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Memories of Narniaweb

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wild rose
Member Moderator Emeritus

Narniaweb is filled with them, those wonderful, happy memories, times when you did something that made everyone laugh, when you cried together, when someone told those silly jokes, or you all agreed or disagreed on that certain subject. Just pleasant times you had and the people you shared them with. Here is the place to talk about them as we celebrate our 10th anniversary. For ten years there can be so many wonderful memories, let’s all take a walk down memory lane and see how many we can come across.

One of my very pleasant memories on Narniaweb was when Windsong wrote a Narnia poem and dedicated it to me. It made me feel special and glad :) first time anyone had ever dedicated anything to me.

always be humble and kind

Topic starter Posted : November 18, 2013 8:04 am
Member Admin

I remember when we received the [incorrect] news that Nicole Kidman had been cast as the White Witch. What an uproar! :))

Posted : November 21, 2013 3:11 am
NarniaWeb Junkie

The Golden Buddah in the LWW fracas. The toilet flush debate. And truly fond memories of members that really knew how to be trolls. And the discussion of a dead animal in Ditto Town with fantasia_kitty.

The members of NarniaWeb joined myself and ramagut (my wife) in our lives. Just before finding NarniaWeb, I left a very unpleasant part of my life behind. Many people unknowingly helped us through a rough time. The list of people runs long, and some no longer visit here - people come, and people go. Can't be thankful enough over the last 10 years. Especially to those to whom have adopted us as Auntie and Uncle; even to those youngsters calling me "grandpa."

Wondering if this is posted in the wrong place. Have to watch out for them moderators. They'll come down hard on me. Some even know where I live *gasps* :p

“Safe?” said Mr. Beaver; “don’t you hear what Mrs. Beaver tells you? Who said anything about safe? ‘Course he isn’t safe. But he’s good. He’s the King, I tell you.”

Posted : November 21, 2013 4:02 am
Member Moderator Emeritus

;)) cep

I remember finding NarniaWeb at a time when my brother and I were the perpetual new kids in town. We moved around a lot during my high school and early college years, and so finding a community that was with me wherever I went was a great blessing in that time. Now some of the people I met in those early days on NarniaWeb are among my closest friends.

I also remember a big debate about the way Aslan was going to crown the Pevensies. Something about whether he was doing it in the names of the cardinal directions versus the name of the Emperor over the Sea. ;))

"All the world will be your enemy, Prince with a Thousand Enemies. And when they catch you, they will kill you. But first they must catch you..."
Inexhaustible Inspiration

6689 posts from forum 1.0

Posted : November 21, 2013 4:33 am
Member Admin

And the discussion of a dead animal in Ditto Town with fantasia_kitty.

Oh man, I have no memory of that at all. :))

Especially to those to whom have adopted us as Auntie and Uncle; even to those youngsters calling me "grandpa."

Aren't the two of you "Mom and Pops" to a couple members as well? ;)

Posted : November 21, 2013 5:12 am
Member Moderator Emeritus

Especially to those to whom have adopted us as Auntie and Uncle; even to those youngsters calling me "grandpa."

Aren't the two of you "Mom and Pops" to a couple members as well? ;)

Give him a break. He's old. He doesn't remember things like he used to. =))

We're Mumsie and Pops to some Narniawebbers! :)

Love God, love people

Posted : November 21, 2013 5:18 am
Member Admin

Aren't the two of you "Mom and Pops" to a couple members as well? ;)

Give him a break. He's old. He doesn't remember things like he used to. =))

We're Mumsie and Pops to some Narniawebbers! :)

As I know the story behind it, I figured he was purposefully trying to forget it as it made him feel even older. :)) 'Mumsie', I knew I wasn't remembering that one quite right.

I have very fond memories of the first days of Ditto Town and the original ditto story. Sadly I don't think there's any way I'll be able to conjure up all the names of the people who were involved way back then, but I'm gonna try, and some of the others will have to help me out. ;) Miss Pole and sue886 were the founders. Cymru, alora-lindea, starkat, Shieldmaiden, Earel Alquawen, Jints, Shawna, Cymru, lossenchristal, stargazer, levibarjonas, Baysingerboy (maybe?), BERNINBUSH, Alenta, Coraline, Cor!, lysander, Nennare, stardf, Halrandir, ceppault, and many, many others I know I'm forgetting.

(Alora, I saw you lurking this morning. If you come by again, you have to say 'hi' ;) )

Posted : November 21, 2013 6:01 am
daughter of the King
Princess Dot Moderator

One of my favorite Narniaweb memories actually didn't take place on Narniaweb. One of my favorite memories is meeting up with other Narniawebbers in real life to visit the Wade Center. There are so many wonderful relics there: the Wardrobe, Lewis' desk, Lewis' teacup! It was so much fun to have that experience (and squeel like fangirls :P ) with people who appreciated it as much as I did.

Narniaweb sister to Pattertwig's Pal

Posted : November 21, 2013 6:13 am
Member Moderator

Something Tirian once had me play with a very long time ago. It never got beyond this point and just ended up being a cute graphic.

Something from the Ditto Club:

The very FIRST Ditto story:

Adventures in Dittotopia
In a land called Dittotopia all was peaceful and dittoful. Madam President of Dittotopia, and her Vice-president did an excellent job of ruling the land. They lived at the center of Dittotopia in a house full of semi-precious dittos, with their kitten, aptly named Ditto-Kitty. Ditto-Kitty was a rare find; she was a talking cat that was on the President’s advisor board, along with Mr. Ditto, the Ditto Guru, and the Ditto “Absolutely!” Man, and Friend of Ditto.
One day, Madam President received word during her daily briefings of a new malady pervading the land. It was affecting all and sent the masses into a panic.
“We must find the cause of this!” cried Madam President. “Bring forth the advisors, gurus, and dittopud’s at once!”
Madam Vice-President ran through the halls and soon everyone was assembled in the Hall of Great Ditto.
“What should we do?” said the president.
“Call out the National Guard!” cried Mr. Ditto.
“Declare a National Emergency!” shouted the Ditto Guru.
“No! We must call in the Great Dittotologist,” said Ditto Kitty.
“Absolutely!” called the Ditto “Absolutely!” Man.
“Ditto!” shouted everyone
So it was settled. The Great Dittotologist received the summons form the President and arrived quickly. As soon as the Great Dittotologist entered the room, everyone began asking questions.
“What is it?”
“What’s it called?”
“Where did it come from?”
And most importantly, “Is it contagious?”
“Hold on, one at a time!” cried the Great Dittotologist. “This malady is called Dittotitus. It affects mostly older people and causes them to have an extreme hatred at those who use ditto. Symptoms exhibited include sneezing, nausea, and twitches when in close proximity to a Dittotopianite. As near as I can tell, the disease entered unawares through a Marshditto’s Wardrobe Door. We are not yet sure how contagious it is.”
“But surely we can do something!” said Madam Vice President
“Ditto!” cried all the Dittopuds.
“Absolutely!” chimed the Ditto “Absolutely!” Man.
“To a Lab for a cure!” cried Mr. Ditto.
“STOP!” yelled the president, “Let’s get a second opinion.”
Everyone gathered together and marched to the University of Dittotopia to consult with the Professor of Ditto.
“Why are you asking me? I don’t know anything about this!” said the Professor of Ditto when shown the Great Dittotologists research.
Suddenly, Friend of Ditto called “It looks more like a genetic disorder than a disease.”
Friend of Ditto had studied the genetic disorders of the people of Dittotopia years before when in college.
“You’re right,” replied the Great Dittotologist, “I must do more research. And Friend of Ditto will help me.”
“Great, how much is this going to cost the government?” said Mr. Ditto, the newly appointed Treasurer of Dittotopia.
“And I’ll stand guard to keep them safe,” added the Ditto Guru, who had just been deemed the head Ditto BodyGuard.
Three weeks later, the Great Dittotologist and Friend of Ditto came up with a cure for dittotitis. The patent from the Bureau of Dittos is still pending. Meanwhile, thousands have been cured thanks to the Great Dittotologist’s brilliance and the Friend of Ditto’s observance


          Ditto                     Ditto                        Ditto
 Ditto          Ditto       Ditto        Ditto        Ditto        Ditto
          Ditto                       Ditto                        Ditto
           Ditto                       Ditto                        Ditto
   Ditto         Ditto       Ditto        Ditto          Ditto       Ditto
           Ditto                       Ditto                        Ditto

Posted : November 21, 2013 7:12 am
Member Hospitality Committee

Joining NarniaWeb. ;) Receiving my welcome. :) April Fools Day (2 of them now).... and no words to describe how fun it has been.

Sig by the Wonderful wolfloversk

Posted : November 21, 2013 8:29 am
Member Moderator

Ah, the Ditto Story. I'd been writing stories about Erik and Abby for some time, but this was the place where I was first encouraged to share them with others.

Similarly, it was NarniaWeb that introduced me to NaNoWriMo.

One forum-specific memory is a poll someone opened in GMD about who should voice Aslan. This was about the time Gerard Butler starred in the film adaptation of The Phantom of the Opera (2004), and it happens that news of the poll was published on a Butler fan site. That poll was flooded with hundreds, perhaps even thousands, of votes for Butler and had to be shut down because it was slowing down the site (as I recall).

Driving or flying around the US to meet NarniaWebbers in person for Lion Parties and other gatherings. If someone would have told me 10 years ago that I'd be doing such a thing to meet people from the Internet, I would have been very skeptical. But those meetings have made for some wonderful memories.

But all night, Aslan and the Moon gazed upon each other with joyful and unblinking eyes.

Posted : November 21, 2013 8:38 am
Maiden of Monday Madness Moderator

One of my favorite Narniaweb memories actually didn't take place on Narniaweb.

Same here! :) In August, my pen-pal, who I became great friends with through NarniaWeb, came to my house and we got to hangout together for several hours, it was great. :D

Christ is King.

Posted : November 22, 2013 1:40 pm
NarniaWeb Junkie

NarniaWeb is where I had so many great discussions.

Debating over small details like the purple sail, and the color of caspian's hair and his beard, naming Ramandu's daughter, and whether Ed's torch should be called a torch or not. And even debating over large scenes like the redemption of Eustace, and the Dark Island.

The best April's days ever have been spent on NarniaWeb starting rumors or reading the rumors.

I even met some NarniaWebbers in real life and we went to see the Narnia Exhibition together.

Homeschoolers taking over the World!
Member of RD's club.
VP of the CWM club
Dragon fan club
I Support Scrubb!

Posted : November 22, 2013 5:00 pm
NarniaWeb Junkie

... those meetings have made for some wonderful memories.

As I know the story behind it, I figured he was purposefully trying to forget it as it made him feel even older.

I'm sorry. Did you say something here? I can't seem to read it. Wait ... I have reading glasses. I wear reading glasses? No. Where did my rabbit go?


I believe it was a raccoon, fantasia_kitty, killed out by a barn by your hubby (love that guy) previous to the move to where you live now.

Oh. Another memory. Don't shorten fantasia_kitty to f_k. It will get me reported.

“Safe?” said Mr. Beaver; “don’t you hear what Mrs. Beaver tells you? Who said anything about safe? ‘Course he isn’t safe. But he’s good. He’s the King, I tell you.”

Posted : November 23, 2013 6:59 am
Member Moderator Emeritus

I guess I've been around for seven of NarniaWeb's ten years. Yikes! My first friend was *Sal*, and ShadowoftheLion, both of whom no longer frequent NW but I keep in touch with through facebook. And through NarniaWeb I met many more members, some who I still keep in touch with---Narnia_Rocker, johobbit, and PrincessMia, and who I have met numerous times in real life.

NarniaWeb's community was definetly there during what would have been an extremely lonely adolesence for me.

Through becoming a member of the modding team here, attending mod moots or Lion Parties, I've had so many good memories attached to NarniaWeb and Lewis' works.

Even though the forum is quieter these days, it's still comforting to log in occasionaly and see there are still people enjoying the forums. :)

"Imperfection is beauty, madness is genius, and it's better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring." Marilyn Monroe

Posted : November 25, 2013 7:47 am
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