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Lady Galadriel
NarniaWeb Junkie

Cocky? How on earth is Reep too cocky? :-

Posted : January 2, 2010 4:17 pm
The Wandering, Wild & Welcoming Winged Wolf Hospitality Committee

I agree with Lady Gadriel, from what I got out of the book, Reep, did have quite a cocky side, until Aslan gave him back his tail. He was much less cocky in VDT, but I believe it is because he learned not to be so cocky when he lost his tail.

"The mountains are calling and I must go, and I will work on while I can, studying incessantly." -John Muir
"Be cunning, and full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed." -Richard Adams, Watership Down

Posted : January 2, 2010 4:28 pm
NarniaWeb Regular

I think PC was the best out of both movies. Oh don't get me wrong, LWW was a fantastic start to the series and I didn't have very many problems with it at all, but I just think that PC was better. However, here are my thoughts on many things in the movie that other fans disagree with:

Susan/Caspian romance: I actually kinda liked this, it was only natural and this film is more grown up and more mature than LWW, it was done very nicely and I actually think that this wasn't a terrible idea.

Peter's Character: Again, I thought this was a good idea. I always imagined that all the kids would take the transition from Narnia to England rather hard, so I don't have anything against this - it shows that the filmakers have brains and that they want to use them, because C.S. Lewis left alot about the character's descriptions to the imagination, so people can't exactly go saying "That's totally unlike the book!" Think about what little the filmakers had to work with, then reconsider. Also, Doug Gresham was on set, so if he hadn't been happy about something, he would have told the crew and they probably would have worked out something better.

Susan Fighting: Again, good idea, just maybe not fully set on this one. This is what Anna Popplewell said in an interview about it; "Well, Queen Susan is Queen Susan the Gentle, but that doesn't mean that she can't be strong". Not a bad idea, but the way that it was executed wasn't that fantastic, especially the scene with Susan, Lucy and Caspian during the Single Combat.

The only beef that I have, is; they kept on giving Edmund's lines to the other characters! Like the line "That the trouble with girls, they never carry maps in their heads". I was kinda disappointed that 80% of his lines from the book were given to the other characters. Also, Edmund and Lucy both got far less screen time that I would have liked. They are both my favourite characters, but I wish that they were given more time on screen. I do hope that they don't stuff up their characters in VoDT, after all, it's his and Lucy's last appearance until HHB - if that film ever gets made.

Overall, I think that PC was better than LWW, not by far, but it was better.

I will reject your reality and substitute it with my own, because eternity is an awfully long time to be wrong.
Proud supporter of The Chronicles of Narnia the Voyage of the Dawn Treader, and all that is in it!


Posted : January 2, 2010 9:33 pm
Fair Faun
NarniaWeb Regular

Cocky? How on earth is Reep too cocky? :-

I felt he was cocky or, perhaps, arrogant is a better description, in the film compared with the book where he is shown as valiant. I think the makers of the film tried to show Reep as valiant and brave but it just came over as cockiness.
No, Reep is not cocky at all but I felt the film portrayed him as such.
As wolfloversk points out, once Aslan restores his tail he shows some humility.

Make your choice adventurous stranger.
Strike the bell and bide the danger.
Or wonder 'till it drives you mad
what would have happened if you had.

Posted : January 3, 2010 12:37 am
NarniaWeb Guru

Susan/Caspian romance: I actually kinda liked this, it was only natural and this film is more grown up and more mature than LWW, it was done very nicely and I actually think that this wasn't a terrible idea.

How is it only natural? I don't know about you, but I don't believe that teenagers are utter slaves to their hormones. Putting a girl and a guy in the same room together isn't going to cause them to spontaneously fall in like with each other. And what on Earth was grown up and mature about it? The whole Susaspian crush was badly handled and badly-written and utterly shallow. Their dialogue was unbelievably cheesy and their "romance" consists of a couple of scenes of them ogling each other before the kiss. Call me old-fashioned, but I don't consider two people drooling over each other to be romance.

Posted : January 3, 2010 2:32 pm
Lady Galadriel
NarniaWeb Junkie

Well, they weren't exactly drooling over each other.... ;;) =)) In fact, it seemed to me more like Caspian was following after Susan, at least in the beginning. Anyways, I think The Kiss was out of the blue, considering that it was just staring at each other before that.

I believe it was the director who said something to the effect of (I don't remember his actual words) it maybe being expected that considering their ages, something could certainly be going on between them. I can even understand the movie-makers' trying to show how Susan was growing up. Although I think that since she was already grown-up once before and had prior experiences with romance, she should have been a little past the teenage crush thing. I have a few problems with the idea of love at first sight. /:)

Posted : January 3, 2010 3:25 pm
NarniaWeb Nut

Overall, I liked the movie. Considering how the book is written, I can see how it would be a difficult adaption to make. The first half of the book is Trumpkin telling the Pevensies Caspian's entire life story, so I can see why they had to take a nondirect approach to translating it to film. The way they executed it I thought was well done all things considered since it would be understood by the audience that Trumpkin fills in the Pevensies with what is going on after they rescue him from the Telmarines because of the questions they ask Trumpkin before the scene cuts.

The castle raid scene I thought worked well. I remember from the last time I read the book that even though it's not done, Reepicheep says that they should storm the castle.

The whole Susian/Caspian thing I was kind of indifferent about, I don't really have any strong feelings about it either way. I can take it or leave it to be completely honest.

I thought what they did with Peter to show what he was going through worked pretty well. I always thought Peter would have the hardest time out of all four transitioning back to his life in England since as High King he would have had the most responsibility and going back to being a teenager without much say in anything would have been very difficult after being a king and being respected and trusted with so much. His arrogance and problems resulting from it are neccisary for him to learn the lesson Aslan needed him to learn before he could return to England. It allows him to mature and grow.

Not to say that the transition wasn't hard for the other three as well, but their ways of dealing would differ from Peter's. Susan says to Lucy that she had finally gotten used to the idea of being back in England, indicating that it had been a rough transition for her as well, but she had kept her struggle more internal. But men and women deal with things in different ways, hence why Peter's struggle was so vastly different from his siblings.

"Into an allegory a man can put only what he already knows; in a myth he puts what he does not yet know and could not come by in any other way."
~C.S. Lewis

Posted : January 4, 2010 4:09 am
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