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NarniaWeb Regular

From LLW (only a few):

"FOR NARNIA!" I wouldn't have disliked it at all if they didn't over use it in the following films.

The "sweeties" line from Jadis. It's not the line itself, it's actually brilliant to illustrate what Edmund has done, but it's just the choice of the word "sweeties". It isn't something that I think would come out of Jadis's mouth. I though of it as more weird than altogether bad.

From PC:

"Deed you keel my fadder?"

"...Galma pledges its troops... Tashbaan pledges its troops... Ettinsmoor pledges its troops." Don't get me wrong, Miraz's coronation might be my favorite part of the film. But it's these technical errors that get on my nerves. These are countries or cities in different countries. With the Telmarine's accents, I can imagine that they say something like "Galva" and "Dahbahn", but Ettinsmoor is undeniably Ettinsmoor.

Any lines uttered between Susan and Caspian in the conculsion. I do not remember what they were, because I have since skipped that scene upon re-watching the film.

VDT: Just about anything written in the script that wasn't in the book. Though some of Eustace's new lines I appreciated (I strangely liked his line about impaling cousins. Yes, I'm as nutty as peanut butter).

Posted : April 21, 2015 9:34 pm
NarniaWeb Regular

Mr. Beaver says, “Your brother’s got you well looked after,” when a clueless Peter realizes his little sister had to scramble out of a freezing, raging river all on her own. /:)
“You know that doesn’t really rhyme.” And any and all other lines they give to Susan in each film. 8-|

Grammatical garden or the Arbour of Accidence pleasantly open'd to Tender Wits by Puverulentus Siccus

Posted : March 3, 2016 5:30 pm
NarniaWeb Nut

From LLW (only a few):

Which movie is that? The Lion, the Lich and the wardrobe :P ?

(Sorry, I couldn't resist.)

Posted : March 4, 2016 3:54 am
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