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[Closed] Avatars - First Edition!

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NarniaWeb Regular

Alright, this time I can stay for comments! :)

page 12

hyaline 12 Wow, snow?? ALREADY?? Sheesh! Well, I can say that lovely graphics came from the snow ;) My favorites are 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 10, and 12! I love the textures that you used in all of them..they fit quite well! I especially like the warm-ish one in # 10.

Daylight My favorites are 1, 3, and 4.. I LOVE the picture of Susan in #1. Very cute and light-hearted. The cropping in #4 is splendid, too! :) Keep up the excellent work!

Wunder Simply idea, but it came out quite beautiful! The coloring is quite nice as well. The blending is neat too..I love that background picture you found!

malkah Beautiful placing of the text brush in #1! It fits so well. :) I'm also flattered you used my brush! I love the fourth one..the coloring is amazing and extremely clear. Great job!

flambeau I adore the coloring in both of them, and the quote in #1 is very funny! You made my brush look really cool in red. I love that picture as well! Excellent work!

lover of narnia For the text effect ( flambeau taught me) you right-click the text in the layer dialog, select "alpha to selection" then in the upper toolbar, under "select" click "grow" and for avatars, use 1-2 pixels, then create a layer below the text layer and fill it in with any color you choose! (for the new layer, this may seem weird, you don't need to select anything, just fill in the other selection) Hope that helped! I love number one, and how you did that black and white thing with the text. Great idea! I also really like 3 and 4.. the coloring is stunning and the setup for #3 is wonderful. 8, 9, 10, and 13 are also great. :D

Djaq Wonderful wonderful set! The coloring and cropping and just...EVERYTHING is amazing in all of them! I love the rounded corners and the picture in #1, and the texture is used very well in #2! Very, very well-done!

page 13

Wunder (1st post) I like the blending in #1..and the coloring is interesting. The last two are really neat as well..the cropping is wicked cool and I like how the red stands out in the Edmund one! :) (2nd post) Oooh they're so beautiful! I love them both! Simply can't pick a favorite! (3rd post) I adore the first three. Interesting setup for #3...but it turned out well. The blending in #2 is awesome as well!

Maddy (1st post) Really good! Numbers 1 and 3 are my favorites.. I really like 3. The coloring and cropping is right on and everything just works perfectly in that one! (2nd post) I love numbers 1 and 2! They're both quite simple, but they came out fabulous.

lover of narnia (1st post) Whoa...huge batch! I adore number 3..the coloring is so spectacular, and the design is simple but looks wicked neat. I really really like #5..the coloring and contrast with the red is amazing. Great use of the brush, too! Number 7 is really cool, as are #s 9, 10, 12, 14, 16, 17, 21, and 22! (2nd post) Wow. Those are amazing. You have improved so much since the last forum. The colors, textures, and everything are amazing in all of them. I cannot pick favorites. (3rd post) The same thing for this post..they're all simply wonderful! I love the "slow motion" one with came out beautifully! (4th post) My goodness, you have a lot of graphics ;) 4, 5, 6, and 8 are just amazing.. I love the coloring in #8..looks amazing! Number 11 is amazing as well! I love that! :D

HM 1, 4, and 5 are my favorites. I love the coloring in #1 and number 5 is really really neat! :D I adore the text placing, coloring, textures, cropping, the rough edges...everything just works together perfectly! Excellent job!

fornarniaandaslan 1, 2, 5, 6, 7, 10, 11, and 12 are my favorites! The colors, textures and everything looks great! Excellent work!

Ladygrace Lovely work! I really like the text in #1, and the font in #2. The last one of Anna is quite striking, as well. I like the colors and how the blue stands out. Great work!

AncientEgyptianFan Wonderful Dawn Treader ones! I love the textures in #s 2, 3, and 4..and great setup in numbers 9 and 10!

*gasps for breath* Well, I don't have time to do this page right now.. It's so sunny out! I do have a few avies of my own, however.

I was in a lamppost mood, if you couldn't tell...

As always, comments and CC are always great, and credit please if you decide to use!

av/sig me
Narnia Nuts in NH Club
Aim at heaven and you will get earth thrown in. Aim at earth and you get neither. ~C.S. Lewis

Posted : October 25, 2009 8:03 am
Follower of Aslan
NarniaWeb Nut

Here are some of my own that I have been meaning to post:

None are too spectacular. I never could get the coloring right on the first few.

The *official First Follower of Aslan
Keeper of Susan's Grey Coat.

Posted : October 25, 2009 10:29 am
NarniaWeb Nut

Follower, I LOVE the Jewel avi! The purple coloring is great! :)
lilsis, i love the wintery feel of those avis! Great job! :)
AEF, nice use of textures! :D

Just 4 from me... I was trying out a new coloring technique:

Proud member of the Hawk Nelson Club!
Avi by filmowe on livejournal.

Posted : October 25, 2009 11:53 am
A Concerned Third Party Moderator Emeritus

Okay, I'm going to try to catchup on comments, but I just thought I'd let y'all know that I'm having trouble viewing images uploaded with Tinypic (only on this computer though, I can see them on the other computer. :- ), so I apologize if I miss something. :)

Oh, and I just wanted to say that I'm so pleased to see all of my text brushes being used! Thanks! :D

The comments are going to be semi-short tonight. ;))

Page #13...

LadyGrace, I really like how #4 turned out! The coloring is great (especially her eyes!)!
Lover, first post: very good! My favorites are #1, 6, 7, 11, 19, and 20! Second post: nice again! My favorites are #2, 5, 10, 13, and 15! Third post: favorites are #4, 5, 9, 11, and 12!
AEF, it's so good to see you back in here! Great avies! My favorites are 2, 3, and 8!
WunderLu, wonderful coloring and cropping on the first two! I love the background image on #2! Do you mind posting it? ;;)

Page #14...

Lover, great work again! First post: my favorites are #3 and 7! Second post: favorites are #1, 5, 7, 9, 10, and 14! Third post: favorites are #1, 8, 11 (cool cropping), and 12! Fourth post: favorites are the first one and the last one.
Djaq, love 'em! Beautiful coloring! I love the text you used as well! Great cropping!
WunderLu, first post: I love the coloring and you did a superb job changing the background! Second post: really cute picture of Lucy! I love how it turned out!
Maddy, wonderful coloring! I love the avies! Great cropping as well!
NG90, lovely work! My favorites are #1, 3, 4, 6, 9, and 11! The coloring on #9 is beautiful!
LadyGrace, the cropping and coloring are really good, but I agree that her cheeks are a bit too pink. Other than that, they look awesome!
AEF, very nice avies! My favorites are #3, 6, and 7! Great job on the animation!
hyaline, lovely avies! The coloring is simply lovely! Great text, cropping, and textures!
therinca, beautiful work! I absolutely love the coloring! My favorites are #1, 2, 5, and 6! Two thumbs up!

Page #15...

AEF, I love the cast avies! My favorites are #3-6! Cute images! As always, great job on the animations!
lilsis, oooh! Pwettyful! My favorites are #1, 2, and 3! Great coloring and designs!
Follower, I love the coloring! My favorites are #3, 7, and 8! Great cropping!
Daylight, I love the new coloring! My favorites are #2 and 4! Wonderful work!

Here's a few from me...

(I posted a tutorial for #5 yesterday, if anyone is interested.)

Anyone can use with credit. C&CC welcome.

--- flambeau

President of the Manalive Conspiracy
Founder of Team Hoodie
Icon by me

Posted : October 25, 2009 4:36 pm
NarniaWeb Nut

#5 is gorgeous flambeau!!! I love the use of textures and the tiny text on #4! :)

Heres some more avis from me:

-I love comments! :)
-Anyone can use if you credit. :)

Proud member of the Hawk Nelson Club!
Avi by filmowe on livejournal.

Posted : October 27, 2009 10:45 am
HM Swanwhite
NarniaWeb Nut

Hi, I'm back! Sorry I have to admit I've pretty much given up on comments. Suffice to say they all look amazing. I do have a couple of things to say though and will try to comment on this page.

loverofnarnia All your stuff is really amazing. You've made heaps - great blurs and use of tiny text. What's the frame/texture you used on no. 11 on your last post on page 13? Keep up the good work. BTW the tut you requested should be up soon. As in today!

Wunder Great work. That one of Susan you did a tut for is fantasmagorical. Love it. Could you please post the texture/pic used behind no. 2 in that same batch?

On this page:

Daylight Great colouring. It works really well on those pictures. Awesome job!
flambeau Great batch. I absolutely love the first two. Correction! I love them all. Could you please do a tut on no. 1? If you have time. ;)
AEF Great use of textures on those and beautiful colouring. Love them!
FollowerofAslan No. 4 is definitely my fave. Just wondering if the text is a bit distracting on some of the others.
lilsis_lucy Beautiful colouring. I love them all. The colouring and textures are perfect. The partition on the first two looks great. Awesome cropping too and text. (And you got round to comments too, which is more than I can say!)

Go Marina Erakovic!
I've met Michael Apted!!!
Av & Sig by Me. NWeb sis: ForeverFan

Posted : October 27, 2009 5:29 pm
NarniaWeb Regular

Thanks everyone for comments! I'm back for comments for this page (see, I stuck to my word! ;) )

AncientEgyptianFan Every time I see more of your work, you've improved! Wonderful work! 1, 2, 5, 6, and 8 are my favorites! :D I love the coloring of #1, and the setup of #2 is amazing! :) I still don't know how to do moving ones :- Wonderful work!

Follower of Narnia I love numbers 2 and 3...the ideas are so simple, but work really well. :-bd I also really like the font in #3!

Daylight (1st post) Great work! I like 1, 2, and 4!! The coloring fits the mood really well, too. (2nd post) 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9 are my favorites of this batch! :) I really like the "glowing" text effect in #5! I love the two different versions of cropping in #s 6 and 7. Both work perfectly! I also really like the kinda shiny look to #9. It looks really sweet!

flambeau 1, 3, and 4 are my favorites! I really like the way you did the text in looks soooo cool! ;) I also really love the coloring in #3. It looks fabulous!

Sad to say, there are none from me right now. :( Maybe later today though!

av/sig me
Narnia Nuts in NH Club
Aim at heaven and you will get earth thrown in. Aim at earth and you get neither. ~C.S. Lewis

Posted : October 28, 2009 3:32 am
A Magnet for All Kinds of Deeper Wunderment Hospitality Committee

Now to catch up on comments!

page 14

therinca: I like #7. The reds turned out really well!

page 15

AEF: Nice use of textures! I especially like the light textures in #5 and 6.

lilsis: I love the lamppost scene! It's one of my favorites to make graphics of!

Follower: I love the image you used for #6!

Daylight: 1st post: What font did you use for #1 and 4? I really like the way they look! 2nd post: I love #2 and 9! The cropping is great on #2, and I love the text on #9!

flambeau: I really like the Eustace one! The coloring turned out lovely!

Here's that texture, flambeau and HM. It is from the community endelyn on LJ from her Gaia textures.

And just a Georgie avie from me.

I hope to make more soon, but I just got a new desktop. I don't have PS CS anymore :(, so now I have to get used to using PSE 6 and GIMP. I'm hoping to at least upgrade to PSE 8 or maybe if I beg really hard to PS CS 4.


EDIT: Here's an animated Lucy one!

"The task of the modern educator is not to cut down jungles but to irrigate deserts." ~ C. S. Lewis, The Abolition of Man
Forum 1.0: 1303 posts
WC: 54

Posted : October 28, 2009 5:07 am
lover of narnia
NarniaWeb Guru

Alright I have some commenting to do folks! Because I wouldn't want to miss telling all you talented people about how beautiful your things are!!! ;)

page 14

wunderkind_Lucy: Very beautiful coloring!! Thanks for your comments!!! :D I love your one of Lucy. Vry pretty coloring!

Therinca: Those are very pretty!! I love 1 and 2's coloring! It's gorgeous ould you maybe do a tut??? Beautiful!!

page 15

AEF: Those are very nice!! 2, 3, ,5 and 6 are my favs!!! could you post the textures you used on 2?? Very nice.

Thank you also soooo much for your comments!!!

Lilsis_Lucy: (Post 1) THANK YOU FOR YOR COMMENTS!! you guys are so nice!!!! And thanks for explaining the text thing...though I don't understand still. :- I use Photo shop... Anyways!!! Beautiful avvies! Splendid nice!! 1 and 3 of yours are my favs. SOOO nice. I love 1.

Follower of Aslan: 1, 2, 3, and 7 are very nice. Could you post the thing you used under the text on 2 and 3?? Very nice. I REALLy like the one of Caspain too!!!

Daylight: (Post one) Very nice new color!! I like ,1 ,2 and 3 the best! :) (Post 2) 1, 5, 8 and 9 are my favs on this one. It's very nice!!

flambeau: Thanks so much for your comments!!!!!!! I LOVEEE the ones you did. 1 ,2 and 4 are me favs. Could you possibly do a tut on 1???? Very nice!! (I'm asking for tuts alot sorry....but your soo so good!!)

H.M. Swanwhite: Thanks so so so so much for your commnets!!! That texture is actually already post in the resoures thread by our one and only Gymfan. That's where you can get it. If your talking about the tiny text...that's flambueas. she post her tiny text packs as well. Thanks again for your comments!!

Wunderkind_Lucy: Very nice again. I really like the coloring on one. but the snow flakes on 2 that are NOT moving and are on her are a bit distracting...but it's still nice!!!

more from me. Credit to...Flambeau....Lilsis_Lucy...and Proverbial Sun @ Devaint art.

C and CC is very nice.

Loyal supporter of Caspian/Susan.
NW Family: Aunty Vi, LadyC, Rose, Chloe
Secret Order of the Swoosh.
Keeper of the Secret Magic

Posted : October 28, 2009 5:20 pm
NarniaWeb Regular

lover of narnia, so far I have succeded only with the first icon. I posted the tutorial at the tutorials section. You can view it here.

"Things never happen the same way twice, dear one."

Posted : October 29, 2009 7:46 am
NarniaWeb Nut

Thanks for the comments everyone!!

Eep, I need to catch up!

Page 14
ng90, lovely job! The coloring and cropping are perfect!! My favorites are #1, 4, 6, and 9 (especially 9!)!!
LadyGrace, good job! I like the coloring on her eyes!
lover, great batch! Good coloring! I like #6, 7, and 11 best! (second post) Nice cropping!! :) #4, 7, and 12 are my favorites! (third post) Again, a great batch!! I love #3, 7, and 16! (The blur is really cool on #7!)
AEF, nice job! I really like #3 and 6!! And, as always, the moving one is awesome!
hyaline12, neat coloring! I love how the text is placed on #2!!
Wunder, congrats on 1400 posts!! :D I love the dark and mysterious coloring!!
therinca, great job!! I love the coloring and cropping on the last three! The reds are gorgeous!!

Page 15
AEF, great job! I really like #5 and 6, as well as the second moving av! :)
lilsis, ooh pretty! I really like #1 and 2!!
Follower, lovely job! My favorites are #3, 4, 6, and 8!! Jewel is lovely!!
Daylight, gorgeous new coloring!! I love them all! What's the font? :) (second post) Again, lovely!! :D I love #1, 6, 7, 8, and 9!!
flambeau, beautiful coloring!! I especially love #1-3!! *seconds the request for a tutorial on #1* :D
Wunder, pretty coloring!! I like the snow on the moving one!! Aw, I hope you can get PSE 8 or CS4! :(
lover, great batch!! I really like the coloring on #5, 9, and 13!! My other favorites are #4 and 15!!

Some from me...

Please credit if you decide to use.
CC/comments are loved!! :D

She hoped to be wise and reasonable in time; but alas!
She must confess to herself that she was not wise yet.

Call me Maddy! | my livejournal
Proud Attolian Recruiter

Posted : October 29, 2009 9:33 am
NarniaWeb Nut

Wow. Just wow. There is no way I could even start to comment and say which ones I like. Just awesome.

I was going through screencaps of LWW and PC looking for mood pics, pictures to show different moods (happy, lonely, chipper, disappointed, etc)

First off Anna Popplewell is gorgeous, if she does have a "lazy eye" (is that what it's called?) which makes reversing a pic quite interesting, when her expression is entirely different reversed. Anyway.

I got really interesting in cropping. Just normal cropping. I thought I'd upload a few that I thought turned out nice. These are very basic bases lol

Love her eye makeup in this one

Now, someone just needs to actually do something to them lol. But it was fun cropping them :p

You know, looking at screencaps makes you aware of emotions in their faces that you don't notice when watching the movie, because it just goes too fast.

avy by narniagirl90

Posted : October 29, 2009 10:16 am
lover of narnia
NarniaWeb Guru

Therinca: Thanks!!!!! :)

Maddy: Thanks so much for your comments!!!! Make my day! Anyway,,,,your avvies are beautiful!!!! I LOVE 3...could you maybe do a tut!?? Very nice.

PrincessMia241: Those are nice cropping!!!!! Your right about the emotions. ;) If you like..I'd be happy to make some avvies from them!!!! Only if you want!. Very nice cropping again.

None from me now....maybe later.

Loyal supporter of Caspian/Susan.
NW Family: Aunty Vi, LadyC, Rose, Chloe
Secret Order of the Swoosh.
Keeper of the Secret Magic

Posted : October 29, 2009 10:25 am
Princess Anna
NarniaWeb Junkie

No time for detailed comments now, but I thought I'd say a few things.

Daylight~ I hope you don't mind, but I decided to "follow" your photobucket. Feel free to follow mine once I unveil it. (I'm almost done with my reorganisation of it)

Mia~ Wow! Nice job on the cropping! I might just use those sometime, if I get lost for ideas. Thanks!

All of you are doing a superior job and I can't wait to see what you come up with next!

As for me, here are some I made a couple weeks ago. (I think) Feel free to use them, but please credit. Comments are appreciated!



This one is a little bigger than Nweb's size. I tried to make it 100x100, but it made it look weird... so I left it how it was.


Posted : October 29, 2009 11:43 am
NarniaWeb Nut

Thanks y'all for all the comments! :D

LOVE the graphics y'all! :D I love yours Princess Anna, & yours PrincessMia241, & yours MissAdventure, & yours lover of narnia, & yours Wunderkind_Lucy, & yours Daylight, & yours flambeau, & yours Follower of Aslan, & yours lilsis_lucy, & last but not least AncientEgyptFan! :D :p

Here's some more avies from me. I made 2 different ones of Anna, I can't decide witch one I like better. C & CC are very welcome.

Avatar & sig made by me.

Posted : October 29, 2009 3:38 pm
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