If the new movie is a musical I would hope it would be old fashioned like the book. Having rock’n’roll music in The Magician’s Nephew seems like an anachronism. I would hope that the Victorian time period would be followed closely in the parts of the story set in our world. The people could look like they came out of a Dickens novel, but in Charn everything would look more ancient. It is especially important to get the time periods right in a move made from an old fashioned book.
@Narnian78: Having rock’n’roll music in The Magician’s Nephew seems like an anachronism.
Of course, when the sort of music of the times in The Magician's Nephew, was what is still called classical. Such as The Blue Danube, or other music by Strauss. What about Eric Coates' music describing London, itself, like Covent Garden, or Knightsbridge, composed for his London Suite (1932), or maybe London Again (1936)? Though considerably more modern than 1900, it would at least strike the right tone in the right place. Though Sir Thomas Beecham who helped found the London Philharmonic Orchestra might be a better choice.
Rock'n'roll, was/is a Baby Boomer thing, right up to 1964, when the Beatles became so popular, & is definitely anachronistic, when Swing was the order of the day, in post WW2 Britain, & when Glen Miller's In the Mood was all the rage.
I am not very familiar with the music of the 1930’s, but I think it might work better for The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe than The Magician’s Nephew. Both the songs of the 1930’s and ‘40s were listening music during the Blitz, which opens the wardrobe story. But of course it would only work for the earth portion of the story. The World War II music was at least twenty or more years before rock’n’roll. So it’s better to keep rock music out of Narnia. It doesn’t belong in fairy tales anyway.
I really, really, really do think Amy Pascal's infamous "all about rock and roll" comment was not meant to be taken literally, so I very much doubt there is any danger of such a blatant anachronism cropping up in the soundtrack of either MN or any future Netflix Narnia productions...
"Now you are a lioness," said Aslan. "And now all Narnia will be renewed."
(Prince Caspian)