This wallpaper was inspired by Miss Aravis's one concerning Ed & Peter (see here:
I hope mine is different enough so that it doesn't seem a cop-off. Click this link to see it:
I've really been in a "hero" sort of mood (if you can't tell by my siggie & avatar ) The text isn't from anything special, just something I made up.
Feel free to snag! Comments & Criticism are *HEARTLY* welcomed, especially since this is the first wallie I've made with textures!
~Awel P.
real-life sis: Pepper Darcy
My Sites:
My Designer Girl | Shilah | Horatio Hornblower Wallpapers
I'll be out of my mind And you'll be out of ideas Pretty soon
So let's spend The afternoon in a cold hot air balloon
Ooh, this is lovely!
The idea is very neat (I don't think it seems too similar to MissAravis's wallpaper), and the coloring is beautiful. It has a great brightness and I like the pink-ish tint. Lovely textures as well! What font did you use for the word "hero"?
The only CC I've got is Edmund seems just a tad bit erased in some areas (like in between his shoulder and neck and the very top of his head), but that's just my opinion. Amazing work! I really love it.
Oooh, very nice wallie! I too was going to ask what font you used for "hero", but it seems LP0104 beat me to it!
That is a very very cool font. And nice textures too!
Av and Sig by Aravis Autarkeia
This is beautiful work!! love the coloring and the words! Very nice!
"We have nothing if not belief"
Yeah, LP0104, I wasn't too happy with how Ed's head looked or how he was blended in (except where Peter's back and his shoulder met! ). I'll probably fix it whenever I "revamp" it to remove "errors".
The font for "Hero" is Angelic War (available at; just search for it on the site). It's the most beautiful font ever!
Silver the Wanderer, thanks! And answered your question up above!
greenbird37, thank you very much!
BTW, I forgot to say that the words were from Peter's point of view. Sorry 'bout that, but you probably guessed!
~Awel P.
real-life sis: Pepper Darcy
My Sites:
My Designer Girl | Shilah | Horatio Hornblower Wallpapers
I'll be out of my mind And you'll be out of ideas Pretty soon
So let's spend The afternoon in a cold hot air balloon
Oh it's beautiful Awel!!! Your first wallie with textures?? Well done then! I am impressed!
Edmund's blending doesn't look strange to me, though a little "different". It just looks stylized to me. I don't personally love it, but it doesn't at all bother me.
Overall, great, great job! I really like it! And I LOVE the fonts you used! I snagged the "Hero" font already, but what's the other one above "Hero"? I absolutely totally love it!! The one beneath it I really like as well. I guess I just adore your font style. I am a Font Freak.
Sig by me | Av by Ithilwen
There is no such thing as a Painless Lesson
That is very beautiful! I love the wallpaper, the fonts and the pictures you used for Peter and Edmund!
Great job!
Long Live King Caspian & Queen Liliandil Forever!
Jill+Tirian! Let there be Jilrian!
@ Lady Courage: I had to look it up b/c I forgot what the font was called! LOL! It's called Saeculum...I'm not sure if it's on or not. You can check. I've been downloading fonts from various sites, so who knows! If you can find it on Dafont, I'd google for it.
Anyways, I'm a font freak too (and very proud of it! I'm spotting/naming off fonts all the time. Drives my family nuts!
. I have *exactly* 1001 fonts on my computer. I'm not kidding.
Yes, I have to admit this textured wallie was my first. For some reason I've always been scared of learning to use textures. I don't know, it was just another random phobia.
@ DamselJillPole, THANKS!
~Awel P.
real-life sis: Pepper Darcy
My Sites:
My Designer Girl | Shilah | Horatio Hornblower Wallpapers
I'll be out of my mind And you'll be out of ideas Pretty soon
So let's spend The afternoon in a cold hot air balloon
Thank you very much!!! I so love that font...
lol My sister and I name off fonts all the time too. I think the four of us, Pepper, you, me, and Lady Grace (my sister) would get along swell.
lol Well, you've done a great job, and I very much look forward to your next textured wallie!
Sig by me | Av by Ithilwen
There is no such thing as a Painless Lesson
WOW!!! i love it! beautiful text, it really fits them! The pics are great and blended beautifully. Love the textures, font, colors... well everything! Really fantastic job!
can i use it?
or have you forgotten who really defeated the White Witch,Peter~Lucy
Nice wp Awel Prince. Overall design and layout look good. I'm not really sure if the pairing between text and imagery is as strong as it could be. To me, the text reflects Peter's thoughts towards Edmund while the imagery seems more about the hero side of Peter and Edmund both. Either way has incredible potential conceptually, but its not completely clear in either direction right now. Maybe neither version was the concept you intended, but the text and imagery as of now aren't matching up completely for me.
Coloration works well throughout. I expecially like the matchup between that of the BG and the coloration of the text. Overall blending of imagery looks good. The blend between the Peter and Edmund images (where the two edges meet) does look a little odd though. The softness to the edges of the images is also looking good. Nice work .
Sig by Dernhelm_of_Rohan
NWsis to eves_daughter & ForeverFan
Wow it looks so cool, you did a good job, I just love it one of the best fan art that I have as of yet seen (and I'm totally honest)
always be humble and kind
Thanks all! Yes, narnia_lover127, you can use it. I'm sorry I haven't been back here to reply. I was on vacation!
Awel P.
real-life sis: Pepper Darcy
My Sites:
My Designer Girl | Shilah | Horatio Hornblower Wallpapers
I'll be out of my mind And you'll be out of ideas Pretty soon
So let's spend The afternoon in a cold hot air balloon
I love this! Seriously, you've done a great job! As others have said, some of the blending looks a tad off to me, but everything else is wonderful! The images of Ed and Pete are so nice and crisp. I love the textures you used... and the words... wow! They are perfect and my favorite part of the piece. Again, great job! I've saved this and fully intend to use it! Keep up the good work!
"Oh telescope, keep an eye on my only hope,
Lest I blink and be swept off the narrow road.
Hercules, you've got nothing to say to me,
'Cause you're not the blinding light that I need.
For He is the saving grace of the Galaxies."