@Daylight: #8 and 11 are my definite favs! I love the shiny-ness. And the text on #8 is hilarious! It fits perfectly!
@HM: 1st post: I love #5 and 6. You did an excellent job with the cropping and layout! 2nd post: I love the way #3 turned out! I'm going to have to try out that tutorial soon! Oh, and here's the light texture that you requested. I'm SO glad I remembered to save the psd!
@Maddy: Great use of textures in #5 and 6. Do you mind posting them? And I'll try to get the tutorial up soon. It has selective coloring, and I know you have GIMP, but I'm going to try to get a GIMP equivalent up for you.
@Djaq: I love #1 and 2! Lovely images and use of textures. Do you mind posting the images and textures?
@flambeau: Thanks for the tutorial. I look forward to trying it soon! Love the coloring and texture in #1!
None from me yet. I'll probably post either later today or maybe tomorrow.
"The task of the modern educator is not to cut down jungles but to irrigate deserts." ~ C. S. Lewis, The Abolition of Man
Forum 1.0: 1303 posts
WC: 54
Everything looks great! Thanks for all of the comments.
One new avvy from me...I've been doing a lot of Lucy lately:
I realize now it's a little dark...and red.
And I've decided to repost the iNarnia series:
Anyone may use, credit is nice.
Thank you all for the comments!!
@ Maddy, here's the textures that you requested:
@ H.M., here's the texture that you requested (I think):
Oh, and I think that I just used a variation of this tutorial on the one that you requested.
Well, the text on the fourth one is from my second text set, and the text on the third one will be available in my next set.
H.M., lovely work! I love the coloring and design on the first two, and the third one is simply lovely! Very cool!
LP0104, great batch! I love the coloring in the first one! Excellent cropping as well! The iNarnia series is awesome!! I love all of them!
Here's one from me...
Anyone can use with credit. C&CC welcome.
--- flambeau
President of the Manalive Conspiracy
Founder of Team Hoodie
Icon by me
I'm working on some new VDT stuff. Should be up on my website shortly.
Hyaline beautiful icons I love the choice of light textures u have used in the last 5 they work perfectly with the pictures and great cropping on the 9th 1 of susan
Miss adventure great worj love the last 2 the light texture makes it look sooo lovely and sunny :0, stunning work I love the texture on the last 1 beautiful
HMSwanwhite great ben 1 love the design using the same pic 2ce , more lovely icons I love the colouring and the last 1 of them all is beautiful, next post nicely done loving the designs 3 is my fav, more ben 1s are beautiful lovely colouring, wow u’ve been busy! Great peter 1s
Wunderkind lucy gorgeous icons the use of green is fab so bright my favs are 1,4, 5 and 10 , next lot are great love the 1st anna 1 the colouring is brill
Flambeau those are great I love the last 2 they are stunning, more great work the colouring is fab I adore 4 beautiful, wow I love the colouring of the susan and lucy 1 and the light in the corner its beautiful, great susan 1
Aurora lovely icons and colourings J
Daylight beautiful icons I love the texture u used 2 give the smoky look nicely done, 2nd post are great also , again more great icons love the not amused 21s hehe
Djaq great icons and use of textures they work perfectly my favs are 1, 7 & 8 , lovely 1st 21 of lucy ans such a cute 1 of ed & lu great colouring on the others
Lilsis lucy loving the rounded corner 1s and the edmund 1 is great love the cropping of 1 half his face the other his legs ad the last batch the colouring is lovely
Lucyp0104 lovely lucy icon and I love the inarnia 1s they are fab
Starkat great vdt icons and nice colourings 2 is an interesting design
a few from me
Sig/Av me
NW Sibs=13
Graphics LJournal
Thank you all for the lovely comments!
flam, first post: Stunning avvies!! The bright coloring is gorgeous!! My favorites are 1, 3 and 4 (I think)! Second post: Fabulous Susan one!!
Do you mind telling me what the font and textures are on no. 1?
I think the font is called "Bickham". I probably used a variety of textures on it 'cause I'm weird like that... Here's a link to some textures that I've been loving lately (mainly the "after midnight" set)! I know that I used this one, and I think that I blurred it (sometimes, to soften the look of the textures, I go to Filters>Blur>Gaussian Blur, and do that to about 25.). I may have used more, but I can't remember what ones they were.
(BTW Just wondering is the quote "True Story" in your sig from Shark Tale? We use that one all the time at home, the scene fully cracks us up!)
Haha, no, actually, it's from Bolt. My brother and I were quoting it a lot for awhile, so I decided to use it in my sig. I can't remember the scene you're talking about at the moment...
It's been awhile since I last saw Shark Tale.
WunderLu and HM, here are the images that used in 1 and 2 of my last batch.
HM, I love the first two avatars!! The coloring and textures are great! I don't particularly like the picture of Susan that you used in #3, but other than that, it looks great!
WunderLu, I think that the textures I used are in the link that I posted for HM (probably some "after midnight" ones). I'm having some trouble with the tutorial you requested, but I'll keep trying to get it right.
LP0104, great work! I love the cropping on the first one! The iNarnia series has some of my favorite avatars ever in it!! Very creative! I think that the Lucy and Caspian ones are my favorites!
starkat, great VDT avvies! I love the text on #3!
Jay, lovely work! I love the first one!! The designs on 4 and 6 are fabulous as well!
Here are some from me.
Anyone can use. Comments and credit are appreciated, but not required.
When things fall apart, be glue.
Team Hoodie!!
Thanks for the comments!! I seem to be ill fated when it comes to comments here; I had a post all typed out and was adding the icons when the Internet died. Here's try #2!
Djaq, lovely job!! It's great to see VDT work! My favorites are #1, 2, 4, and 5!! As for the textures, just checking, but are you sure you meant this one? (second post) Beautiful cropping and coloring!! My favorites are #2, 3(!), and 4!!
flambeau, beautiful work!! I love the coloring on #1 and 3!! I don't know that I can pick a favorite; they're all lovely! (second post) Thanks for posting those! Lovely job on that one! I love the coloring! The font is great too; which is it?
HM, great job! I like the coloring and layouts on #1-2! However, my favorite has to be #3! Beautiful use of flambeau's tutorial!!
Wunder, thanks so much making the tutorial in GIMP!! I look forward to trying it out! The textures you wanted are here, here, here, here, and here.
LP0104, beautiful job! I love the coloring on #1! The iNarnia series is brilliant! They all look fantastic!! (second post) Pretty coloring!! I like #2 best!
starkat, I love the quote on the last one! It's perfect!!
Jay, great job!! I like the saturated coloring on #3-4!! Those and #1 are my favorites!!
A bunch from me...
Text textures on #1 and 6 are by flambeau, the light texture on #2 is by hyaline12, and #8 uses Djaq's latest tutorial, thanks!!
Please credit if you decide to use.
CC/comments are loved!!
She hoped to be wise and reasonable in time; but alas!
She must confess to herself that she was not wise yet.
Call me Maddy! | my livejournal
Proud Attolian Recruiter
Whoa! I'd better catch up on comments!
@LP0104: 1st post: Lovely job on that Lucy one. Though it's a bit dark, the coloring is nice. 2nd post: Nice coloring on the Susan one, though again it's a bit dark.
@flambeau: I love how the blue and gold stands out!
@starkat: Yay for VDT avies!
@Jay: Love #4. The coloring is beautiful. Do you mind posting the textures you used on that one? I love coloring and layout on #6 as well!
@Djaq: Thanks for the link! I look forward to trying the textures out. My favorite would have to your 4th avie! Love the bluish coloring!
@Maddy: Love the coloring on #4-6! Also nice layout on those!
Here are some from me
"The task of the modern educator is not to cut down jungles but to irrigate deserts." ~ C. S. Lewis, The Abolition of Man
Forum 1.0: 1303 posts
WC: 54
Alright, haven't been on here since page eight. Here come the comments!
Page 8:
>Daylight~Thank you for the light texture thing! Haha I've tried it a few times, but I still need to work with it.. Great batch! My favorites are #'s 2, 3, 5, 6, 8, and 9! I also really love the effects and blending you did on number 1.. it looks cool! I like the textures in #5, it looks really neat and magical. Excellent work!
>H.M.~I love all of those!! Simply cannot pick a favorite! Great work! I adore the setup of all of them! I especially like the third one, though, I think it's really neat.
>Wunder~Lovely batch! I really like the whole "blue" theme. They're all so clear and refreshing! I really like the sharpness, it's not too high; it's just right. The cropping and everything is excellent as well!
Page 9:
>Daylight~Those are B-E-A-U-T-I-F-U-L!! My favorites are.. all of them! Haha I really like the "Edmund Pevensie is not amused" one. So funny!!! You do such a good job with the lighting and effect/lighting thing!
>H.M.~(1st post) What can I say? Another beautiful batch! 1, 5, 6, and 9 are my favorites! I love the setup in 5 and 6! Excellent work! (2nd post) I really like the setup in the two variations, the rounded one is my favorite though (I'm into the rounded corners lately
) And I love love love the Susan one! The colors and the text is amazing!
>Maddy~(1st post) 1, 4, and 5 are my favorites. I really love the over-board textures in the last one!! It looks so neat!! I love the textures you used in the second to last one as well!! (2nd post) I really like the first two! I like the setup of #2..it's very striking!
>Djaq~(1st post) I really like #s 1, 2, 4, and 5 the best! I love the picture in #2 and the texture fits perfectly! Could you give me that texture? The setup in #4 looks really neat! (2nd post) Lovely zoom effect in #2! And the last three are just gorgeous! I really like the coloring in the last two is great! The text on it is really cool as well!
>flambeau~(1st post) All of those are beautiful! The coloring and cropping is just beautiful! I really like the text setup on #3 and the actual text itself, I love that song! (2nd post) Beautiful avie! The coloring is great!
>LucyP0104~(1st post) The one of Lucy is striking! I like the coloring and everything! I've seen all those iPod ones before, but I think those are really great! Haha they look so cool!! (2nd post) Very nice, very nice! They're kinda simple, maybe try adding some text or something? They're lovely bases!
>starkat~I'm not too crazy about the first one, I dunno what it is, might be the coloring or something, but the other two are beautiful! I really like the different colors in the Lucy one, great idea! And the third one is so clear and crisp! It's very simple, but looks great!
>Jay~I really like #s 2, 4, and 6! The coloring in #2 is really neat!! What texture did you use?? I love the brightness in #4, and how you used that dot-ish affect! And the last one is lovely! What picture is that? Excellent work!
>Wunder~7, 8, 9, and 10 are my favs! I love the coloring on #8!! It's beautiful! I really like the two Susan ones as well! They're very pretty!
Here's a batch from me!
Anyone can use with credit! Comments and constructive criticism are always welcome!
av/sig me
Narnia Nuts in NH Club
Aim at heaven and you will get earth thrown in. Aim at earth and you get neither. ~C.S. Lewis
Thank you all for the comments!!
The font is great too; which is it?
It is Marcelle Script. It's available at dafont.com.
Page #9...
starkat, very nice work! My favorites are #1 and 3! I really like the text on #3!
Jay, lovely graphics! My favorites are #1, 2, and 4! Great coloring and textures!
Djaq, beautiful batch! My favorites are #... well, I quite honestly can't pick a favorite! I love them all! I adore the coloring and textures on all of them!
LP0104, excellent coloring and cropping! I love the second one!
Maddy, wonderful work! My favorites are #1, 3, 4, 6, 7, and 9! They look lovely!
WunderLu, very pretty! My favorites are #4, 6, 8, and 10! The coloring is beautiful!
Page #10...
lilsis, wonderful designs! My favorites are #1, 2, 3, and 7! Great coloring on the first three!
Here's a few from me...
Credit goes to don't_be_so_base for the bases.
Anyone can use with credit. C&CC welcome.
--- flambeau
President of the Manalive Conspiracy
Founder of Team Hoodie
Icon by me
Here's some more from me:
The first one was inspired by Wunderkind_Lucy's current icon. And I know you may be wondering why I redid those Peter ones. I got this cool font called Capture It (you can get it at dafont.com) and it had both versions of the font I've used but for some reason the one I wanted to use on it (the one above) wouldn't work. So sorry to bore you with it. The last one is from flambeau's wonderful tut.
pg. 10:
lilsis_lucy Thanks again for all your encouraging comments. That batch is absolutely amazing. I think you borrowed by black and white division thing and whether you did or not it is very effective. Could you please make a frame like that and post it in the Resources thread please? And I'm loving that text effect you PMed me about as you can see I borrowed it a bit for this batch.
flambeau Nice batch. Great colouring and textures as per normal. I love the cropping on 1 that is a very crack-up pic of Will. The text on 3 is perfect with the picture and makes it quite hilarious. And I adore the colouring on the last one and the text is perfect and fitting. Where are don't_be_so_base's bases found? Okay, so I just found out it's a livejournal thing but could you please link me to the Narnia ones as I couldn't find them?
pg. 9:
Wunder_Lu Thanks for that texture. What is a psd?
LucyP0104 I love those iPod ones! You're very clever making those. I like the new one too, though I agree it is very dark and red.
flambeau Lovely colouring. It does make me feel it's gentle! (That doesn't quite make sense but you get the point.) I'm not sure that that texture was the one it looks different. Would you mind checking again? Not to annoy you though!
starkat Nice colouring. Could you please post the pic for the first one? Like the set-up of the middle one.
Jay That is a beautiful batch Jay. The first is great - cropping, colouring, fonts, text! BTW what is that font? The font on two fits really well too and great colouring - though the colouring on them all is cool. Ha, love ya like a sister! (I trust you get that!)
Djaq Thank you for those. They're great. No. 2 is so awesome. Gorgeous colouring. The cropping on three is effective. The colouring on 6 is beautiful. Love all your use of tiny text too. I've noticed a few people using that particular one - is it one of flambeau's or ForeverFan's? Or one I don't know? The last five are my faves.
LucyP0104 The colouring on no. 1 is divine though perhaps a little dark. And the Lucy one is cute and also has nice colouring.
Maddy Awesome batch!! The layout on two is so cool! And love the colouring on it. May I ask what the font is? Love your frames, tiny text, and the colouring on them all is fantastic. Of the two bottom Ed ones I prefer the 2nd (you do do the variation thing too! ) Love the last one. Is the brush on 5 one you made? And did you get those bases from spareoom.net.
Wunder_Lu That is, if I may say so, one of the most awesome batches you've ever posted. I absolutely love it. No. 6 is definitely my fave though. The sky looks awesome and his armour and his eyes. The text on 3 is very funny and love your cropping on them all. Love the layout on no. 5 (I kinda did something similar though hadn't at the time seen that avvy). I presume 8 and 9 are from flambeau's tut and they turned out great. Also I love the colouring/textures on the last one. What are the textures? Not the red swirly one though, but the one that textures the sky. I've decided to ask you if you could please do a tut for no. 6 - it does look really cool!
See ya around!
Go Marina Erakovic!
I've met Michael Apted!!!
Av & Sig by Me. NWeb sis: ForeverFan
Thank you for all the comments! They are very much appreciated!
>Aurora~My favorites are #'s 2 and 6! I really like the idea for #4, but I think it could be a wee bit brighter. It's good though! I love the texture in #6.. the coloring in #2 is perfect!
Thanks for the comment! I was experimenting with that icon. I've never really done icons like #4 before.
But i see your point and it does look very dark!
Aurora Great set-ups, cropping and colouring. Love that cloud texture. Could you please post it?
Sure! Here it is:
this page
lilsis_lucy Lovely use of text. I really like the last icon!
flambeau Lovely colouring on Tumnus!
HM Swanwhite Love the first icon! Great colouring and love the little boxes
page 9
Daylight Lovely icons! I like #11! It's such a cute pic of Lucy!
HM Swanwhite Great icons! My fav is #1 and 2.
MissAdventure Great batch i really like the textures you've used on the last icon
Djaq #1 is beautiful! It's a lovely pic of Georgie!
flambeau Love the positioning of the text for #3 and love that song!
Great colouring!!
lilsis_lucy Those icons are funny! Great job!
starkat Lovely icons!
Jay Really like #3 - great colouring on Lucy!
MissAdventure Great batch - love the fonts you've used!
Wunder Beautiful batch! Beautiful colouring on #6, 8 and 10!
I'll try to catch up with more later!
Avatar & Signature by Me
@lilsis: Love the coloring and text on #3!
@flambeau: Beautiful coloring on #3! The text works really great with the image!
@HM: I love #1 and 6. Lovely layout in #1. Beautiful coloring as well. I also love the coloring in #6. Great cropping, too. In answer to your question, a psd is a Photoshop file that saves all the layers. As for the tutorial for #6, I lost the psd for that one, but I'll try to get a tutorial up for you if all works out. And the textures from the last avie on page 9 are from flambeau's tutorial.
"The task of the modern educator is not to cut down jungles but to irrigate deserts." ~ C. S. Lewis, The Abolition of Man
Forum 1.0: 1303 posts
WC: 54
Here's one that kind of goes with my sig.
Thanks for the textures Wunder_Lu and Aurora. Hopefully you will be able to do that tut Wunder cos I just love that avatar. I often forget to save my graphics in xcf which is the gimp equivalent to psd.
Au revoir!
Go Marina Erakovic!
I've met Michael Apted!!!
Av & Sig by Me. NWeb sis: ForeverFan