Beautiful work everyone!! You guys are all great!
Sorry, but I can't really comment right now.
Here are a few from me.
Anyone can use. Comments are credit are nice, but not necessary.
When things fall apart, be glue.
Team Hoodie!!
lon: Nice coloring in #4!
Djaq: Love the coloring in #4. Do you mind posting that image? I don't think I've seen that image before.
Here's just one from me. My 800th avie! Yay!
"The task of the modern educator is not to cut down jungles but to irrigate deserts." ~ C. S. Lewis, The Abolition of Man
Forum 1.0: 1303 posts
WC: 54
Wunder- you rock! they are all so awsome and thanks for doing that tut!
lon you never cease to amaze me. you posted so many i cant chosoe fav's, but the last oen in your last post amazes me. do yo uthink yo ucould do a tue for it if you have time? thanks for answering my other questions!
Djaq- well well you too are awsome! i just love love love the way you do text! can you tell me what text you used on the three that have text pelase? your awosme!
No new ones for me. No time to make any. Hopefully soon!
Siggie to me
Avatar to me
Thanks for the comments!!
Page 13
fornarnia, I think they're great! I especially like #6, 7, 8, 10, 11, and 16!!
Wunder, neat coloring on #1! I like the whole look of it!! (not sure if that made sense ) (second post) I like the cropping! My favorites are #2, 3, and 5!
LadyGrace, ooh, #4 is really pretty! I love how her eyes look!
lover, great batch!! Nice coloring!! Favorites are #1, 7, 12, 13, 16, 17, and 20! (second post) More pretty colors! I love #4, 6, 10, 11, 12, 16 and 20! (third post) Good cropping and layouts!! I like #2, 5, 8, and 11 best!
AEF, pretty dragon's head ones!! I love the textures and colors on them!!
Page 14
lover, great job! I like how the greens look! My favorites are #2, 3, 6, and 7!
Djaq, gorgeous job! Especially on #3, I love the coloring and textures on that one! Could you do a tutorial? (I seem to be asking for tuts from you a lot recently, sorry about that! )
Wunder, wow! 800 avies? That's amazing! I love how you replaced the background! It looks lovely!!
Two from me (Thanks, Djaq!)
Please credit if you decide to use.
CC/comments are loved!!
She hoped to be wise and reasonable in time; but alas!
She must confess to herself that she was not wise yet.
Call me Maddy! | my livejournal
Proud Attolian Recruiter
wow!! I've been gone waaay too long
There's no way I can catch up with comments but I have looked through all the pages and I'm in awe right now! Everything is so lovely! Great work everyone
I'm just going to post a few of my favorites that I've made over the past few months and a couple that I just made.
<- edit: One more
credit if you use
and I always love comments
alright I'm back again!!
Djaq: Lovely avvies!! My favs are one and four. wonderful fonts and color.
Wunderkind_Lucy: Thanks!!! Your is great...nice color!! and Congrats on 8000 avveis!!!
fornarniaandaslan: Thanks so much!!! Sure I'll do a tut!! I'll try to have it up soon!!!
Maddy: Thanks for all your commnets!! I really think yours are funny!! Love them!!
Narniagirl90: 3, 4, 6, 8, 10 are all my favs. Those are sooo so good!!
LadyGrace: Very nice!! Her eyes are a bit pretty. One CC though....her cheeks are a little too pink. but there still nice!!
More from me..Thanks to Flambeau, Lilssi_Lucy and Proverbialsun @ deviant art.
Loyal supporter of Caspian/Susan.
NW Family: Aunty Vi, LadyC, Rose, Chloe
Secret Order of the Swoosh.
Keeper of the Secret Magic
Thanks for the comments!
lover of narnia: (Page 13) Wonderful graphics! I really like the LWW coronation ones! All of them are really pretty!
(Page 14) More wonderful graphics!
I especially like the "best of luck" one in your second post.
Nice job on all of them!
Wunderkind_Lucy: Nice job on the cropping! Here is the texture you asked for. I am not sure who made it
. I found it in the old texture thread a long time ago.
Djaq: My favorites are #3 and #4. I really like your textures and coloring on #3!
Wunderkind_Lucy: I like the background you used! Congratulations on your 800th avatar!
MissAdventure: Nice job! The sparkles and the backgrounds look great!
narniagirl90: My favorites are #1, #4, #6, #10. The coloring one #1 looks very nice!
LadyGrace: Nice job on the cropping and coloring!
Some from me soon...
EDIT: Here are some from me...
Thanks to eves_daughter, HM Swanwhite, and LucyP0104 for textures!
And one moving one...
AEF: Thank you for your comments!!!!! Thanks very much!!!! I like 6 and 7. Very nice!!
more from me. Textures...Proverbial sun @ deviant art...Flambeau and Lilsis_Lucy.
Loyal supporter of Caspian/Susan.
NW Family: Aunty Vi, LadyC, Rose, Chloe
Secret Order of the Swoosh.
Keeper of the Secret Magic
Just catching up on comments. . .
Maddy: Lovely coloring on both!
ng90: Favs are #4, 9, and 11. Beautiful, beautiful colorings on those!
LadyGrace: Susan's eyes turned out lovely, but I think she's got too much blush and lipstick.
lon: 1st post: Love the coloring and text on #11! 2nd post: #6, 8, 11, and 13 are my favs. Great cropping on #6. The text works well. Again, great use of text in #8. Lovely cropping and coloring as well. Do you mind posting the image you used for that one? #11 has great cropping. Brilliant idea! #13 has great cropping and coloring as well. Fabulous job!
AEF: Nice job on the animated one! The text goes really well with the animation!
None from me now. Maybe a little later.
"The task of the modern educator is not to cut down jungles but to irrigate deserts." ~ C. S. Lewis, The Abolition of Man
Forum 1.0: 1303 posts
WC: 54
just three from me today, i haven't got much time:
blah... i wish i had thought of some other text to put on #2. oh well.
as usual, anyone may use with credit!
Wunderkind_Lucy: Thanks so so so so so so so much for your comments!! it really makes my day to know you think there good!! your such a awesome Avvies maker!!! Sure...I'll post the pic. I actaully used a base from spare it is.
Thanks agian for comments!! ( By the way....thanks for your tut I used it on my previous post for two susan ones!!! Thank you!!!!)
Hyline12: Those are very pretty!!! I quite like the text on two actually and the color too!! Good job!!
more from me. Credit to..flambeau, Lilsis_Lucy, and Proverbial sun @ devaint art.
C and CC is nice. Credit is nice if you use
Loyal supporter of Caspian/Susan.
NW Family: Aunty Vi, LadyC, Rose, Chloe
Secret Order of the Swoosh.
Keeper of the Secret Magic
lon: Thanks for the link. I'm glad you like my tutorial. #6 and 16 are my favs. Lovely coloring. Nice use of text on #6. I'm not usually a big fan of Caspian avies, but that one is quite good!
Here's a single Lucy one from me.
1400th post!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yay!!!!!!!!!! *throws confetti*
"The task of the modern educator is not to cut down jungles but to irrigate deserts." ~ C. S. Lewis, The Abolition of Man
Forum 1.0: 1303 posts
WC: 54
Took me a while to catch up, but I have! All the icons look great
And I also made a couple:
"Things never happen the same way twice, dear one."
Thank you for the comments!
lover of narnia:(First Post) My favorites are #4, #6, #8, #12, #13, and #15. Very nice on all of them. (Second Post) Nice use of textures and fonts!
My favorites are #1, #3, #6, #8, and #14-16.Good job!
hyaline12: My favorites is #3. I really like the texture/font on it.
May I ask want the font on #3 is?
Wunderkind_Lucy: Nice job! And Congratulations on your 1400 post!
therinca: My favorites are #1-4! I really like how the corners are trimmed on #4.
Here are some more from me...
Thanks to eves_daughter, ForeverFan, flambeau, LucyP0104, lilsis_lucy, and Lucy Took for textures.
Two moving ones too...