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[Closed] Video of Filming - Dragon Attack!

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NarniaWeb Newbie

Very cool, I'm glad we finally have some footage.

Posted : September 7, 2009 3:31 pm
NarniaWeb Newbie

hmm its hard to make out in the video, but it looked like they were almost trying to rock the boat at one point....

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Posted : September 7, 2009 4:40 pm
NarniaWeb Newbie

I don't know, I hope that its Eustace after hes been 'dragonfied" , otherwise I wouldn't feel as sympathetic for the old dragon if he was really trying to attack the boat. Which is what 'Jack' did in a way. Really excited about the movie 2010 seems so long away. :((

You shall meet me, dear one, but there I have another name. You must learn to know me by that name. This was the reason why you were brought to Narnia, that by knowing me here for a little, you may know me better there. VotDT Ch. 16

Posted : September 7, 2009 5:14 pm
Warrior 4 Jesus
NarniaWeb Fanatic

I'm thankful for the video, but I'm just wondering why so few people know how to properly operate a video camera. It's not necessary to wave the camera around like its giving Cloverfield a run for its money. :p
That said, I think this change should work well. Maybe people's understandings of 'battles' differ greatly. Maybe this encounter is included as a 'battle', along with the sea serpent scene ?

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Posted : September 7, 2009 5:21 pm
NarniaWeb Newbie

the camera was greatly zoomed in, which also magnifies every little movement that the user makes. But I agree: it was too shaky, and it could have been avoided.

Ónen i-Estel Edain, ú-chebin estel anim

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Posted : September 8, 2009 4:47 am
NarniaWeb Guru

Maybe people's understandings of 'battles' differ greatly. Maybe this encounter is included as a 'battle', along with the sea serpent scene ?

I must say I will be greatly releaved if that is the case, (along with a few other minor "battles").

This is a change from the books, to an extent, and I for one do like it,
this intro for Eustace the dragon is much better for the movie.

Posted : September 8, 2009 4:57 am
News Poster, Podcast Producer ... ng-report/

So it seems that Gresham himself confirmed that it is indeed DragonEustace attacking the Dawn Treader.

This doesn't explain why the crew is on board the ship instead of the island. :-?
In the book, the crew, or at least most of the crew, is on the island when Eustace is transformed. It's difficult to tell in this video, but there seems to be a fairly large crew on the ship. |

Posted : September 14, 2009 11:27 am
NarniaWeb Newbie

I'm suspecting they'll do a play on the book, where they'll either have the crew leave Eustace behind, or they might think he was killed by the dragon. If it's the former, I hope they have Edmund and/or Lucy protest against leaving their cousin behind.

She wore blue ribbons in her hair,
Old enough to know what's right,
But far too young to care.
She wore blue,
It was the color of her eyes.
Blue tears that fall down to the floor
Every time she cries.

Posted : September 14, 2009 1:52 pm
NarniaWeb Nut

They could be repairing the ship. I find that unlikely, however, since the boat seems to be undamaged. Maybe they cut out the storm.
Maybe they saw the dragon-Eustace on the island, and they all rushed onto the ship to get their weapons?
I really hope they don't decide to just leave Eustace. I can't really see them doing that, though.

Avy by ValiantArcher, sig by hyaline12. Thank you!

Posted : September 14, 2009 2:49 pm
NarniaWeb Regular

additional footage of the dragon attack: ... mment-1594

first off, i've endured shaky footages before without a problem, but that made me sea-sick! i guess it didnt help that there was an annoying prattle (sorry it had to be said).

and i couldnt figure out where Ben/ Caspian is. is he really supposed to be onboard? if so where is he? (screencap anybody?) i know what the video said, but i couldnt pick him out among the rest of the crew who all have cream/light colored shirts and a crossbow (duh)! and as GP pointed out on the front page, why is he there when he's supposed to be on the island where Edmund and Lucy should be?

anyway, my best guess is that there's gonna be a huge divergence on this part of the book. if Caspian, Edmund and Lucy are already onboard and have set sail then something must've forced them to leave the island immediately, leaving behind anybody else who isnt on board-- Eustace. it adds for dramatic tension which is the general feeling of what the dragon-attack footages convey.

having said that, what if what forced them off the island is seeing this dragon? (which of course they dont know to be Eustace). Eustace will recognize them for sure, but Caspian and crew wouldnt. dragon Eustace approaches them asking for help, they get frightened and rush aboard the ship and sets sail? thats a good enough reason to leave the island, they could even assume that Eustace was eaten by the dragon. then dragon Eustace takes after them, flies towards the sailing Dawn Treader, then Caspian and crew shoot at him trying to keep him from landing on the ship and/or causing (further?) damage. Eustace is then forced to fly back to the island dejected.

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Posted : September 14, 2009 2:57 pm
Bother Eustace
NarniaWeb Junkie

I certainly hope they haven't left poor Eustace alone on the island. He may be annoying, but that's uncalled for! ;)

I certainly couldn't pick out Caspian or Edmund or Lucy on the ship... could it be that their still on the island looking for Eustace, and those on the ship are just the crew left to man the vessel while the others are gone? Perhaps Eustace seeks their help after the others become frightened of him. That's something to consider.

Or perhaps everyone is aboard the ship, but they haven't actually set sail. Perhaps they were all returning in the longboats and in the confusion, everyone sort of assumed Eustace was with 'someone else', if you know what I mean, and they don't realize he's not their until they get to the ship. Then in flies Eustace, thinking they're trying to leave him, and everyone gets frightened and tries to kill him. I think that scenario would really increase his feelings of loneliness and rejection, thereby making his life-changing lesson even more powerful.

"Of course we've got to find him (if we can). That's the nuisance of it. It means a search party and endless trouble. Bother Eustace." ~ Caspian, The Voyage of the Dawn Treader
Sig: lover of narnia

Posted : September 14, 2009 3:56 pm
NarniaWeb Nut

I'm pretty shore that there on they do not know it is Eustace. I mean, they can't possibly be leaving him behind, that just doesn't make sense in a movie for children.

think about this: they see the dragon coming when they are on the beach, and they hurry to the boat to sail away, but then the dragon attacks them and accidentally BREAKS THE MAST, so they can't leave. Then they have to go to the Island to repair it, but the dragon is there. This could be pretty exciting, but I wonder, would this be the case, does the audience know it is Eustace or not? It would make them feel sorry for Eustace, but if they do not know, this could be good to. Eustace disappears and when they are looking for him this dragon "attacks" them. Either way, I'm really looking forward to this scene!

click the image.

Posted : September 16, 2009 12:59 am
NarniaWeb Junkie

They could be repairing the ship. I find that unlikely, however, since the boat seems to be undamaged. Maybe they cut out the storm.

That would be so sad. We would miss the scene where Eustace tries to steal a cup of water, and the days he wrote in his diary about the storm.

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Posted : September 18, 2009 3:13 pm
NarniaWeb Guru

The latest photos and description on Kerrie's blogspot page are quite interesting with regard to the Dragon attack scene:

Today scenes were with Lucy, the Minataur and some of the crew - Lucy was yelling out for Edmund, so i am guessing someone has taken him, she kept turning around and looking up so maybe some flying creature will be CGI'd in later - you can see another younger girl, not sure who she is

It could be that they've moved onto the sea-serpent scene already, but perhaps it could be the case that DragonEustace comes back to snatch Edmund for some reason? Perhaps so he can try and explain it to him in person on the island, without constantly getting shot?

Photos below you can see Lucy shouting out for Edmund while crew members fire their crossbows. I'd also recommend checking out the rest of her blog photos, if you havent already. ... riday.html

Also note the mention of the mystery 8-9 year old girl again. You can just about see her in the final photo (being held back by a ship crew member in blue - possibly Rhince?) That though is discussion for the other topic....

Topic starter Posted : September 19, 2009 12:55 am
NarniaWeb Nut

I'm not really liking the way these dragon Eustace scenes are developing. It seems like they're making too big of a deal out of this. Granted, Eustace being dragonfied is probably most fans favorite part of VDT, but in the book the crew figure out relatively quickly that the dragon is Eustace; there isn't all this hullabaloo. And snatching Edmund off the deck of the ship? I can't see Eustace doing that, especially after being hit with an arrow when approaching the ship last time.

Guess I'll just have to hope what we're seeing isn't really what it looks like and/or is reported to be.

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Posted : September 19, 2009 4:33 am
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