll try. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9 are all my faves. I LOVE THEM!! *attempts not to ask for tuts on all...and contemplates which ones she really would use and really wants to ask for* Could you do a tut on 6? The coloring is so wonderful...I can't begin to describe how great it is. You did an awesome job!! (second post) WOW! That's all I can say. My breath has again been taken away, again. And I'm afraid my mouth his hanging open like a cod fish. You have once again, put me to shame, and outdone yourself. They are beautiful. Simply, wonderfully, beautiful. My favorites are: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10. What picture of William is that on 10 and 9? I don't think I've ever seen it before! Your coloring and design on those to is wonderful. I love those! 3 and the ones of Lucy from VOTD are just jaw dropping. I love them all! *saves* Could you do a tut on 7? I love it. that I have calmed down I will just say. Good job!!
HM Swanwhite, Thank you for your comments! That one you did is nice. I like the image and the layout. Good job!
narnialover101, Those are all very nice Robby-pan!! I really like your coloring, and it's so exciting to see someone using VOTD images! My favorite are: 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, and 7. *saves* If I use any I'll be sure to credit you. Good job!
Aravis Autarkeia, How pretty! 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7 are my faves. You have very good coloring and cropping! I like them!
Now some from me! Credit to, flambeau, Wunderkind_Lucy, HM Swanwhite, Beginte,, dont be so base, deviant art, live journal, and Djaq. I think that is all, but if I missed any, I'm sorry!
C and Cc is great. Credit is nice if you use.
Here is five more to make twenty
Loyal supporter of Caspian/Susan.
NW Family: Aunty Vi, LadyC, Rose, Chloe
Secret Order of the Swoosh.
Keeper of the Secret Magic
Thanks for the comments!
Page 39:
lover, thanks for the texture! First post- Beautiful batch! The coloring on #7-#8 is stunning and I love the four Ed icons! Second post- #1 is just gorgeous!
Do you mean this one?
That's it! Thanks for doing the tut! And I'll get the one you requested up as soon as I can. And on to your icon, I love the rather pearly coloring!
Beginte, first post- The blue tones on #1-#3 are so perfect for that scene! Second post- Great design on #1! And the coloring on #4 makes me think of a wonderful children's book illustration.
Page 40:
Beginte, first post- lovely cropping and softness on that icon! Second post- beautiful coloring! My favorites are #2, #6, #8, and #10!
flambeau, first post- beautiful icons! My favorites are #1, #2, (love the gritty feel on those) and #5! Second post- gorgeous coloring on #5-6 and #9! Third post- lovely work again! Are these frames you're using on #9 and #10 (and #1-2 of your second post), or are you just layering the pictures?
lover, first post- a great batch! You don't usually see the image on #4! And Lucy is just too cute in #6! Second post- wonderful work! My favorites are #1, #2, #5, and #9!
lexygal, lovely coloring and text!
Wunder, first post- fabulous coloring on the whole batch, but my definite favorite is #7! So beautiful--it reminds me a bit of Aravis, actually. Second post- I love #2! Stunning coloring and blending!
Adeona, what a neat concept! It's such fun to see the progression, especially on Lucy and Edmund. And you did an amazing job matching the caps!
campgirl, adorable icons! I love the one of the stuffed puppy--aww.
HM Swanwhite, the coloring and textures on that icon are so soft and pretty!
nl101, awesome icons! My favorites are #5, #6, and #7!
Aravis Autarkeia, gorgeous coloring, especially on #4 and and #6 (love the rounded corners)!
A few from me:
(Sorry about the variations on 1-3!)
C and CC are wonderful! Credit appreciated but not required.
Textures by hyaline12, and bambainero and
the light after the storm
shows that hope was never gone
Snow After Fire graphics
Thank you all for the comments!
@ Becca, thank you for your sweet comment! Now, about the tutorials you requested, I will try to do them, but it may be a while before they are up. I think my graphics computer has died over the weekend (I really hope it hasn't, but it will not start up. ), and so that has set me back a bit.
Oh, and here's that image of Will that I used in those avies.
Are these frames you're using on #9 and #10 (and #1-2 of your second post), or are you just layering the pictures?
I used frames on all of those, but I also layered the images on #9 of my third post. Would you like me to post them?
Page #40...
Robby, great batch! My favorites are #1, 2, 4, 5, and 7! Great stuff!
Aravis Autarkeia, lovely work! My favorites are #3 and 4!
Becca, beautiful avies! My favorites are #4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 12, 18, and 19! Your coloring is looking lovely lately!
Page #41...
malkah, I love the variations on the first three (I love the textures you used!), and the fourth one is great!
Here's some not quite new stuff that I have not posted yet.
Anyone can use with credit. C&CC welcome.
--- flambeau
President of the Manalive Conspiracy
Founder of Team Hoodie
Icon by me
page 40
flambeau: Those have some interesting layouts!
nl101: I like the cropping on #7. Great use of the new VDT images!
Autarkeia: My favorites are #3-6. Fantastic coloring, cropping, and use of textures!
lon: As usual, another beautiful batch! Your sense of blending is wonderful! My favorite is #15. Great coloring, use of textures, cropping, and blending!
page 41
malkah: I'll try to get that tutorial up in the next few days! Of your variations, I like #1 the best. I like its simplicity. Would you mind posting the textures you used?
flambeau: I love #4! The simpleness of the black and white coloring is lovely!
Just two from me!
Comments are love. Credit is nice but not necessary. Please don't claim as your own.
"The task of the modern educator is not to cut down jungles but to irrigate deserts." ~ C. S. Lewis, The Abolition of Man
Forum 1.0: 1303 posts
WC: 54
Avie by Aravis Autarkeia
I don't have time for individual comments but great work to everyone!
I haven't posted icons here in forever... Comments are love and credit is nice! Not necessary but please do not steal and claim as own! Blank icons are not bases.
Thank you for the comments!
WunderLu, I love the coloring and cropping on both of those! The way Peter's tunic stands out in the first one is great!
DoE, beautiful batch! My favorites are #1, 4, 7, 8, 10, 13, 18 (!!), and 20! The coloring is gorgeous on all of them!
A few new ones from me (well, except for #3. That one's older. )...
Anyone can use with credit. C&CC welcome.
--- flambeau
President of the Manalive Conspiracy
Founder of Team Hoodie
Icon by me