elisa94, neat work, I love the blended text pieces in #2!
Now, something from moi... a re-upload of four sets I once did on the old forum... behold some of the Seven Sins illustrated by the Narnia characters!
Coming up next - Peter and Pride, and Edmund and Envy.
Comments and credit are great!
I've seen the movie 9 times!!! (PC)
I've seen the movie 7 times!!! (VoDT) And loved it!
Proud member of the C+S club
Av & sig by me
*thinks this thread needs more attention. it's practically empty compared with the avvy and siggy threads* Oh, well.
Comments first!
elisa94, thanks for the comment! Oh, and welcome to Nweb! I loved your sets, especially the first one. I can't wait to see more stuff from you.
Beginte- That really means so much to me that you love it so! I must admit, it's one of my favourites that I've done. You made my day!
And it's always lovely to see stuff from you! I remember those sets, and can't wait to see the continuation of the series. Keep up the good work!
aravis_tarkina and lover of narnia, great job!!
Anyway, I made a new set today! This time it's from the BBC LWW...
It was nice to make a Narnia related set again. I've been making so many graphics related to my book, and from movies, that I've quite neglected Narnia. Hope you like it! Comments and credit are LOVED!
Princess Anna: i like that, great idea too.
here's one, i only use paint and photostich so it's not that good
comments and credits are loved
or have you forgotten who really defeated the White Witch,Peter~Lucy
I really like the Aslan and Lucy ones. Especially the first one of them.
narnia_lover127, thanks for the nice comment about mine! By the way, I found your set really cute! Don't worry, it takes practice. And if you ask me, you're already well on your way!
Here are my two newest sets. Just made within the last hour, as a matter of fact. If you wanna see some of my other recent(ish) stuff, let me know... and I'll post them. (I couldn't fit them all in one post, so I thought I'd show the newest/most cool.
Feel free to use them, but please credit!
Beginte, those are gorgeous! Kind of frightening, though, to see those characters... in that context... XD
EDIT: w00t!!! Narniaweb Regular!! I missed not having to wait for my posts to show up. XD
You've shown your quality, sir. The very highest. ~Samwise Gamgee
Avy by Djaq
Elsendor, congrats on becoming a Regular! Do you make any graphics? I'd be interested in seeing them, if you do!
Ok, this one was made before (as in, a couple weeks... I think) I made the two I posted the other day. The avvy isn't my best work, but... "Oh, well!". I hope you like it! Feel free to use it. But I'd like credit, please!
I have a few more, but would like comments on these three sets before I post them. Thanks for looking!
Half a moment, has it really been a week since I posted those other two sets?! Why is this thread so dead?! Poor thread...
Great Work everyone! And I agree Princess Anna people need to start posting.
Just one from me... It's not as good as I wanted it to be, but I think a lot of that has to do with color choice. I'll edit in some comments and more sets later.
Princess Anna- (most recent) I love the picture you chose to use. Nice coloring too. (1 before most recent) I really like the one with Destrier. I like how you faded the left side of the image.
"The mountains are calling and I must go, and I will work on while I can, studying incessantly." -John Muir
"Be cunning, and full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed." -Richard Adams, Watership Down
Sorry, time for comments only on this page, finals are trying to kill me! But just till May 23rd... just till May 23rd... *chants*
Princess Anna, ah, BBC Narnia... well, I'm always sooort of fond of it On your second post... wow! #1 set is just breathtaking! And on #2 I love the 'chaos' of images underlining the urgency of the situation!
narnia_lover127, lovely coloring! I adore it, along with the sharpness and superb blending on the sig!
Elsendor, thanks! That's what I was trying to do, I was trying to overload their flaws... make them bigger than they are, to bring them out. When I finally have time, I'll continue the line...
wolfloversk, neat! I love the texture use, very skillfully done!
Just a lil set from moi...
Comments and credit are great!
I've seen the movie 9 times!!! (PC)
I've seen the movie 7 times!!! (VoDT) And loved it!
Proud member of the C+S club
Av & sig by me
I love everyone's work. Beginte you are just really good with color and fonts! Everywhere I go I love your work!
I did this set a few hours ago for DamselJillPole since she asked me to do so.
She is a very hardcore Jill/Tirian shipper and I like them too not going to lie. Whoever likes them it is fine to use them, just be nice please.
And a few more avatars that can go with the signature:
I hope you enjoy them!!
Co-Founder of Jilrian Club, Jill/Tirian. PM DamselJillPole or me to join.
A proud Supporter of the Caspian/Lilliandil Romance!
I support Laura Brent!
Can I have some Eustace/Jill sets? I want Eustace/Jill romance! Please?
My book on Amazon Kindle
http://www.amazon.com/Crowded-Deep-Rive ... 572&sr=8-1
Daughter_of_Ramandu, those are very lovely! I think I like the first avatar best, it somehow goes best along with the sig to me.
eustacegirl, I'll try, though it might be a complicated task... you want book illustrations or pictures? I'm renting 'Son of Rambow' soon, so maybe I'll catch some good shots of Will Poulter there and some nice girl, I even noticed a girl who looked like Jill to me when browsing photo still of that film
I've seen the movie 9 times!!! (PC)
I've seen the movie 7 times!!! (VoDT) And loved it!
Proud member of the C+S club
Av & sig by me
Thanks for the lovely comments, everyone!
Beginte (keep wanting to call you "Ginty", for some stupid reason! ),
Thanks especially to you... I don't know if my work has been called "breathtaking" before!
Wonderful, amazing job everyone! You guys are so talented,
I just can't stand it!
Anyway, I know I said I wouldn't post more for awhile.
But, I just made two new sets and was dying to share them with you!
(for some of the older new stuff... look on my photobucket)
Enjoy! As usual, feel free to use with credit!
I have a couple
They're all sized for a different forum, but if you wanna use them, just tell me and I can downsize them for this forum.
.... so yah *blushes and runs out of thread* I hope you guys don't mind that they're so big
Beginte: I love the contrast and coloring in your set.
On the Son of Rambow pictures I know which one you're talking about and at first I thought the same thing but that's indeed a boy
Princess Anna: I love the first set. It's so pretty and the texture overlaying the taller pictures of Peter and Edmund in the sig is done nicely.
violetfirekrazed: I love your background in the first one and while it was still loading up I thought the fonts were going to be in Elvish language at first but it is pretty. I also love the way you did the sun in your second set.
Long Live King Caspian & Queen Liliandil Forever!
Jill+Tirian! Let there be Jilrian!